Reputation: 13259
So in Spray, after doing the basic example, I wanted to extend it to do more things. This is my route:
val API_ROUTING_TREE: Route = pathPrefix("api") {
pathPrefix("content") {
pathPrefix("rendered" / Segment) {
pageName => {
/*Matches /block/{template}/{blockName}*/
pathPrefix("block" / Segment) {
templateName => {
path(Segment) {
blockName => (get | post) {
??????????WHAT DOES GO HERE???????????????
} ~
path("structured") {
failWith(new RuntimeException("Not Implemented"))
of course this doesn't compile because of the missing part. What I'd like is to just forward the request (or possibly the request encapsulated with the parameters already extracted) to another actor like myActor ! request... That doesn't work. I can't find examples for this or they really don't fit.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2548
Reputation: 2360
A minimal working example can be the following:
First you define your actor:
class MiningActor extends Actor {
private val timeRemaining = 10
override def receive = {
case RemainingMiningTime => sender ! timeRemaining
object RemainingMiningTime
Then, you can link it to your favourite Spray route
lazy val miningRoute = {
get {
path("mining" / "remaining") {
complete {
(miningActor ? RemainingMiningTime).mapTo[Int]
.map(s => s"Your amber will be mined in $s")
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1351
You could refer to this wonderful example and look at the code - Akka and Spray You will find that the example shows how you could delegate processing from a route to another actor. If you follow it you should be able to solve the compilation problem that you seem to face with using "?" like I did...
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 619
When the supervisor player is invoked, for example:
TemplateActors.templateSupervisor ! new TemplateMessage("***POST***", 1)
The following code is executed(belongs to the same class):
import{ Actor, Props, ActorLogging }
* Actor TemplateSupervisor
class TemplateSupervisor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import scala.concurrent.duration._
Creating the new Actors
val templateActor = context.actorOf( Props[ TemplateActor ], "TemplateActor" ))
val templateActor2 = context.actorOf( Props[ TemplateActorJuan ], "juan_carlos_actor" )
Query path from Actor templateActor
// "path templateActor2: " + templateActor2.path )
// "path templateActor: " + templateActor.path
We sent the message to Actor:
// sent message
def receive = {
// Forward message to templateActor
case message: TemplateMessage => templateActor forward message
override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy( ) {
case exception: Exception =>
exception.printStackTrace( )
log.error( exception, exception.getMessage( ) )
* TemplateActor
class TemplateActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import akka.pattern._
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext}
implicit val _: ExecutionContext = context.dispatcher
val actor = context.actorSelection("//ms-service-executor/user/TemplateSupervisor/juan_carlos_actor")
def receive = {
case message: TemplateMessage =>"************Realizando PING from TemplateActor")
actor ! new PING( "PING" )
case message: PONG =>"************PONG make in TemplateActor")
* TemplateActorJuan
class TemplateActorJuan extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import akka.pattern._
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext}
implicit val _: ExecutionContext = context.dispatcher
val actor = context.actorSelection("//ms-service-executor/user/TemplateSupervisor/TemplateActor")
def receive = {
case message: PING =>"************make PONG from TemplateActorJuan")
actor ! new PONG( "PONG" )
case class PING( val id: String )
case class PONG( val id: String )
TemplateActors Class
import{ Props, ActorSystem }
import TemplateSupervisor
* Method override for the unique ActorSystem instance
trait Core {
implicit def system: ActorSystem
* Definition of the ActorSystem and the ExecutionContext
trait BootedCore extends Core {
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
implicit lazy val system = ActorSystem( "ms-service-executor" )
implicit lazy val ex: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
sys.addShutdownHook( system.shutdown( ) )
* Template project actors instantiation
trait CoreActors { this: Core =>
* Creacion del actor "TemplateSupervisor"
* Props: configuracion del actor
* system: unico actor existente
val templateSupervisor = system.actorOf( Props[ TemplateSupervisor ], "TemplateSupervisor" )
* Template actor references
object TemplateActors extends BootedCore with CoreActors
Upvotes: 0