Reputation: 2502
I am trying to do this in a batch script, which should be simple, but after spending a couple of hours on it I am no closer to a solution.
If the CMD parameter contains a series of letters, I want to surround each letter with single quotes and separate by commas. For example, if the user enter this:
I want to create a string that looks like this:
The same as if they had entered this in the CMD line:
MYTEST.CMD "'A','B','C','D','E','F'"
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Views: 72
Reputation: 67216
The Batch file below use an interesting trick I borrowed from this post that convert the Ascii (1-byte) characters into Unicode 2-bytes characters via cmd /U
(inserting a zero-byte between characters), and then split the zero-bytes in individual lines via find
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "output="
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('cmd /D /U /C echo %~1^| find /V ""') do (
set "output=!output!,'%%a'"
set output="%output:~1%"
echo %output%
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 354586
Fairly easy, actually:
@echo off
set "LETTERS=%~1"
if not defined LETTERS goto usage
if defined OUTPUT set "OUTPUT=%OUTPUT%,"
if defined LETTERS goto loop
goto :eof
echo Please pass a few letters as argument, e.g.
echo. %~0 ABC
goto :eof
Let's dissect it a little:
in the proper format (with a comma before if OUTPUT
is not empty) and removes that letter from LETTERS
is empty, we exit the loop and print the result.And just for the fun of it, the same as a PowerShell function:
function Get-LetterList([string]$Letters) {
([char[]]$Letters | ForEach-Object { "'$_'" }) -join ','
Upvotes: 3