Reputation: 146
I cloned a project from github. It is yesnault / Play20StartApp.
I downloaded the 2.1.1 version and imported it into eclipse.
I can successfully run the app but eclipse keeps telling me that there are some syntax errors in my login.scala.html and wflash.scala.html.
The login.scala.html is as below.
@(loginForm: Form[Application.Login])
@import helper._
@implicitFieldConstructor = @{ FieldConstructor(twitterBootstrapInput.render) }
@form(routes.Application.authenticate(), 'class -> "form-vertical") {
@if(loginForm.hasGlobalErrors) {
<p class="error">
<span class="label important">@loginForm.globalError.message</span> </p>}
//value message is not a member of Option[]
'placeholder -> Messages("email"),
'_label -> null,
'_help -> Messages("")
'_label -> null,
'placeholder -> Messages("password"),
'_help -> Messages("signin.your.password")
<div class="form-actions">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="@Messages("signin.signin")">
<small><a href="@controllers.account.routes.Reset.ask">@Messages("forgot.password")</a></small>
Here is the wflash.scala.html.
@import helper._
@import helper.twitterBootstrap._
not found: value flash {
case (key, value) => {
<p class="">
<span class="badge badge-@key">@value</span>
After I change @loginForm.globalError.message to @loginForm.globalError.get.message in login.scala.html, the syntax error in it will disappear.
Also, if I change wflash.scala.html to this, there will be no syntax error in it.
@(implicit flash: Flash)
@import helper._
@import helper.twitterBootstrap._ {
case (key, value) => {
<p class="">
<span class="badge badge-@key">@value</span>
The problem is the app cannot run successfully after I changed them.
The web page in localhost:9000 says "not found: type Flash" and "value get is not a member of".
Who can tell me the solution? Thanks!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 322
Reputation: 2199
After the checkout you shoud cd to your app folder and run play eclipse
to let play create valid eclipse project for you.
Upvotes: 1