Reputation: 988
I wanted to get a much faster random forest classifier than the one from Weka, I first tried the C++ Shark implementation (results: few speed improvement, drop in correctly classifed instances) and then tested Python Scikit-learn. I read on many websites and papers that Weka performs badly compared to Scikit, WiseRF...
After my first try with a forest of 100 trees:
Training time: Weka ~ 170s VS Scikit ~ 31s
Prediction results on the same test set: Weka ~ 90% correctly classified VS Scikit score ~ 45% !!!
=> Scikit RF runs fast but classify very badly on this first try.
I tuned the parameters of Scikit RandomForestClassifier and managed to get a score close to 70% but the speed of scikit dropped nearly down to Weka performance (bootstrap=False, min_samples_leaf=3, min_samples_split=1, criterion='entropy', max_features=40, max_depth=6). I do have many missing values and scikit does not handle them out of the box so I tried many different strategies (all strategies of Imputer, skip instances with missing values, replace with 0 or extreme values) and reached 75%.
So at this stage Scikit RandomForestClassifier performs at 75% (compared to 90% with weka) and build the model in 78s (using 6 cores vs 170s with only 1 core with Weka). I am very surprised with those results. I tested ExtraTrees which performs very well in terms of speed but still reach an average of 75% correct classification.
Do you have any idea what I am missing ?
My data: ~100 features, ~100 000 instances, missing values, classification prediction (price forecast).
Upvotes: 4
Views: 4031
Reputation: 1961
I also had a huge performance difference from the Weka and Scikit-learn Random Forest implementations with the same data and the same configuration(?). After trying all possible solutions, I noticed that it was actually pretty straightforward. Weka shuffles the data in default but Scikit-learn does not. Even after setting Weka's configuration option: use the data as ordered, it is still the same. So, here is how I handled it. Use the random_state=1 (it is the default in Weka), shuffle=True in Scikit-learn for cross-validator, bootstrap=True in classifier. It produces quite the similar results with Weka. E.g.
classifier = ensemble.RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=300, max_depth=30, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=1, random_state=1, bootstrap=True, criterion='entropy', n_jobs=-1)
cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=num_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=1)
grid_search = GridSearchCV(classifier, param_grid=param_grid, cv=cv)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 40169
Wrapping up the discussion in the comments to make StackOverflow mark this question as answered:
Apparently OP was able to reach comparable of accuracy by dropping samples with missing values and grid searching optimal hyper-parameter values with GridSearchCV
One-hot-encoding categorical features was apparently not impacting the outcome much in this case.
Upvotes: 3