Reputation: 11295
How can I override the favicon of Spring Boot?
NOTE: Here is my another question that provides another solution which does not involve any coding: Spring Boot: Is it possible to use external files in arbitrary directories with a fat jar? It's for, but it can also be applied to the favicon. In fact, I'm using that method for favicon overriding now.
If I implement a class that has @EnableWebMvc, WebMvcAutoConfiguration class of Spring Boot does not load, and I can serve my own favicon by placing it to the root directory of the static contents.
Otherwise, WebMvcAutoConfiguration registers faviconRequestHandler bean, (see source and it serve the 'green leaf' icon which is placed in the Spring Boot's main resource directory.
How can I override it without implementing a class that has @EnableWebMvc myself, thus disabling whole default configuration functionality of WebMvcAutoConfiguration class of Spring Boot?
Also, since I want the icon file be updated as soon as possible on the client (web browser) side, I want to set the cache period of the favicon file to 0. (like the following code, which I'm using for my 'static' webapp content and script files which must be updated on the client side as soon as possible after I change the file.)
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry)
So, just to find the place to save the favicon.ico file that Spring Boot's faviconRequestHandler honors may not be sufficient.
Now I know that I can override the default one by placing a favicon file to src/main/resources directory. But the cache period problem still remains.
Also, it is preferable to place the favicon file to the directory that static web files are placed, rather than the resource directory.
Ok, I managed to override the default one. What I did is as follows:
public class WebMvcConfiguration
public WebMvcConfigurerAdapter faviconWebMvcConfiguration()
return new FaviconWebMvcConfiguration();
public class FaviconWebMvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry)
Basically, I overrode the default one by adding a resource handler with the highest order by calling registry.setOrder(Integer.MIN_VALUE).
Since the default one in Spring Boot has the order value (Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1), (see FaviconConfiguration class in my handler wins.
Is this Ok? Is there another way (something gentler than what I did)?
It's not Ok.
When I call registry.setOrder(Integer.MIN_VALUE)
, actually I raise the priority of all resource handlers. So, when I add following code to another WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
, effectively all http request is directed to that resource handler, preventing any dynamic handling by Java code.
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry)
Another solution is needed.
For now, I could not find the way to override the favicon functionality Spring Boot provides.
Maybe there is a way to add add my own HandlerMapping
bean, but I don't know how to do it.
Now I can choose one of following options:
thus disabling Spring Boot WebMvcAutoConfiguration
class. (I can copy the code of WebMvcAutoConfiguration
class and delete the favicon functionality)But neither option is satisfactory.
I just want to place the favicon file with my static web files (which can be any directory since I can change the document root) and resolve the caching problem.
Am I missing something?
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
BTW, the reason I want to change the location of favicon and other static files is as follows. For now it is mainly the development environment issue.
I'm building a single page web application(SPA).
Main directory structure:
What I want is:
subdirectory (actually build\libs
) and the server application in bin
directory.Regarding cache issue:
Without setCachePeriod(0) on addResourceHandlers(), Google Chrome caches the file indefinitely, without asking the server for updates. It does not even connect to the server. (Google engineers say that the behavior is correct.) So, all I can do is to manually clear the browser cache. It is frustrating on development environment, and unacceptable on production environment.
BTW, express.js module on Node.js gives reasonable default HTTP header so that Google Chrome ask the server for updates. When I reviewed the HTTP headers that Spring and express.js produces using Fiddler, they were different.
Any suggestion for improving my environment would be appreciated.
Since I'm a Spring beginner, I may be missing something.
Finally I have a working code. It is as follows:
public static class FaviconConfiguration
public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping myFaviconHandlerMapping()
SimpleUrlHandlerMapping mapping = new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping();
return mapping;
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
protected ResourceHttpRequestHandler myFaviconRequestHandler()
ResourceHttpRequestHandler requestHandler =
new ResourceHttpRequestHandler();
.<Resource> asList(applicationContext.getResource("/")));
return requestHandler;
Notice the bean names. I have added 'my' to avoid name clash.
Autowiring application context itself seems awkward, but it was neccessary for mimicking the code in org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.ResourceHandlerRegistration.addResourceLocations()
Now I have a favicon handler free of caching problem, and I can place the favicon file anywhere I want.
Upvotes: 86
Views: 70071
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I'm using Spring Boot version 2.5.2. In my case, I just needed a jpg/png file for favicon, not a favicon.ico file.
Put your favicon.jpg/favicon.png file in the resources folder in your classpath -
or in the static folder in the resources folder in your classpath - src/main/resources/static/favicon.png
In each of your HTML pages in templates folder in the resources folder, put -
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="../favicon.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="../static/favicon.png">
inside the head tag respectively .
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 13
I tried a lot of options/variants, but only this worked. (Spring Boot 2.2.7)
Favicon.ico files & robots.txt put in /resources/static
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public class MvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
If it helps, please like it ;)
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Reputation: 2782
Since Spring Boot 1.2.2 and 1.1.11 you can easily disable default favicon using spring.mvc.favicon.enabled = false
For more informations visit:
UPDATE: there is no longer spring.mvc.favicon.enabled
property since Spring Boot 2.2.x
Upvotes: 14
Reputation: 58144
You can just put your own favicon.ico in the root of the classpath or in any of the static resource locations (e.g. classpath:/static
). You can also disable favicon resolution completely with a single flag spring.mvc.favicon.enabled=false
Or to take complete control you can add a HandlerMapping (just copy the one from Boot and give it a higher priority), e.g.
public static class FaviconConfiguration {
public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping faviconHandlerMapping() {
SimpleUrlHandlerMapping mapping = new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping();
return mapping;
protected ResourceHttpRequestHandler faviconRequestHandler() {
ResourceHttpRequestHandler requestHandler = new ResourceHttpRequestHandler();
.<Resource> asList(new ClassPathResource("/")));
return requestHandler;
Upvotes: 55
Reputation: 472
None of this was necessary for me.
Why override the default when you can bundle a resource with the generated JAR that will take higher precedence than the default one.
To achieve a custom favicon.ico
file, I created a src/main/resources
directory for my application and then copied the favicon.ico
file into there. The files in this resources directory are moved to the root of the compiled JAR and therefore your custom favicon.ico
is found before the Spring provided one.
Doing the above achieved the same effect as your updated solution above.
Note that since v1.2.0 you can also put the file in src/main/resources/static
Upvotes: 75
Reputation: 181
robots.txt, favicon.ico file location : /src/main/resources
i used spring boot 1.2.1
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 58144
Newer versions of Boot (1.2 for sure but maybe also 1.1.8) allow you to just put a favicon.ico in your static resources.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 8009
I really like Springboot because overall it is full of smart solutions but I refuse to register an application bean to provide a favicon because that is just plain stupid.
I just added my own favicon link in my html page head like so.
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/fav.png">
Then I renamed my favicon and placed it at
Now I have an icon in Chrome and Firefox browser tabs and the Safari address bar without having to use Spring and Java, and I should not have to chase changes to Springboot in newer versions for such trivial functionality.
Upvotes: 30