Reputation: 4602
I am using Cucumber for BDD development in my Ruby on Rails project and I'm running into some confusion on how the path.rb handles paths used in rails applications.
Given I have:
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :children
class Child < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent
and I have the following Cucumber feature:
Scenario: A test feature
Given I am on the parent page
When I follow "Link to Children"
Then I should be on the children list page
with the path defined as:
def path_to(page_name)
case page_name
when /the children list page/
The problem I come across is the following error when running the feature:
Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError: expected: "/parents/:id/children",
got: "/parents/1726/children" (using ==)
I don't really care what the :id is. What should I do instead? Is this even possible with the default web steps? Am I thinking about the problem in the wrong way?
Upvotes: 11
Views: 4851
Reputation: 10338
In our app, we always wanted a new record in the database whenever a user clicked the "new" button. Thus, our controller's new action automatically calls create and then redirects to the edit action.
We faced a similar problem in testing, when we didn't care so much about what the ID was -- just that it got to the edit page for the app.
Here's what I came up with.
(NOTE: The step definition is written using capybara, but it shouldn't be too different from webrat)
Then /^(?:|I )should now be editing the (.*)$/ do |model|
id = find_by_id("#{model}_id").value
Then "I should be on the edit #{model} page for \"#{id}\""
The basic premise is that when you're on a Rails edit page, there will be a form for the model you're editing. That form always contains a hidden field with the ID of the specific record you're editing.
The step finds the hidden field, extracts the ID from it, and then looks for a web_step to resolve the path for that model.
Just make sure you have a path that matches for the model you're looking up.
when /the edit person page for "([^\"]*)"/
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 28312
The way I do it, which may not be the best way is as follows:
when /the children list page for "(.+)"/
p = Parent.find_by_name($1)
Upvotes: 18