Reputation: 35
I would like to convert a video file using rgb2gray on the videoframes, thing is i'm not completely sure how.
I have got this script file, playing the video file using a slider:
function frametracking()
%# read all frames at once
filename = uigetfile('*.avi');
vid = VideoReader(filename);
numImgs = get(vid, 'NumberOfFrames');
frames = read(vid);
% Make the UI
mx = numImgs-1;
hFig = figure('Menubar','none');
uicontrol('Style','slider', 'Parent',hFig, ...
'Callback',@slider_callback, ...
'Units','pixels', 'Position',[150 0 260 20], ...
'Value',1, 'Min',1, 'Max',mx, 'SliderStep',[1 10]./mx);
pB1 = uicontrol(hFig, 'Position',[150 20 130 20], ...
'Units','pixels', ...
'String','Select file', ...
pB2 = uicontrol(hFig, 'Position',[280 20 130 20], ...
'Units','pixels', ...
'String','Calibrate', ...
eT1 = uicontrol(hFig, 'Style','edit',...
'Position',[490 400 60 20],...
eT2 = uicontrol(hFig, 'Style','edit',...
'Position',[490 370 60 20],...
eT3 = uicontrol(hFig, 'Style','edit',...
'Position',[490 370 60 20],...
hAx = axes('Parent',hFig,'units','pixels',...
'Position',[80 80 400 400]);
grayframe = rgb2gray(frames(:,:,:,1));
hMainImg = imshow(grayframe(:,:,:,1), 'Parent',hAx);
%# callback functions
function slider_callback(src,~)
val = round(get(src,'Value')); %# starting index
%# update the thumbnails
for ii = 1 : numel(hMainImg)
set(hMainImg(ii), 'CData',frames(:,:,:,ii+val-1))
function click_callback(src,~)
%# update the main image
% grayframe = rgb2gray(frames(:,:,:,1));
set(hMainImg, 'CData',get(src,'CData'));
function button1_callback(src,~)
At line 40 i've added: grayframe = rgb2gray(frames(:,:,:,1));, this makes the first frame gray. How do I make this count for all frames? My goal is to track an object in the videoframe, so I want to convert the frames to binary images aswell, and apply a additional filter like edge detection or something similar.
Thanks in advance
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4649
Reputation: 1433
I'd rather get rid of rgb2gray and vectorize it
GRAYframes = uint8(mean(RGBframes,3));
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 476
1- construct a VideoReader object
2- read each frame and convert it to grayscale using RGB2GRAY
3- playback the video
obj = VideoReader('xylophone.mp4');
nFrames = obj.NumberOfFrames;
vidHeight = obj.Height;
vidWidth = obj.Width;
mov(1:nFrames) =struct('cdata',zeros(vidHeight,vidWidth,1,'uint8'),...
% Read one frame at a time.
for k = 1 : nFrames
mov(k).cdata =rgb2gray( read(obj,k));
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8774
for i=1:numImgs
Upvotes: 2