Reputation: 36
I was wondering if it was possible to create a vbs file to highlight a cell in an excel workbook.
I have an excel worksheet with multiple computer host-names, I also run a script in batch that pings each host-name in a text document. I want to call the vbs file to highlight the cell in excel if the ping result was successful. Is this possible?
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Views: 457
Reputation: 218
There are plenty of ways to do this, but I must ask why you're using a batch script and a text file to ping the hostnames when you can do that right in Excel?
There are two ways to do this... one is a bit more complex and correct and the other is quick and dirty. Frankly, I recommend the quick and dirty.
Correct Way: Declare the ReadConsole & WriteConsole methods from your Windows kernel32.dll and utilize them to get the results of your ping. It's described well here:
Q&D Way: Use the built-in Shell() function in VBA and pipe the output of the ping to a text file. Parse said text file and delete it when you're done.
for each currCell in hostnameRange
' Ping each hostname and pipe the results to a file
shell "ping " + currCell.value + " >> ping_result.txt"
next currCell
inFile = FreeFile()
Open "ping_result.txt" for Input as #inFile
fileBuffer = Input$(LOF(inFile ), inFile) ' Open and read the file to a buffer
for each currCell in hostnameRange
' Search for ping failures in the buffer
if instr(1, fileBuffer, "could not find host " + currCell.value) = 0 then
debug.print "Ping successful."
end if
next currCell
Upvotes: 1