
Reputation: 83

Math Expression Parser

I found the code of Math Expression Parser from Dreamincode Forum.

My question is, on that code I think everything is going all right, but when I had a testcase '(2(3+5)' , that was valid, whereas this test case is completely wrong

but if I give the test case '(3+5)2)' it was detect as non valid input. Anyone knows why this is happening?

//enum for Operator "objects"
import java.util.*;

public enum Operator {

    ADD("+", 1)
        double doCalc(double d1, double d2) {
            return d1+d2;
        double doCalc(double d1, double d2) {
            return d1-d2;
    MULTIPLY("*", 2)
        double doCalc(double d1, double d2) {
            return d1*d2;
        double doCalc(double d1, double d2) {
            return d1/d2;
    STARTBRACE("(", 0)
        double doCalc(double d1, double d2) {
            return 0;
        double doCalc(double d1, double d2) {
            return 0;
    EXP("^", 3)
        double doCalc(double d1, double d2) {
            return Math.pow(d1,d2);

    private String operator;
    private int precedence;

    private Operator(String operator, int precedence) {
        this.operator = operator;
        this.precedence = precedence;

    public int getPrecedenceLevel() {
        return precedence;

    public String getSymbol() {
        return operator;

    public static boolean isOperator(String s) {
        for(Operator op : Operator.values()) { //iterate through enum values
            if (op.getSymbol().equals(s))
                return true;
        return false;

    public static Operator getOperator(String s) 
        throws InvalidOperatorException {
            for(Operator op : Operator.values()) { //iterate through enum values
                if (op.getSymbol().equals(s))
                    return op;
            throw new InvalidOperatorException(s + " Is not a valid operator!");

    public boolean isStartBrace() {
        return (operator.equals("("));
    //overriding calculation provided by each enum part
    abstract double doCalc(double d1, double d2);
//error to be thrown/caught in
class InvalidOperatorException extends Exception {
    public InvalidOperatorException() {

    public InvalidOperatorException(String s) {

//reading in a string at doing the parsing/arithmetic 
public static void main (String[] args) {
     String input = "";
     //get input
     System.out.print("Enter an infix exp<b></b>ression: ");
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
                                new InputStreamReader(;
        try {                        
            input = in.readLine();
        catch (IOException e)
            System.out.println("Error getting input!");


    // Input: user entered string
    // Output: Display of answer
    public static void doCalculate(String equation) {
        //our stacks for storage/temp variables
        Stack<Operator> operatorStack;
        Stack<Double> operandStack;
        double valOne, valTwo, newVal;
        Operator temp;

        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(equation, " +-*/()^", true);
        String token = "";
        operandStack = new Stack();
        operatorStack = new Stack();
        try {
                while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ //run through the string
                    token = tokenizer.nextToken();
                    if (token.equals(" ")) { //handles spaces, goes back up top
                    else if (!Operator.isOperator(token)){ //number check
                    else if (token.equals("(")) {
                    else if (token.equals(")")) { //process until matching paraentheses is found
                        while (!((temp = operatorStack.pop()).isStartBrace())) {
                            valTwo = operandStack.pop();
                            valOne = operandStack.pop();
                            newVal = temp.doCalc(valOne, valTwo);
                    else { //other operators
                        while (true) { //infinite loop, check for stack empty/top of stack '('/op precedence
                            if ((operatorStack.empty()) || (operatorStack.peek().isStartBrace()) || 
                                (operatorStack.peek().getPrecedenceLevel() < Operator.getOperator(token).getPrecedenceLevel())) {
                                    break; //exit inner loop
                            temp = operatorStack.pop();
                            valTwo = operandStack.pop();
                            valOne = operandStack.pop();
                            //calculate and push
                            newVal = temp.doCalc(valOne, valTwo);
            catch (InvalidOperatorException e) {
                System.out.println("Invalid operator found!");

            //calculate any remaining items (ex. equations with no outer paraentheses)
            while(!operatorStack.isEmpty()) {
                temp = operatorStack.pop();
                valTwo = operandStack.pop();
                valOne = operandStack.pop();
                newVal = temp.doCalc(valOne, valTwo);
            //print final answer
            System.out.println("Answer is: " + operandStack.pop()); 

Upvotes: 2

Views: 3423

Answers (1)

Reut Sharabani
Reut Sharabani

Reputation: 31339

This calculator does not work with implicit multiplication. you can use:


And see that it gives the wrong answer as opposed to:


The false-positive expression you've used does not pass with explicit multiplication.

A quick for-the-lazy fix to add implicit multiplication would be something of that sort:

public static void doCalculate(String equation) {
            // make it explicit:
            System.out.println("Got:" + equation);
            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+|[a-z\\)])(?=[0-9]+|[a-z\\(])");
            Matcher m = pattern.matcher(equation);
            System.out.println("Made it: "+ (equation = m.replaceAll("$1*")));
            //our stacks for storage/temp variables
            Stack<Operator> operatorStack;
            Stack<Double> operandStack;
            double valOne, valTwo, newVal;
            Operator temp;

This is an attempt to capture implicit multiplication using regex and make it explicit.

It fixes all cases we've come up with.

Upvotes: 3

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