Neil Yoga Crypto
Neil Yoga Crypto

Reputation: 1035

OOP PHP with Mysql Database

If we have a code like this:

class Game {
    private $_id;
    private $_name;
    private $_url;

    public function __construct($_id,$_name,$_url){
        $this->_id = $_id;
        $this->_name = $_name;
        $this->_url = $_url;

And we want to simply connect to our Database to get a game by id, where do we place the 'getByID' function?

Do we place it within the 'Game Class' as 'static function', do we put it in the 'Database Connection Class' as 'public function' or do we just put the method in the 'general functions inside the main index.php' as 'function'?

I currenctly have choosen for a 'static function' within the 'Game Class':

public static function getByID($id,$db){    
    $query = "SELECT * FROM game WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1";
    $prepare = array(":id"=>$id);
    $result = $db->Precute($query,$prepare);
    foreach($result as $r) return new Game($r['id'],$r['name'],$r['url']);
    return null;

(Precute is a custom function within the Database Class to prepare and execute the query) How would you approach this?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1750

Answers (4)


Reputation: 2043

What if I told you that there are more beautiful ways to put things on their places. A very simple case might contain 3 basic components to work:

  1. Db framework - Which handles data access.
  2. Table repsotor classes - Which know how to map classes to tables, how to create classes from table data and how to create data from table classes.
  3. Model or business layer which contain actual classes.

For better understanding imagine you have database object mapper framework. The framework can be far complex but in few lines we can demonstrate how it`s basic concepts work.

So the 'Framework':


//This class is for making link for db framework
class link
    public $link;
    public function __construct ($hostname, $database, $gamename, $password)
        $this->link = new \PDO ('mysql:host='.$hostname.';dbname='.$database, $gamename, $password);
        $this->link->query('use '.$database);
    public function fetch ($query)
        $result = $this->link->query($query)->fetch();
    public function query ($query)
        return $this->link->query($query);
    public function error ()
        return $this->link->errorInfo();

//This class collects table repositories and connections
class database
    public $link;
    public $tables = array ();
    public function __construct ($link)
        $this->link = $link;
        table::$database = $this;

//This is basic table repositor class
class table
    public static $database;


Now as we have our db framework let us make some table repositor which knows how to save/load/delete game:

class games extends table
    public function create ($row)
        $return = new game ();
        $return->id = $row[0];
        $return->name = $row[1];
        return $return;
    public function load ($id=null)
        if ($id==null)
            $result = self::$database->link->fetch("select * from games");
            if ($result)
                $return = array();
                foreach ($result as $row)
                    $return[$row[0]] = $this->create($row);
                return $return;
            $result = self::$database->link->fetch("select * from games where id='".$id."'");
            if ($result)
                return $this->create(reset($result));
                echo ("no result");
    public function save ($game)
        if (is_array($save))
            foreach ($save as $item) $this->save ($item);
        if ($game->id==null)
            return self::$database->link->query("insert into games set
            return self::$database->link->query("update games set name='".$game->name."'
                                                 where id='".$game->id."'");
    public function delete ($game)
        self::$database->link->query ("delete from games where id='".$game->id."'");

Now we can make our model which in this case will contain actuall game class.

class game
    public $id;
    public $name;
    public function __construct ($name=null)
        $this->name = $name;

And than actually use it:

$database = new database (new link('', 'system_db', 'root', '1234'));
$database->tables['games'] = new games();

if (!$database->tables['games']->save (new game('Admin')))


For the moment I prefere this pattern for working with db in my projects. Using it I can achieve that my actuall business objects(In this case class game) will know nothing about where and how they are saved. This gives me an ability to be indipendent from actuall storage and focus on project logics.

Also there is one lightweight framework so called db.php ( and it even gives me ability to avoid to write table repositories and even creates/modifies tables needed for my business classes on the fly but uses almost same concept I described here.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 2249

This Answer takes another approach. Instead of getting Objects from Static Factory. This solution takes a approach of creating a blank object and then calling the database methods to make the object a live representation of a actual row.

first the observations from your question -

an Object/Instance of Game class represents a Row of Table game. And the Game class itself can be taken as a representation of `game' table.

If the above observation is correct along with the assumption that there are more tables with a representation in class hierarchy. You should have a class to represent generic 'Table'

class Table {   //The class itself can be made abstract depending upon the exact implementation 
   protected $_tableName;
   protected $_connectionParams;
   protected $idAttribute = 'id';

   public function __construct($tableName, $connectionParams, $idAttribute){
       $this->_connectionParams = $connectionParams;
       $this->_tableName = $tableName;
       if(isset($idAttribute)) {
          $this->idAttribute = $idAttribute;

   private function _getConnection() {
      //return $db using $_connectionParams

   public function getByID($id) {    
      $this->getByKeyVal($this->idAttribute, $id);

   public function getByKeyVal($key, $val) {
      $query = "SELECT * FROM ". $this->_tableName ." WHERE `". $key ."` = :key LIMIT 1";
      $prepare = array(":key"=> $val);
      $result = $this->_getConnection()->Precute($query,$prepare);

   //This needs to be overridden
   public function processRow($row) {
      return true;

Now extend the generic Table class for Game Table

class Game extends Table {
   private $_id;
   private $_name;
   private $_url;
   public function __construct($defaults) {
      if(isset($defaults) {
         if(is_array($defaults)) {
         } else {  
      } else {
         //Some default setup here if requried
      $connectionParams = [];  //Prepare Connection Params here
      parent::__construct('game', $connectionParams);

   //Override processRow
   public function processRow($row) {    
      if(isset($row['id']) {
         $this->_id = $row['id'];
      $this->_name = $row['name'];
      $this->_url = $row['url'];

Above is a very rough example. The actual Class structure will depend upon your requirements. But the general rule of thumb is to treat a Class as a blueprint of a concrete object. And all the methods related with a Generic Classification should go in there own class.

The getConnection Method itself can be put into a seprate DB connection class and inserted in table via a either mixin pattern or generic class inheritance.

Use the above setup like this

$game_new = new Game();  // for blank object  --- for a new row

$game_435 = new Game(435);    //row with 435 ID

$game_default = new Game(array(    //new row with defaults
  'name' => 'Some Name',
  'url' => 'Some Url'

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 2835

What you want is a "bucket" full of Game objects. When ever you want a Game Object (representing data in your database), you ask your "bucket" to give it to you. Let me give you an example of how Doctrine2 implements this:

So where you want to place your "getById" (or as I would do "findById"), is in your "bucket".

// lets presume that the em is an instance of \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager
// The entity manager does what the name says.
$id = 1234;
$game = $entity_manager->find('MyNamespace\Entity\Game', $id);
$game->setName('My first game!');
// We now tell the em to prepare the object for pushing it back to the "bucket" or database
// Now we tell the em to actually save stuff

This should give you an indication of how to use it. Objects follow the Single Responsibility Principle. You don't ask an object to retrieve itself. You ask the "bucket" to retrieve you an Object.

Upvotes: 0

Niels Keurentjes
Niels Keurentjes

Reputation: 41958

In proper OOP, a DAL function which returns an instance of a specific class should be static within that class. As a base rule, all functionality related to one specific object should be part of that specific object, as an instance method if invoked on instances or a static method if it creates or manages instances ('factory pattern').

Your function isn't static currently, correct usage would be:

class Game
   ..other functions..

   public static function getById($id)
      ..implementation, which can either access central storage or retrieve
        the object itself if concurrent edits are not an issue..

Then elsewhere:

$myGame = Game::getById(684);

You may want to have a look at Doctrine instead of re-inventing the wheel. And even if you do want to make a new wheel, its code samples all follow correct OOP principles.

Upvotes: 2

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