Reputation: 536
I'm working on an XML document with XSLT, and I can't get this to work.
Here's my simple XSLT document. I've used the template from w3schools.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:template match="/">
<h1>VAT No.:</h1>
<table border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#9acd32">
<td><xsl:value-of select="/document/page/body/dd[1]/dd[1]/dd/table/cell[1]/para[1]/ln[1]/wd[3]" /></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="/document/page/body/dd[1]/dd[1]/dd/table/cell[1]/para[1]/ln[1]/wd[4]" /></td>
As you can see, I'm only trying to display the two words given. I've only left it in the table format so that I change the origional code from w3schools as little as possible.
Instead of having the two words displayed in the table, I get this:
Unless there's something silly I'm missing the Xpaths are correct. I even used an online Xpath viewer to confirm it. I have tried various placements of /, * and //. As well as editing the line.
Here is a part of the input XML. It is incomplete since there is some sensitive information, but you can see the layout.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="XSLT Stylesheet.XSL" type="text/xsl"?>
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<wd l="149" t="2302" r="518" b="2422">VAT</wd>
<wd l="574" t="2304" r="833" b="2424">No:</wd>
<wd l="1054" t="2302" r="2105" b="2424">GB530000000</wd>
Upvotes: 0
Views: 360
Reputation: 122414
<document xmlns=""
This declaration puts all the un-prefixed element names in the document into a namespace, so you need to assign a prefix to that namespace in the XSLT and then use the prefix in your XPath expressions:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
<!-- ... -->
<td><xsl:value-of select="/ss:document/ss:page/ss:body/ss:dd[1]/ss:dd[1]/ss:dd/ss:table/ss:cell[1]/ss:para[1]/ss:ln[1]/ss:wd[3]" /></td>
This is because unprefixed node names in an XPath 1.0 expression always refer to nodes that are not in a namespace.
Unrelated to this, I would personally avoid using an XPath expression that is so heavily tied to the precise layout of the XML document in terms of "the third wd of the first ln of...." - you could instead use something like
<xsl:value-of select="//ss:wd[preceding-sibling::ss:wd[2] = 'VAT']
[preceding-sibling::ss:wd[1] = 'No:']" />
to specifically target a wd
whose two preceding wd
s are "VAT" and "No:", wherever it happens to occur.
Upvotes: 2