Reputation: 45
I am using jQuery revolution slider to my site. I want to stop and start slider on click. How can I do it.
delay: 7000,
startwidth: 960,
startheight: 600,
onHoverStop: "off",
thumbWidth: 100,
thumbHeight: 50,
thumbAmount: 3,
hideThumbs: 0,
navigationType: "none",
navigationArrows: "solo",
navigationStyle: "bullets",
navigationHAlign: "center",
navigationVAlign: "bottom",
navigationHOffset: 30,
navigationVOffset: 30,
soloArrowLeftHalign: "left",
soloArrowLeftValign: "center",
soloArrowLeftHOffset: 20,
soloArrowLeftVOffset: 0,
soloArrowRightHalign: "right",
soloArrowRightValign: "center",
soloArrowRightHOffset: 20,
soloArrowRightVOffset: 0,
touchenabled: "on",
stopAtSlide: -1,
stopAfterLoops: -1,
hideCaptionAtLimit: 0,
hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 0,
hideSliderAtLimit: 0,
fullWidth: "on",
fullScreen: "off",
fullScreenOffsetContainer: "#topheader-to-offset",
shadow: 0
Upvotes: 3
Views: 9054
Reputation: 58580
This (rather brief) API page explains the functions you can use with Revolution Slider, such as revpause()
and revresume()
So if you want to stop the slider when a button is clicked, you need to have the button (or a link tag) somewhere on your page. Example...
<button id="stopButton">Stop</button>
<button id="resumeButton">Resume</button>
Then use the following jQuery...
// When stop button is clicked...
$('#stopButton').on('click', function(e){
// When resume button is clicked...
$('#resumeButton').on('click', function(e){
Replace .rev-slider-banner-full
with the class or ID of your slider element if it differs.
Upvotes: 9