Reputation: 892
I'm using Angular and ui-router. I can't get a nested controller to launch, but if the state is not nested, the controller launches.
The URL is generated from the DnaNodeListCtrl template. The template generates what looks like a correct URL: http://localhost:8080/#/v1/dnanodes/a9bfd497-ce6b-4832-909e-506a9b29e46e
My code is below. Why can't I launch a nested controller?
var dnaMgrApp = angular.module('dnaMgrApp', [
dnaMgrApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
// For any unmatched url, redirect to /state1
// Now set up the states
.state('nodeList', {
url: "/",
templateUrl: 'templates/dnaNodeList.html',
controller: 'DnaNodeListCtrl'
.state('nodeList.nodeDetail', {
url: "v1/dnanodes/:nodeId",
templateUrl: 'templates/dnaNodeSummary.html',
controller: function($scope){
$scope.title = 'My DNA';}
<div id="body-container" >
</div><div id="tablediv">
<div ng-repeat="node in dnaNodes">
<div class="dnanode">
<a ui-sref="nodeList.nodeDetail({})">
<tr><td>{{node.geneName}}</td><td><img src="{{node.statusIcon}}"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2">2 DNA Pathways</td></tr>
Upvotes: 1
Views: 319
The parent template needs to have a place to render the child view. Specifically, the parent template needs to have at least <ui-view/>
. This is explained in the Nested States and Nested Views guide.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 10256
Ui router works in such a way that the nested state needs to have the same url as the parent state + whatever you defined in your nested state.
As in:
if you have a state parent with url : /foo
Then you define a state nested with url: /bar
Then the resulting url you have to have to trigger the nested state is:
Therefore, you need to add the / in your child url.
Edit Just use that:
.state('nodeList.nodeDetail', {
url: "/v1/dnanodes/:nodeId",
templateUrl: 'templates/dnaNodeSummary.html',
Upvotes: 3