Reputation: 11237
Can somebody explain what is REST and what is SOAP in plain english? And how Web Services work?
Upvotes: 736
Views: 284862
Reputation: 347506
Both methods are used by many of the large players. It's a matter of preference. My preference is REST because it's simpler to use and understand.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP):
Representational state transfer (REST):
There are endless debates on REST vs SOAP on google.
My favorite is this one. Update 27 Nov 2013: Paul Prescod's site appears to have gone offline and this article is no longer available, copies though can be found on the Wayback Machine or as a PDF at CiteSeerX.
Upvotes: 327
Reputation: 7661
I understand the main idea of REST is extremely simple. We have used web browsers for years and we have seen how easy, flexible, performing, etc web sites are. HTML sites use hyperlinks and forms as the primary means of user interaction. Their main goal is to allow us, clients, to know only those links that we can use in the current state. And REST simply says 'why not use the same principles to drive computer rather than human clients through our application?' Combine this with the power of the WWW infrastructure and you'll get a killer tool for building great distributed applications.
Another possible explanation is for mathematically thinking people. Each application is basically a state machine with business logic actions being state transitions. The idea of REST is to map each transition onto some request to a resource and provide clients with links representing transitions available in the current state. Thus it models the state machine via representations and links. This is why it's called REpresentational State Transfer.
It's quite surprising that all answers seem to focus either on message format, or on HTTP verbs usage. In fact, the message format doesn't matter at all, REST can use any one provided that the service developer documents it. HTTP verbs only make a service a CRUD service, but not yet RESTful. What really turns a service into a REST service are hyperlinks (aka hypermedia controls) embedded into server responses together with data, and their amount must be enough for any client to choose the next action from those links.
Unfortunately, it's rather difficult to find correct info on REST on the Web, except for the Roy Fielding's thesis. (He's the one who derived REST). I would recommend the 'REST in Practice' book as it gives a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial on how to evolve from SOAP to REST.
This is one of the possible forms of RPC (remote procedure call) architecture style. In essence, it's just a technology that allows clients call methods of server via service boundaries (network, processes, etc) as if they were calling local methods. Of course, it actually differs from calling local methods in speed, reliability and so on, but the idea is that simple.
The details like transport protocols, message formats, xsd, wsdl, etc. don't matter when comparing any form of RPC to REST. The main difference is that an RPC service reinvents bicycle by designing it's own application protocol in the RPC API with the semantics that only it knows. Therefore, all clients have to understand this protocol prior to using the service, and no generic infrastructure like caches can be built because of proprietary semantics of all requests. Furthermore, RPC APIs do not suggest what actions are allowed in the current state, this has to be derived from additional documentation. REST on the other hand implies using uniform interfaces to allow various clients to have some understanding of API semantics, and hypermedia controls (links) to highlight available options in each state. Thus, it allows for caching responses to scale services and making correct API usage easily discoverable without additional documentation.
In a way, SOAP (as any other RPC) is an attempt to tunnel through a service boundary treating the connecting media as a black box capable of transmitting messages only. REST is a decision to acknowledge that the Web is a huge distributed information system, to accept the world as is and learn to master it instead of fighting against it.
SOAP seems to be great for internal network APIs, when you control both the server and the clients, and while the interactions are not too complex. It's more natural for developers to use it. However, for a public API that is used by many independent parties, is complex and big, REST should fit better. But this last comparison is very fuzzy.
My experience has unexpectedly shown REST development to be more difficult than SOAP. At least for .NET. While there are great frameworks like ASP.NET Web API, there's no tooling that would automatically generate client-side proxy. Nothing like 'Add Web Service Reference' or 'Add WCF Service Reference'. One has to write all serialization and service querying code by hand. And man, that's lots of boilerplate code. I think REST development needs something similar to WSDL and tooling implementation for each development platform. In fact, there seems to be a good ground: WADL or WSDL 2.0, but neither of the standards seems to be well-supported.
Update (Jan 2016)
Turns out there is now a wide variety of tools for REST API definition. My personal preference is currently RAML.
How Web Services work
Well, this is a too broad question, because it depends on the architecture and technology used in the specific web service. But in general, a web service is simply some application in the Web that can accept requests from clients and return responses. It's exposed to the Web, thus it's a web service, and it's typically available 24/7, that's why it's a service. Of course, it solves some problem (otherwise why would someone ever use a web service) for its clients.
Upvotes: 269
Reputation: 2101
SOAPbased Web Services In short, the SOAPbased Services model views the world as an ecosystem of coequal peers that cannot control each other, but have to work together by honoring published contracts. It's a valid model of the messy real world, and the metadata based contracts form the SOAP Service Interface.
we can still associate SOAP with XMLbased Remote Procedure Calls, but SOAPbased Web Services technology has emerged into a flexible and powerful messaging model.
SOAP assumes all systems are independent and no system has any knowledge of the internals of another and internal functionality. The most such systems can do is send messages to one another and hope they will be acted upon. Systems publish contracts that they undertake to honor, and other systems rely upon these contracts to exchange messages with them.
Contracts between systems are collectively called metadata, and comprise service descriptions, the message exchange patterns supported and the policies governing qualities of service (a service may need to be encrypted, reliably delivered, etc.) A service description, in turn, is a detailed specification of the data (message documents) that will be sent and received by the system. The documents are described using an XML description language like XML Schema Definition. As long as all systems honor their published contracts, they can inter operate, and changes to the internals of systems never affect any other. Every system is responsible for translating its own internal implementations to and from its contracts
REST - REpresentational State Transfer. The physical protocol is HTTP. Basically, REST is that all distinct resources on the web that are uniquely identifiable by a URL. All operations that can be performed on these resources can be described by a limited set of verbs (the “CRUD” verbs) which in turn map to HTTP verbs.
REST's is much less “heavyweight” than SOAP.
Upvotes: -4
Reputation: 11841
SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol is a protocol!
REST - REpresentational State Transfer is an architectural style!
is an XML protocol used to transfer messages, typically over HTTP
and SOAP
are arguably not mutually exclusive. A RESTful architecture might use HTTP
or some other communication protocol. REST
is optimized for the web and thus HTTP
is a perfect choice. HTTP
is also the only protocol discussed in Roy Fielding's paper.
Although REST and SOAP are clearly very different, the question does illuminate the fact that REST
and HTTP
are often used in tandem. This is primarily due to the simplicity of HTTP and its very natural mapping to RESTful principles.
Client-Server Communication
Client-server architectures have a very distinct separation of concerns. All applications built in the RESTful style must also be client-server in princple.
Each each client request to the server requires that its state be fully represented. The server must be able to completely understand the client request without using any server context or server session state. It follows that all state must be kept on the client. We will discuss stateless representation in more detail later.
Cache constraints may be used, thus enabling response data to to be marked as cacheable or not-cachable. Any data marked as cacheable may be reused as the response to the same subsequent request.
Uniform Interface
All components must interact through a single uniform interface. Because all component interaction occurs via this interface, interaction with different services is very simple. The interface is the same! This also means that implementation changes can be made in isolation. Such changes, will not affect fundamental component interaction because the uniform interface is always unchanged. One disadvantage is that you are stuck with the interface. If an optimization could be provided to a specific service by changing the interface, you are out of luck as REST prohibits this. On the bright side, however, REST is optimized for the web, hence incredible popularity of REST over HTTP!
The above concepts represent defining characteristics of REST and differentiate the REST architecture from other architectures like web services. It is useful to note that a REST service is a web service, but a web service is not necessarily a REST service.
See this blog post on REST Design Principals for more details on REST and the above stated bullets.
Upvotes: 38
SOAP – "Simple Object Access Protocol"
SOAP is a slight of transferring messages, or little amounts of information over the Internet. SOAP messages are formatted in XML and are typically sent controlling HTTP.
REST – "REpresentational State Transfer"
REST is a rudimentary proceed of eventuality and receiving information between fan and server and it doesn't have unequivocally many standards defined. You can send and accept information as JSON, XML or even plain text. It's light weighted compared to SOAP.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 26137
Both SOAP webservices and REST webservices can use the HTTP protocol and other protocols as well (just to mention SOAP can be the underlying protocol of REST). I will talk only about the HTTP protocol related SOAP and REST, because this is the most frequent usage of them.
SOAP ("simple" object access protocol) is a protocol (and a W3C standard). It defines how to create, send and process SOAP messages.
SOAP messages are XML documents with a specific structure: they contain an envelope which contains the header and the body section. The body contains the actual data - we want to send - in an XML format. There are two encoding styles, but we usually choose literal, which means that our application or its SOAP driver does the XML serialization and unserialization of the data.
SOAP messages travel as HTTP messages with SOAP+XML MIME subtype. These HTTP messages can be multipart, so optionally we can attach files to SOAP messages.
Obviously we use a client-server architecture, so the SOAP clients send requests to the SOAP webserices and the services send back responses to the clients. Most of the webservices use a WSDL file to describe the service. The WSDL file contains the XML Schema (XSD hereafter) of the data we want to send and the WSDL binding which defines how the webservice is bound to the HTTP protocol. There are two binding styles: RPC and document. By the RPC style binding the SOAP body contains the representation of an operation call with the parameters (HTTP requests) or the return values (HTTP response). The parameters and return values are validated against the XSD. By the document style binding the SOAP body contains an XML document which is validated against the XSD. I think the document binding style is better suited to event based systems, but I never used that binding style. The RPC binding style is more prevalent, so most people use SOAP for XML/RPC purposes by distributed applications. The webservices usually find each other by asking an UDDI server. UDDI servers are registries which store the location of the webservices.
So the - in my opinion - most prevalent SOAP webservice uses RPC binding style and literal encoding style and it has the following properties:
REST (representational state transfer) is an architecture style which is described in the dissertation of Roy Fielding. It does not concern about protocols like SOAP does. It starts with a null architecture style having no constraints and defines the constraints of the REST architecture one by one. People use the term RESTful for webservices which fulfill all of the REST constraints, but according to Roy Fielding, there are no such things as REST levels. When a webservice does not meet with every single REST constraint, then it is not a REST webservice.
Identification of resources - REST resource is the same as RDF resource. According to Fielding if you can name something, then it can be a resource, for example: "the current local weather" can be a resource, or "your mobile phone" can be a resource, or "a specific web document" can be a resource. To identify a resource you can use resource identifiers: URLs and URNs (for example ISBN number by books). A single identifier should belong only to a specific resource, but a single resource can have many identifiers, which we frequently exploit for example by pagination with URLs like
. URLs have some specifications, for example URLs with the same pathes but different queries are not identical, or the path part should contain the hierarhical data of the URL and the query part should contain the non-hierarchical data. These are the basics of how to create URLs by REST. Btw. the URL structure does matter only for the service developers, a real REST client does not concern with it. Another frequently asked question is API versioning, which is an easy one, because according to Fielding the only constant thing by resource is semantics. If the semantics change, then you can add a new version number. You can use classical 3 number versioning and add only the major number to the URLs (
). So by backward compatible changes nothing happens, by non-backward compatible changes you will have a non-backward compatible semantics with a new API root
. So the old clients won't break, because they can use the
with the old semantics.
Manipulation of resources through representations - You can manipulate the data related to resources (resource state) by sending the intended representation of the resources - along with the HTTP method and the resource identifier - to the REST service. For example if you want to rename a user after marriage, you can send a PATCH {name: "Mrs Smith"}
request where the {name: "Mrs Smith"}
is a JSON representation of the intended resource state, in other words: the new name. This happens vica-versa, the service sends representations of resources to the clients in order to change their states. For example if we want to read the new name, we can send a GET"name"
retrieval request, which results in a 200 ok, {name: "Mrs Smith"}
response. So we can use this representation to change the client state, for example we can display a "Welcome to our page Mrs Smith!" message. A resource can have many representations depending on the resource identifier (URL) or the accept
header we sent with the request. For example we can send an image of Mrs Smith (probably not nude) if image/jpeg
is requested.
Self-descriptive messages - Messages must contain information about how to process them. For example URI and HTTP method, content-type header, cache headers, RDF which describes the meaning of the data, etc... It is important to use standard methods. It is important to know the specification of the HTTP methods. For example GET means retrieving information identified by the request URL, DELETE means asking the server to delete the resource identified by the given URL, and so on... HTTP status codes have a specification as well, for example 200 means success, 201 means the a new resource has been created, 404 means that the requested resource was not found on the server, etc... Using existing standards is an important part of REST.
Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS hereafter) - Hypermedia is a media type which can contain hyperlinks. By the web we follow links - described by a hypermedia format (usually HTML) - to achieve a goal, instead of typing the URLs into the addres bar. REST follows the same concept, the representations sent by the service can contain hyperlinks. We use these hyperlinks to send requests to the service. With the response we get data (and probably more links) which we can use to build the new client state, and so on... So that's why hypermedia is the engine of application state (client state). You probably wonder how do clients recognize and follow the hyperlinks? By humans it is pretty simple, we read the title of the link, maybe fill input fields, and after that just a single click. By machines we have to add semantics to the links with RDF (by JSON-LD with Hydra) or with hypermedia specific solutions (for example IANA link relations and vendor specific MIME types by HAL+JSON). There are many machine readable XML and JSON hypermedia formats, just a short list of them:
Sometimes it is hard to choose...
So a REST webservice is very different from a SOAP webservice (with RPC binding style and literal encoding style)
and so on...
A SOAP RPC webservice does not meet all of the REST constraints:
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 2054
Well I'll begin with the second question: What are Web Services? , for obvious reasons.
WebServices are essentially pieces of logic(which you may vaguely refer to as a method) that expose certain functionality or data. The client implementing(technically speaking, consuming is the word) just needs to know what are the parameter(s) the method is going to accept and the type of data it is going to return(if at all it does).
The following Link says it all about REST & SOAP in an extremely lucid manner.
If you also want to know when to choose what (REST or SOAP), all the more reason to go through it!
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 10190
This is the simplest explanation you will ever find.
This article takes a husband to wife narrative, where the husband explains to his wife about REST, in pure layman terms. Must read!
how-i-explained-rest-to-my-wife (original link)
how-i-explained-rest-to-my-wife (2013-07-19 working link)
Upvotes: 42
Reputation: 3163
REST is an architecture style for designing networked applications. The idea is that, rather than using complex mechanisms such as CORBA, RPC or SOAP to connect between machines, simple HTTP is used to make calls between machines.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 15296
SOAP - "Simple Object Access Protocol"
SOAP is a method of transferring messages, or small amounts of information, over the Internet. SOAP messages are formatted in XML and are typically sent using HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol).
Rest - Representational state transfer
Rest is a simple way of sending and receiving data between client and server and it doesn't have very many standards defined. You can send and receive data as JSON, XML or even plain text. It's light weighted compared to SOAP.
Upvotes: 1590
Reputation: 6317
I like Brian R. Bondy's answer. I just wanted to add that Wikipedia provides a clear description of REST. The article distinguishes it from SOAP.
REST is an exchange of state information, done as simply as possible.
SOAP is a message protocol that uses XML.
One of the main reasons that many people have moved from SOAP to REST is that the WS-* (called WS splat) standards associated with SOAP based web services are EXTREMELY complicated. See wikipedia for a list of the specifications. Each of these specifications is very complicated.
EDIT: for some reason the links are not displaying correctly. REST =
WS-* =*
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 15841
The problem with SOAP is that it is in conflict with the ideals behind the HTTP stack. Any middleware should be able to work with HTTP requests without understanding the content of the request or response, but for example a regular HTTP caching server won't work with SOAP requests without knowing only which parts of the SOAP content matter for caching. SOAP just uses HTTP as a wrapper for its own communications protocol, like a proxy.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 11291
SOAP and REST both refer to ways for different systems to talk to each other.
REST does this using techniques that resemble the communication that your browser has with web servers: using GET to request a web page, POSTing in form fields, etc.
SOAP provides for something similar but does everything through sending blocks of XML back and forth. Another key component of SOAP is WSDL which is an XML document that describes what functions and data elements are supported. WSDLs can be used to programmatically "discover" what functions are supported as well as to generate programming code stubs.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 19479
I think that this is as easy as I can explain it. Please, anyone is welcome to correct me or add to this.
SOAP is a message format used by disconnected systems (like across the internet) to exchange information / data. It does with XML messages going back and forth.
Web services transmit or receive SOAP messages. They work differently depending on what language they are written in.
Upvotes: 2