Reputation: 1566
Trying to setup up a small practice ruby on rails project with Postgres.
Here's the link if anyone wants to know what I'm following:
The thing is that every time I try to do either rake db:migrate
or rake db:setup
, I get this error: (this has been shortened to this)
rake aborted!
could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
My current version of Postgress is psql (PostgreSQL) 9.3.2
The path for it via Homebrew is this: /usr/local/bin/psql
which is correct according to this link:Repairing Postgresql after upgrading to OSX 10.7 Lion
Also, this is my bash info:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting
### Added by the Heroku Toolbelt
export PATH="/usr/local/heroku/bin:$PATH"
Is there any other information I need to include to get this working?
Thank you.
# PostgreSQL. Versions 8.2 and up are supported.
# Install the pg driver:
# gem install pg
# On OS X with Homebrew:
# gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/usr/local/bin/pg_config
# On OS X with MacPorts:
# gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/opt/local/lib/postgresql84/bin/pg_config
# On Windows:
# gem install pg
# Choose the win32 build.
# Install PostgreSQL and put its /bin directory on your path.
# Configure Using Gemfile
# gem 'pg'
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: myapp_development
pool: 5
username: myapp
# Connect on a TCP socket. Omitted by default since the client uses a
# domain socket that doesn't need configuration. Windows does not have
# domain sockets, so uncomment these lines.
#host: localhost
# The TCP port the server listens on. Defaults to 5432.
# If your server runs on a different port number, change accordingly.
#port: 5432
# Schema search path. The server defaults to $user,public
#schema_search_path: myapp,sharedapp,public
# Minimum log levels, in increasing order:
# debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1,
# log, notice, warning, error, fatal, and panic
# Defaults to warning.
#min_messages: notice
# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: myapp_test
pool: 5
username: myapp
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: myapp_production
pool: 5
username: myapp
Upvotes: 2
Views: 5552
Reputation: 1
you probably need to start your postgres server.
Here is the official documentation that postgres has on how to start the server.
Also, make sure that you've created the appropriate user and database for your app.
If you followed the tutorial you linked to the letter, you'll have a user myapp
with a password password1
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2236
Is the server running locally
Make sure you've started the postgres server and have it running. If you're on a mac, the easiest way to do this is to use
By default the server will run on port 5432.
Also, ensure localhost
is in your database configuration:
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: myapp_development
host: localhost
and password
can be omitted.
Upvotes: 4