Reputation: 1704
I am trying to connect to a MSSQL database using the slick framework. The following code shows my first attempt but I can't figure out what is wrong.
This error occurs when leaving it as shown below: [1] value create is not a member of scala.slick.lifted.DDL
Now I delete the line because I do not necessarily need to create the table within my scala code. But then another error arises: [2] value map is not a member of object asd.asd.App.Coffees
package asd.asd
import scala.slick.driver.SQLServerDriver._
import scala.slick.session.Database.threadLocalSession
object App {
object Coffees extends Table[(String, Int, Double)]("COFFEES") {
def name = column[String]("COF_NAME", O.PrimaryKey)
def supID = column[Int]("SUP_ID")
def price = column[Double]("PRICE")
def * = name ~ supID ~ price
def main(args : Array[String]) {
println( "Hello World!" )
val db = slick.session.Database.forURL(url = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver", user = "test", password = "test", driver = "scala.slick.driver.SQLServerDriver")
db withSession {
Coffees.ddl.create [1]
// Coffees.insertAll(
// ("Colombian", 101, 7.99),
// ("Colombian_Decaf", 101, 8.99),
// ("French_Roast_Decaf", 49, 9.99)
// )
val q = for {
c <- Coffees [2]
} yield (, c.price, c.supID)
q.foreach { case (n, p, s) => println(n + ": " + p) }
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5284
Reputation: 1704
Problem solved. What I did was the following: Update to the latest Slick version and then adjust the code like demonstrated here. Afterwards you need to exchange the line
import scala.slick.driver.H2Driver.simple._
import scala.slick.driver.SQLServerDriver.simple._
And modify the connect string to
Database.forURL("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/<DB>;instance=<INSTANCE>", driver = "scala.slick.driver.SQLServerDriver") withSession {
After this worked out, I decided to use a c3p0 pooled connection (Which makes Slick very much faster and thus first usable, I do highly recommend to use connection pooling!). This left me with the following database object.
package utils
import scala.slick.driver.SQLServerDriver.simple._
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource
object DatabaseUtils {
private val ds = new ComboPooledDataSource
ds.setPreferredTestQuery("SELECT 1")
private val _database = Database.forDataSource(ds)
def database = _database
You can use this like displayed below.
DatabaseUtils.database withSession {
implicit session =>
Last the Maven dependency for c3p0 and the latest Slick version.
Upvotes: 3