
Reputation: 161

Most memory efficient way to store 8M+ sha256 hashes

I have been using a dict to store key value pairs where the key and value are both sha256 hash digests. I need to be able to find out if a key exists in the list, and also be able to retrieve the value for that dict.

At the moment I estimate I will need about 10Gb of memory to store 8,000,000 hashes based on some of my tests, where as the actual data being stored is only about 512MB (32 bytes per hash, so 64 bytes per record)

Does anyone have any suggestions?

UPDATE, based on some of the comments I thought I should update. I am storing the hashes as bytes, not as a hex string. I am using an sqlite database for permanent storage of the data, but inserting that many records with an index gets too slow after about 1,000,000 records, and without the index checking existence of a key gets exponentially slower as well. Thats why I want to use an in memory structure to do the lookup.


Could this work? atbr hashtable

My Solution: (Should I put this as an answer?) What I ended up doing was taking lots of advice from @abarnert creating a new class that implements 1024 lists of [count, bytearray(8000 * 32), bytearray(8000 *32)]

I use the first 10 bits of the hash as in index to which list I should store the hashes in. Then I just append the key to the next 32byte slot, and the value to the same slot in the other byte array.

I can generate 16,000,000 hashes (one for the key and one for the value) and insert the 8,000,000 key value pairs into the structure in about 30 seconds.

Searching is just the reverse I use the first 10 bits to find the list and then I just do a linear search for the hash until I find it.

Searching for 200,000 hashes picked at random from the 8,000,000 takes 30 seconds, so 40 times slower than writing, but it should be fast enough for my needs.

The bonus of it all, it now only consumes 519MB of RAM for all 8,000,000 hashes.

Thank you everyone for your help.

Upvotes: 3

Views: 4456

Answers (6)

Quoss P Wimblik
Quoss P Wimblik

Reputation: 11

You don't actually need to store the Hash data at all. all you need to do is to properly index the hash.

Heres my indexing functions for the Hash

First We Have this fucntion for fast indexing of the hash.

ZequebaHashB[bvc_, yvc_, avc_] :=
  Module[{a34 = bvc, a35 = yvc, rt2 = avc, z75, zler},
    z75 = 1;
    zler = Total[BCC[Re[Floor[Px[a34, a35^2]]], a35^3]];
    Sow[Denominator[zler/FiveItt[a35, z75]], yvc];
    z75 = z75 + 1;
    If[z75 >= rt2 + 1, Goto[end5629]];
    ];]], 1], Total[BCC[Floor[Re[Px[bvc, yvc^2]]], yvc^3]], bvc};

Second we have this function for Getting a Rainbow Index of the hash

RainbowHashXG[zf_, xz_, zd_, fd_] := 
 Flatten[Drop[ZequebaHashB[zf + xf, xz, zd], -2]], {xf, 0, 
  fd - 1}], zf}];

Now When you try these functions

Table[ZequebaHashB[Hash[xu, "SHA512"], 2, 5], {xu, 1, 10}]

{{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 427, 

12579926171497332473039920596952835386489858401292624452730263741969\ 1347390182282976402981790496477460666208142347425205936701161323553455\ 43156774710409041}, {{1, 1, 1, 1, 5}, 396, 37854471215291391986149267401049113295567628473597440675968265868739\ 3920246834469920751231286910611366704757913119360843344094113813460828\ 6029275267369625}, {{1, 1, 1, 2, 5}, 378, 71668700870008575285238318023246235316098096074289026150051114683524\ 8893999285271969471146596174190457020264703584540790263678736452792747\ 5984118971455163}, {{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 377, 33095966240281217830184164668404219514626500609945265788213543056523\ 6612792119604718913684957565086394439681603253709963629672412822522528\ 4694992131191098}, {{1, 2, 1, 4, 5}, 363, 86087420302049294430262146818103852368792727362988712093781053088200\ 5531339261473092981846995901587757487311471069416835834626804973821926\ 684090578667825}, {{1, 1, 3, 2, 5}, 374, 18586086601485268646467765285794047467027639305129763019055665664163\ 2819380637531124748570695025942793945139516664108034654512831533948189\ 743738184270224}, {{1, 1, 3, 1, 1}, 380, 72109882448403363840259529414390721196358024901859951350044294221621\ 3409708767088486766304397692430037767785681544787701437132358156239382\ 5256452011168475}, {{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 397, 22760214977694020069971224118591466739483553732805530503408373418535\ 1711847169063849360187954434350675389187296376543635586233555068331343\ 3001046271103001}, {{1, 2, 1, 4, 5}, 369, 11906459655144790308170064541982556680120578173098014909650827827844\ 2313493552143468785692756291539132782149145837942478466345517803751070\ 21641806135272354}, {{1, 1, 3, 2, 5}, 382, 88155955858214177781767282869972903505820511583564376117417944351446\ 8458315518532665921338085983977628624644833036888032312932654944528755\

  1. 5410805140620789}}

    Table[RainbowHashXG[Hash[xu, "SHA512"], 2, 5, 5], {xu, 1, 10}]

    {{{{1, 1, 1, 1, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 2, 5}, {1, 2, 1, 4, 1}, {1, 1, 3, 1, 5}},
    12579926171497332473039920596952835386489858401292624452730263741969\ 1347390182282976402981790496477460666208142347425205936701161323553455\ 43156774710409041}, {{{1, 2, 1, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 2, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}},
    37854471215291391986149267401049113295567628473597440675968265868739\ 3920246834469920751231286910611366704757913119360843344094113813460828\ 6029275267369625}, {{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 1, 1, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 2, 5}, {1, 2, 1, 4, 1}},
    71668700870008575285238318023246235316098096074289026150051114683524\ 8893999285271969471146596174190457020264703584540790263678736452792747\ 5984118971455163}, {{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 1, 1, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 2, 1}, {1, 2, 1, 4, 5}},
    33095966240281217830184164668404219514626500609945265788213543056523\ 6612792119604718913684957565086394439681603253709963629672412822522528\ 4694992131191098}, {{{1, 2, 3, 4, 1}, {1, 1, 3, 1, 5}, {1, 2, 1, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 2, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 1, 5}},
    86087420302049294430262146818103852368792727362988712093781053088200\ 5531339261473092981846995901587757487311471069416835834626804973821926\ 684090578667825}, {{{1, 1, 1, 1, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 2, 5}, {1, 2, 1, 4, 1}, {1, 1, 3, 1, 5}},
    18586086601485268646467765285794047467027639305129763019055665664163\ 2819380637531124748570695025942793945139516664108034654512831533948189\ 743738184270224}, {{{1, 2, 3, 4, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 2, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 2, 5}},
    72109882448403363840259529414390721196358024901859951350044294221621\ 3409708767088486766304397692430037767785681544787701437132358156239382\ 5256452011168475}, {{{1, 1, 3, 1, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 2, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 1, 5}},
    22760214977694020069971224118591466739483553732805530503408373418535\ 1711847169063849360187954434350675389187296376543635586233555068331343\ 3001046271103001}, {{{1, 1, 1, 2, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 1, 1}, {1, 2, 1, 4, 5}, {1, 2, 1, 4, 1}},
    11906459655144790308170064541982556680120578173098014909650827827844\ 2313493552143468785692756291539132782149145837942478466345517803751070\ 21641806135272354}, {{{1, 2, 1, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 1, 1}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 1, 2, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}},
    88155955858214177781767282869972903505820511583564376117417944351446\ 8458315518532665921338085983977628624644833036888032312932654944528755\ 5410805140620789}}

    FiveItt[x98_, cc5_] :=
    Function[{\[FormalY], \[FormalN]}, {-cc5 -
    cc5 \[FormalY][\[FormalN]] + \[FormalY][1 + \[FormalN]] == 0, \[FormalY][1] == 1, \[FormalY][2] == cc5}]][x98];

    BCC[x55_, g77_] := Drop[Flatten[Reap[ Module[ {x45 = x55, z7 = 0, z8 = 0, z9, g7 = g77, bell},

    z7 = If[x45/FiveItt[Length[IntegerDigits[x45, g7]], g7] <= 1, If[x45 == 1, 1, Length[IntegerDigits[x45, g7]] - 1], Length[IntegerDigits[x45, g7]]]; bell = FiveItt[z7 - 1, g7]; z9 = g7^(z7 - 1);

    Label[SPo]; z8 = If[IntegerQ[x45/g7] && x45 > g7, Quotient[x45 - bell - (1/(2*g7)), z9], If[x45 <= g7, x45, Quotient[x45 - bell, z9]]]; Sow[z8]; x45 = x45 - (z8*(z9)); z7 = z7 - 1; z9 = z9/g7; bell = bell - z9;

    If[z7 < 1, Goto[EnD], Goto[SPo]];


    ] ]], 1];

    Px = Compile[ {{x1d, _Complex}, {si1d, _Real}} , Module[{x1c = x1d, si1c = si1d} , x1c + 1/2 (Floor[ Re[(-4 + si1c + Sqrt[(-4 + si1c)^2

    • 8 (-2 + si1c) (-1 + x1d)])/( 2 (-2 + si1c))]] + Floor[Im[(-4 + si1c + Sqrt[(-4 + si1c)^2 + 8 (-2 + si1c) (-1 + x1d)])/( 2 (-2 + si1c))]] I) (-4 + si1c - (-2 + si1c) (Floor[ Re[(-4 + si1c + Sqrt[(-4 + si1c)^2 + 8 (-2 + si1c) (-1 + x1c)])/( 2 (-2 + si1c))]] + Floor[Im[(-4 + si1c + Sqrt[(-4 + si1c)^2 + 8 (-2 + si1c) (-1 + x1c)])/( 2 (-2 + si1c))]] I))] , CompilationTarget -> "C", "RuntimeOptions" -> "Speed"];

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 366083

I wrote a more complicated answer separately, because I'm not sure if this will work for you, but:

A dbm is a key-value database that works almost exactly like a dict (whose keys and values are bytes strings), except that it's backed to disk and pages values in and out as needed.

It's much simpler than a SQL database, which has three huge advantages.

  • You don't need to change your code from hash = hashes[thingy] to hash = db.execute('SELECT * FROM Hashes WHERE Thingy = ?', (thingy,)).fetchone()[0], you just continue to use hashes[thingy].

  • There are no indices to get right—the key hash is the one and only index for the one table in the database—and no other optimizations to do.

  • A good chunk of the database will be cached in memory, making it fast.

Despite being called a "Unix database", at least one of the various dbm family of modules exists every platform. See dbm: not just for Unix for details.

Upvotes: 2



If you don't want to or can't use an external database, you can create an in memory database that is much closer to the information theoretic minimum in memory use while being extremely fast. You need to use lower-level tools than Python objects though.

You could use an array.array or bytearray to store the keys and values without any overhead, which means 8M entries fit into 488 MiB. Then you can write a hash table atop of that. This is rather inconvenient though, so you may want to use an external library like cffi for working with tightly packed C structures and arrays.

A simple open addressing hash table with linear probing could work very well for your data (take the lowest N bits of the key as hash) and is not too hard to implement, even easier if you don't need deletion. Just keep the load factor reasonable, between one half and two thirds. If you want to save space (each empty entry wastes half a kilobyte), pack the key-value pairs tightly into the array and only store a pointer/index in the hash table.

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 366083

First, let's look at why this is so big.

Each has is 32 bytes. That means it takes about 32 bytes to store in binary form in, e.g., the storage of a bytes or bytearray object. So far, so good.

But all Python objects have headers, typically on the order of 24-64 bytes. From a quick check, it looks like bytes objects take up an extra 36 bytes on 32 bits (possibly plus alignment padding), and 48 on 64 bits, at least on the two versions of CPython I checked.

So, how can you get rid of that 150% extra storage? Pack the bytes into one giant array, like a bytes or bytearray. Then you've got 48 bytes total plus 32 per hash, instead of 48+32 per hash. When you need to access a hash, if you've got the index, it's just the slice [index*32:(index+1)*32].

Also, depending on how you created the bytes, there can be some overflow slop. You can check that—if sys.getsizeof(s) - sys.getsizeof(b'') > len(s), you need to slice all of your objects to create new copies with no extra padding.

Anyway, now you have 8M extra indexes. If those are transient, that's fine, but if you're storing them as ints in dict value slots, then each one of them also has a header. From a quick test, on top of the 4 bytes for actual storage (for an int under 1<<31), there's a 24-byte header in both 32- and 64-bit (although very small ints can apparently be crammed into the header). So, all this does is cut your 48 bytes of waste to 28 bytes, which isn't great.

You could use some form of packed storage, like the array module. An array type I only uses 4 bytes per integer. But then you need indices into the array, which… is the same problem you just solved.

But you really don't even need the indices—if you store the keys themselves in an array, the index of any key is already the index of the hash in the byte string (divided by 32), right?

This only works if you can store the keys in some sort of compact array. If they're all around the same size, you can do this by using the same "giantbytestring" trick again. And in your case, they are—the keys are also 32-byte hashes. So you just have to keep both giant byte strings sorted by the key values (see the bisect module so you don't have to write that code yourself).

Of course using binary search algorithms instead of hashing means that you're making the lookups and inserts logarithmic instead of constant. And, while log(8M) is only around 16, which is a lot better than 8M, it's still 16x as bad as 1. But this is effectively what you get from an ideally-tuned relational database, except that you don't need to do any tuning, and it's all in memory, and there's no extra overhead, so it has to be an improvement over what you've tried so far.

You could of course build a custom hash table in Python, using the two giant byte arrays as your storage, and two array('I') as your indices. But that's a lot more work, so I'd try it the easy way first.

Upvotes: 3

Corley Brigman
Corley Brigman

Reputation: 12401

Since it's a hash, you could implement a dictionary in a file using seek()/tell().... You would need to pre-create the file to the given size though (10GB or whatever)...

then it's just like any other hash table. you have to deal with collisions yourself, and it will be slower obviously because it's in a file...

offset = dict_hash(in_key)
hashval =

something like that (used to do things like this in C, haven't done it in python but the underlying file support is the same...)

Upvotes: 0

Martijn Pieters
Martijn Pieters

Reputation: 1124688

Use the sqlite3 library to store your hashes in a database. The sqlite embedded database will take care of memory management for you using memory buffering and on-disk storage as best it can to satisfy your queries.

A very simple table will suffice:

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect('/tmp/hashes.db')
connection.execute('CREATE TABLE hashes (key UNIQUE, value)')

then use:

with connection:
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    sql = 'INSERT INTO hashes VALUES (?, ?)'
    cursor.executemany(sql, ((key1, hash1), (key2, hash2), ....))

and you can query the database with:

with connection:
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    sql = 'SELECT hash FROM hashes WHERE key=?'
    cursor.execute(sql, (key,))
    hash = cursor.fetchone()
    if hash is not None:
        hash = hash[0]

Upvotes: 1

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