Matias Gonzalez
Matias Gonzalez

Reputation: 2940

Changing route doesn't scroll to top in the new page

I've found some undesired, at least for me, behaviour when the route changes. In the step 11 of the tutorial you can see the list of phones. If you scroll to the bottom and click on one of the latest, you can see that the scroll isn't at top, instead is kind of in the middle.

I've found this in one of my apps too and I was wondering how can I get this to scroll to the top. I can do it mannually, but I think that there should be other elegant way to do this which I don't know.

So, is there an elegant way to scroll to the top when the route changes?

Upvotes: 273

Views: 105855

Answers (18)

Farida Anjum
Farida Anjum

Reputation: 569

Simple Solution, add scrollPositionRestoration in the main route module enabled.
Like this:

const routes: Routes = [

   path: 'registration',
   loadChildren: () => RegistrationModule

  imports: [
 exports: [
  export class AppRoutingModule { }

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 25

This Worked for me including autoscroll

<div class="ngView" autoscroll="true" >

Upvotes: 0

Augie Gardner
Augie Gardner

Reputation: 2775

I have finally gotten what I needed.

I needed to scroll to the top, but wanted some transitions not to

You can control this on a route-by-route level.
I'm combining the above solution by @wkonkel and adding a simple noScroll: true parameter to some route declarations. Then I'm catching that in the transition.

All in all: This floats to the top of the page on new transitions, it doesn't float to the top on Forward / Back transitions, and it allows you to override this behavior if necessary.

The code: (previous solution plus an extra noScroll option)

  // hack to scroll to top when navigating to new URLS but not back/forward
  let wrap = function(method) {
    let orig = $window.window.history[method];
    $window.window.history[method] = function() {
      let retval = orig.apply(this,;
      if($state.current && $state.current.noScroll) {
        return retval;
      return retval;

Put that in your block and inject $state...$state){...})

Then, If you don't want to scroll to the top of the page, create a route like this:

.state('someState', {
  parent: 'someParent',
  url: 'someUrl',
  noScroll : true // Notice this parameter here!

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 339

None of the answer provided solved my issue. I am using an animation between views and the scrolling would always happen after the animation. The solution I found so that the scrolling to the top happen before the animation is the following directive:

yourModule.directive('scrollToTopBeforeAnimation', ['$animate', function ($animate) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function ($scope, element) {
            $animate.on('enter', element, function (element, phase) {

                if (phase === 'start') {

                    window.scrollTo(0, 0);


I inserted it on my view as follows:

<div scroll-to-top-before-animation>
    <div ng-view class="view-animation"></div>

Upvotes: 2

Rizwan Jamal
Rizwan Jamal

Reputation: 1284

This code worked great for me .. I hope it will also work great for you .. All you have to do is just inject $anchorScroll to your run block and apply listener function to the rootScope like I have done in the below example ..

.run(function($rootScope, Auth, $state, $anchorScroll){
    $rootScope.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", function(){

Here's the calling order of Angularjs Module:

  1. app.config()
  3. directive's compile functions (if they are found in the dom)
  4. app.controller()
  5. directive's link functions (again, if found)

RUN BLOCK get executed after the injector is created and are used to kickstart the application.. it means when you redirected to the new route view ,the listener in the run block calls the


and you can now see the scroll starts to the top with the new routed view :)

Upvotes: 36


Reputation: 636

A little late to the party, but I've tried every possible method, and nothing worked correctly. Here is my elegant solution:

I use a controller that governs all my pages with ui-router. It allows me to redirect users who aren't authenticated or validated to an appropriate location. Most people put their middleware in their app's config, but I required some http requests, therefore a global controller works better for me.

My index.html looks like:

<main ng-controller="InitCtrl">
    <nav id="top-nav"></nav>
    <div ui-view></div>

My initCtrl.js looks like:

angular.module('MyApp').controller('InitCtrl', function($rootScope, $timeout, $anchorScroll) {
    $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event, next, current){
        // middleware
    $rootScope.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", function(){
        $timeout(function() {

I've tried every possible option, this method works the best.

Upvotes: 3

L&#233;on Pelletier
L&#233;on Pelletier

Reputation: 2741

Using angularjs UI Router, what I'm doing is this:

    .state('myState', {
        url: '/myState',
        templateUrl: 'app/views/myState.html',
        onEnter: scrollContent


var scrollContent = function() {
    // Your favorite scroll method here

It never fails on any page, and it is not global.

Upvotes: 15

Vince Verhoeven
Vince Verhoeven

Reputation: 1793

I found this solution. If you go to a new view the function gets executed.

var app = angular.module('hoofdModule', ['ngRoute']);

    app.controller('indexController', function ($scope, $window) {
        $scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function () {
            $window.scrollTo(0, 0);

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 166

If you use ui-router you can use (on run)

$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeSuccess", function (event, currentState, previousState) {
    $window.scrollTo(0, 0);

Upvotes: 7


Reputation: 311

After an hour or two of trying every combination of ui-view autoscroll=true, $stateChangeStart, $locationChangeStart, $uiViewScrollProvider.useAnchorScroll(), $provide('$uiViewScroll', ...), and many others, I couldn't get scroll-to-top-on-new-page to work as expected.

This was ultimately what worked for me. It captures pushState and replaceState and only updates scroll position when new pages are navigated to (back/forward button retain their scroll positions):

.run(function($anchorScroll, $window) {
  // hack to scroll to top when navigating to new URLS but not back/forward
  var wrap = function(method) {
    var orig = $window.window.history[method];
    $window.window.history[method] = function() {
      var retval = orig.apply(this,;
      return retval;

Upvotes: 31


Reputation: 728

All of the answers above break expected browser behavior. What most people want is something that will scroll to the top if it's a "new" page, but return to the previous position if you're getting there through the Back (or Forward) button.

If you assume HTML5 mode, this turns out to be easy (although I'm sure some bright folks out there can figure out how to make this more elegant!):

// Called when browser back/forward used
window.onpopstate = function() { 

// Called after ui-router changes state (but sadly before onpopstate)
$scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function() {
    doc_scrolling = $timeout( scroll_top, 50 );

// Moves entire browser window to top
scroll_top = function() {
    document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;

The way it works is that the router assumes it is going to scroll to the top, but delays a bit to give the browser a chance to finish up. If the browser then notifies us that the change was due to a Back/Forward navigation, it cancels the timeout, and the scroll never occurs.

I used raw document commands to scroll because I want to move to the entire top of the window. If you just want your ui-view to scroll, then set autoscroll="my_var" where you control my_var using the techniques above. But I think most people will want to scroll the entire page if you are going to the page as "new".

The above uses ui-router, though you could use ng-route instead by swapping $routeChangeSuccess for$stateChangeSuccess.

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 2270

Here is my (seemingly) robust, complete and (fairly) concise solution. It uses the minification compatible style (and the angular.module(NAME) access to your module).

angular.module('yourModuleName').run(["$rootScope", "$anchorScroll" , function ($rootScope, $anchorScroll) {
    $rootScope.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", function() {

PS I found that the autoscroll thing had no effect whether set to true or false.

Upvotes: 18


Reputation: 3597

Setting autoScroll to true did not the trick for me, so I did choose another solution. I built a service that hooks in every time the route changes and that uses the built-in $anchorScroll service to scroll to top. Works for me :-).


 (function() {
    "use strict";

        .factory("pageSwitch", pageSwitch);

    pageSwitch.$inject = ["$rootScope", "$anchorScroll"];

    function pageSwitch($rootScope, $anchorScroll) {
        var registerListener = _.once(function() {
            $rootScope.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", scrollToTop);

        return {
            registerListener: registerListener

        function scrollToTop() {


angular.module("mymodule").run(["pageSwitch", function (pageSwitch) {

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 507

Just put this code to run

$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", function (event, currentRoute, previousRoute) {

    window.scrollTo(0, 0);


Upvotes: 48


Reputation: 2247

Try this$ionicScrollDelegate/

It does scroll to the top of the list scrollTop()

Upvotes: 0

Konrad Kiss
Konrad Kiss

Reputation: 6877

The problem is that your ngView retains the scroll position when it loads a new view. You can instruct $anchorScroll to "scroll the viewport after the view is updated" (the docs are a bit vague, but scrolling here means scrolling to the top of the new view).

The solution is to add autoscroll="true" to your ngView element:

<div class="ng-view" autoscroll="true"></div>

Upvotes: 583


Reputation: 18155

FYI for for anyone coming across the problem described in the title (as I did) who is also using the AngularUI Router plugin...

As asked and answered in this SO question, the angular-ui router jumps to the bottom of the page when you change routes.
Can't figure out why page loads at bottom? Angular UI-Router autoscroll Issue

However, as the answer states, you can turn off this behavior by saying autoscroll="false" on your ui-view.

For example:

<div ui-view="pagecontent" autoscroll="false"></div>
<div ui-view="sidebar" autoscroll="false"></div>

Upvotes: 13


Reputation: 1255

you can use this javascript


Upvotes: 6

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