Reputation: 18973
Gitgutter is great tool for keeping me informed about uncommitted changes but too often I forget full files from commits.
I'd like to have a warning in the Vim statusbar if I'm editing a file that's in a git repository directory but completely untracked.
Any ideas how to implement this?
I'm currently using Airline and Fugitive so it would be nice if it could implemented with those.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 328
Reputation: 5122
First, define a function something like this:
fun! GitTracks(...)
let file = a:0 ? a:1 : expand('%')
let message = system('git ls-files -- ' . file)
let is_tracked = (message =~ '^fatal:') ? 0 : strlen(message)
if is_tracked
hi StatusLine guibg=blue
hi StatusLine guibg=black
return is_tracked
This will return 0 if you are not in a git repository or if your file is not tracked. Who knows, some day you may want to call it with an argument. Just for kicks, I change the color of the status line. (This takes a while to kick in, depending on your setting for 'updatetime'
. You could remove it from the function and use a BufEnter
autocommand that checks the value of GitTracks()
Next, decide how you want to indicate this in your status line. For example,
:set stl+=%{GitTracks()?'tracked':'NOT\ tracked'}
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 8897
If you use the git fugitive plugin it's easy to setup on the statusline. Just add the following to your .vimrc file.
set statusline=%f
set statusline+=%{fugitive#statusline()}
Of course you can get as fancy as wish.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4888
You can almost certainly do this with powerline. It's a hugely configurable utility that can be used in vim to give you a really powerful statusline, as well as in bash/zsh for powerful prompt display.
Here's what mine looks like (stock configuration), showing the following info:
{normal mode active} | BR: {current git branch} | {filename}
I'm certain there'll be a way to get status for the current buffer's file in there...
Upvotes: 0