Reputation: 45
I am new to ExtJS.
I am trying to to add a row in my extjs grid with a handler associated to a image in one of my column. My row is getting added at specified index, but it doesn't automatically open in the edit mode. Could someone please help? I don't want to use the add button on the dock as shown in this link (
Ext.onReady(function () {
Ext.define('CallSequence', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{ name: 'vm', type: 'bool' },
var callSequenceStore = new{
model: 'CallSequence' ,
autoDestroy: false,
data: [
{ "group": "1", "attempt": "1", "device":"Mobile", "channel":"SMS", "deliveryContent":"SMS Message","vm":false, "delay":"10 mins"},
{ "group": "1", "attempt": "2", "device":"Mobile", "channel":"Voice","deliveryContent":"Voice Script","vm":true, "delay":"10 mins"},
{ "group": "1", "attempt": "3", "device":"Work", "channel":"Voice", "deliveryContent":"Voice Script","vm":false, "delay":"10 mins"},
{ "group": "1", "attempt": "4", "device":"Home", "channel":"Voice", "deliveryContent":"Voice Script","vm":false, "delay":"10 mins"},
{ "group": "1", "attempt": "5", "device":"Other", "channel":"Voice", "deliveryContent":"Voice Script","vm":true, "delay":"10 mins"},
{ "group": "1", "attempt": "6", "device":"Email", "channel":"Email", "deliveryContent":"Email Message","vm":false, "delay":"10 mins"},
{ "group": "", "attempt": "", "device":"", "channel":"", "deliveryContent":"","vm":false, "delay":"30 mins"},
{ "group": "2", "attempt": "1", "device":"Mobile", "channel":"SMS", "deliveryContent":"SMS Message","vm":false, "delay":"10 mins"},
{ "group": "2", "attempt": "2", "device":"Mobile", "channel":"Voice","deliveryContent":"Voice Script","vm":false, "delay":"10 mins"},
{ "group": "2", "attempt": "3", "device":"Work", "channel":"Voice", "deliveryContent":"Voice Script","vm":false, "delay":"10 mins"},
{ "group": "2", "attempt": "4", "device":"Home", "channel":"Voice", "deliveryContent":"Voice Script","vm":false, "delay":"10 mins"},
{ "group": "2", "attempt": "5", "device":"Other", "channel":"Voice", "deliveryContent":"Voice Script","vm":false, "delay":"10 mins"},
{ "group": "2", "attempt": "6", "device":"Email", "channel":"Email", "deliveryContent":"Email Message","vm":false, "delay":"10 mins"}
var rowEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing', {
clicksToMoveEditor: 1,
autoCancel: false
var grid = new Ext.grid.Panel({
renderTo: document.body,
title: 'Call Sequence',
store: callSequenceStore,
plugins: [rowEditing],
columns: [
{header: 'Group', dataIndex: 'group',editor: {allowBlank: true}},
{header: 'Attempt', dataIndex: 'attempt',editor: {allowBlank: true}},
{header: 'Device', dataIndex: 'device',editor: {allowBlank: true}},
{header: 'Channel Window', dataIndex: 'channel',editor: {allowBlank: true}},
{header: 'Delivery Content', dataIndex: 'deliveryContent',editor: {allowBlank: true}},
{header: 'Voice Message', dataIndex: 'vm',xtype: 'checkcolumn',editor: {xtype: 'checkbox',allowBlank: true},renderer : function(v, p, record){
var delivertContentText = record.get('deliveryContent');
if (delivertContentText == 'Voice Script'){
return (new Ext.ux.CheckColumn()).renderer(v);
{header: 'Delay', dataIndex: 'delay',editor: {allowBlank: true}},
{header: 'Action',
xtype: 'actioncolumn',
align: 'center',
width: 50,
sortable: false,
items: [ {
icon: 'extJs/images/icons/fam/add.gif',
handler: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
var newRow = Ext.create('CallSequence',{
group: '1',
attempt: '7',
device: '',
channel: '',
deliveryContent: '',
delay: ''
callSequenceStore.insert(rowIndex+1, newRow);
rowEditing.startEdit(newRow, 0);
icon: 'extJs/images/icons/fam/delete.gif',
handler: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
icon: 'extJs/images/icons/fam/iconEdit.gif',
handler: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
Upvotes: 0
Views: 8554
Reputation: 45
Finally I am able to get this working by adding the following. clearListeners helped in clearing my event bubbling
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 19915
The method .startEdit
is not used the same way for editing an existing row and the newly added row.
In the edit handler your call it with two integers : rowEditing.startEdit(0,0)
. This worked for me in my project.
In the add handler on the other hand, you call it with the record object rowEditing.startEdit(newRow, 0)
. Try calling it with the record index instead : rowEditing.startEdit(rowIndex + 1, 0)
While I'm not sure if this is the problem with your code, at least it is more consistent.
Upvotes: 1