Reputation: 1492
I'm following Gentle introduction to Haskell tutorial and the code presented there seems to be broken. I need to understand whether it is so, or my seeing of the concept is wrong.
I am implementing parser for custom type:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
printing function for convenience
showsTree :: Show a => Tree a -> String -> String
showsTree (Leaf x) = shows x
showsTree (Branch l r) = ('<':) . showsTree l . ('|':) . showsTree r . ('>':)
instance Show a => Show (Tree a) where
showsPrec _ x = showsTree x
this parser is fine but breaks when there are spaces
readsTree :: (Read a) => String -> [(Tree a, String)]
readsTree ('<':s) = [(Branch l r, u) | (l, '|':t) <- readsTree s,
(r, '>':u) <- readsTree t ]
readsTree s = [(Leaf x, t) | (x,t) <- reads s]
this one is said to be a better solution, but it does not work without spaces
readsTree_lex :: (Read a) => String -> [(Tree a, String)]
readsTree_lex s = [(Branch l r, x) | ("<", t) <- lex s,
(l, u) <- readsTree_lex t,
("|", v) <- lex u,
(r, w) <- readsTree_lex v,
(">", x) <- lex w ]
[(Leaf x, t) | (x, t) <- reads s ]
next I pick one of parsers to use with read
instance Read a => Read (Tree a) where
readsPrec _ s = readsTree s
then I load it in ghci using Leksah debug mode (this is unrelevant, I guess), and try to parse two strings:
read "<1|<2|3>>" :: Tree Int -- succeeds with readsTree
read "<1| <2|3> >" :: Tree Int -- succeeds with readsTree_lex
when lex
encounters |<2...
part of the former string, it splits onto ("|<", _)
. That does not match ("|", v) <- lex u
part of parser and fails to complete parsing.
There are two questions arising:
speaking of second question -- it is asked more of curiousity as defining my own lexer seems to be more correct than defining rules of existing one.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1773
Reputation: 1492
The answer to this seems to be a small gap between text of Gentle introduction to Haskell and its code samples, plus an error in sample code.
there should also be one more lexer, but there is no working example (satisfying my need) in codebase, so I written one. Please point out any flaw in it:
lexAll :: ReadS String
lexAll s = case lex s of
[("",_)] -> [] -- nothing to parse.
[(c, r)] -> if length c == 1 then [(c, r)] -- we will try to match
else [(c, r), ([head s], tail s)]-- not only as it was
any_else -> any_else -- parsed but also splitted
author sais:
Finally, the complete reader. This is not sensitive to white space as were the previous versions. When you derive the Show class for a data type the reader generated automatically is similar to this in style.
but lexAll
should be used instead of lex (which seems to be said error):
readsTree' :: (Read a) => ReadS (Tree a)
readsTree' s = [(Branch l r, x) | ("<", t) <- lexAll s,
(l, u) <- readsTree' t,
("|", v) <- lexAll u,
(r, w) <- readsTree' v,
(">", x) <- lexAll w ]
[(Leaf x, t) | (x, t) <- reads s]
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 672
splits into Haskell lexemes, skipping whitespace.
This means that since Haskell permits |<
as a lexeme, lex
will not split it into two lexemes, since that's not how it parses in Haskell.
You can only use lex
in your parser if you're using the same (or similar) syntactic rules to Haskell.
If you want to ignore all whitespace (as opposed to making any whitespace equivalent to one space), it's much simpler and more efficient to first run filter (not.isSpace)
Upvotes: 4