Reputation: 1453
I have a database table usuario (user) and a table perfil (profile), connected with a perfiles_usuario (profiles_users) table. A many-to-many relationship. I can now succesfully retrieve the profiles from a user by doing: $perfiles = $usuario->getPerfiles();
* @return Perfil[]
function getPerfiles()
$perfiles = $this->getPerfilesCollection()->toArray();
return $perfiles;
I'm trying to make form where you can add one or more existing profiles from the perfil (profile) table. I would like to have a multiple select field and select the profiles for the user.
My form builder
class UsuarioType extends AbstractType
* @param FormBuilderInterface $builder
* @param array $options
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add('username', 'text', array('required' => false))
->add('perfiles', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'UsuarioBundle:Perfil',
'em' => 'dynamic_em',
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er){
return $er->createQueryBuilder('c')->orderBy('c.nombre', 'ASC');
'required' => false
My view
<div class="clearfix">
{{ form_widget(formulario.perfiles, { 'attr': { 'class': 'select-perfiles', 'multiple':'' } }) }}
My error:
Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to
Centro\UsuarioBundle\Entity\Usuario::setPerfiles() must be of the type array,
object given, called in C:\....\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessor.php
on line 345 and defined in C:\....\src\Centro\UsuarioBundle\Entity\Usuario.php line 450
Usuario.php line 450
public function setPerfiles(array $perfiles) // line 450
# Borra los perfiles que tiene el usuario
# Asigna los perfiles pasados por parámetro
foreach ($perfiles as $perfil) {
return $this;
I think that the problem is in my user createAction:
$usuario = new Usuario();
$formulario = $this->crearCrearForm($usuario);
$formulario->handleRequest($request); <--------- ... at this line
And this is the Form Data
Upvotes: 0
Views: 196
Reputation: 1453
Thanks so much! here is the solution
* Devuelve una coleccion con los perfiles del usuario
* @return ArrayCollection
function getPerfiles()
$perfiles = $this->getPerfilesCollection(); # ->toArray(); I delete this
return $perfiles;
Also i change
* Establece los perfiles del usuario a partir de un ArrayCollection de
* perfiles
* @param ArrayColection
* @return self
public function setPerfiles(ArrayCollection $perfiles)
// # Borra los perfiles que tiene el usuario
// $this->getPerfilesCollection()->clear();
// # Asigna los perfiles pasados por parámetro
// foreach ($perfiles as $perfil) {
// $this->addPerfil($perfil);
// }
// return $this;
foreach($collection->toArray() as $perfil){
In the form builder i only add this line: 'multiple' => true,
->add('perfiles', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'UsuarioBundle:Perfil',
'multiple' => true, <----------------------
'em' => 'dynamic_em',
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er){
return $er->createQueryBuilder('c')->orderBy('c.nombre', 'ASC');
'required' => false
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 954
First problem: setPerfiles' parameter instance must be of Type collection (Doctrine Interface) Second problem: perfiles is a collection, so you need the collection type in the form and a FormType for Perfiles.
Upvotes: 1