Reputation: 3499
Please see updated answer below
Windows Batch files.
I absolutely love 7-Zip and works great, but like WinZip's ability to move and timestamp files. However, WinZip's (command-line interface) has limitations for the size of files and the quantity of files within an archive, for example.
Googling we do see that there is a person, who did take 7-zip's code and has re-compiled the code to use an -m (move) switch. However, I don't feel comfortable about using a third-party outside of the Developer of 7-zip in our Production environment.
Also, I have seen -
I have coded: IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 (after the Zip process) to delete the file, but this cannot be safe if there are multiple of the same file name structure.
Here are some sample bits of code: 7zip:
D:\scripts\7za -tzip -y a D\zips\ D:\logs\apache_log.2014-01-16* >nul >>%logfile%
IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO Y|DEL D:\logs\apache_log.2014-01-16*
Where apache_log.2014-01-16 could be:
c:\progra~1\WinZip\Wzzip.exe -T -ex -m D\zips\ D:\logs\some_file.2014-01-16* >nul >>%logfile%
I guess from a software requirements standpoint, I would like to have some of the abilities of WinZip in 7Zip.. I like 7Zip as it has the ability to work with large Archives. I like PeaZip and I used PowerArchiver many moons ago. Problem I have is that I am working with Apache Tomcat for Windows, and we have to archive off hourly logs that can be over 200-300 MB an hour and need to keep the servers clear of old logs.
Hope this makes more sense.
Do believe that I have answered my own question..
FOR /F %%F IN ('dir /B "D:\serverlogs\server.log.2014-01-19*"') DO (
D:\work\scripts\7za.exe –tzip –y a "D:\ziplogs\[email protected]" >> D:\WORK\SCRIPTS\LOGS\LOG_20140120.LOG && DEL "D:\serverlogs\%%F"
Which this does work well now.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 8601
Reputation: 282
On 7z Discussion there you can found a crazy batch way of substitute of missing delete after archive switch by Andy here:
@ECHO off
echo ################################################
echo Zipping up Backups with 7-Zip
cd e:\gh\backups
7z.exe a %DATE:~-4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%_DB1-Prod.7z
IF "%errorlevel%"=="0" (goto testzips) ELSE (goto zipfail)
echo ################################################
echo Testing Integrity of Zipfile
FOR %%i IN (*.7z) DO 7z.exe t %%i
IF "%errorlevel%"=="0" (goto extract) ELSE (goto testzipfail)
echo ################################################
Echo Extracting files to temp folder
FOR %%i IN (*.7z) DO 7z.exe e %%i -oe:\gh\temp
IF "%errorlevel%"=="0" (goto movezip) ELSE (goto errorextract)
echo ################################################
echo Moving Zipped File to Archive Folder
move e:\gh\Backups\*.7z e:\gh\Archives
IF "%errorlevel%"=="0" (goto testfiles) ELSE (goto archivemovefail)
echo ################################################
fc /b e:\gh\backups\*.4BS e:\gh\temp\*.4BS
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 (goto testfile4BL) else (goto comparealert)
fc /b e:\gh\backups\*.4BL e:\gh\temp\*.4BL
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 (goto testfile4BK) else (goto comparealert)
fc /b e:\gh\backups\*.4BK e:\gh\temp\*.4BK
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 (goto testfile4BR) else (goto comparealert)
fc /b e:\gh\backups\*.4BR e:\gh\temp\*.4BR
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 (goto copytonas) else (goto comparealert)
:: IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto copytonas) ELSE (goto comparealert)
echo ################################################
echo Copying archive to Fileserver
robocopy e:\gh\Archives \\fileserver\backups /NP /MAXAGE:1
REM IF "%errorlevel%"=="1" (goto cleanup) ELSE (goto nascopyalert)
if errorlevel 16 echo ***FATAL ERROR*** & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 15 echo OKCOPY + FAIL + MISMATCHES + XTRA & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 14 echo FAIL + MISMATCHES + XTRA & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 13 echo OKCOPY + FAIL + MISMATCHES & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 12 echo FAIL + MISMATCHES& goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 11 echo OKCOPY + FAIL + XTRA & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 10 echo FAIL + XTRA & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 9 echo OKCOPY + FAIL & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 8 echo FAIL & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 7 echo OKCOPY + MISMATCHES + XTRA & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 6 echo MISMATCHES + XTRA & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 5 echo OKCOPY + MISMATCHES & goto cleanup
if errorlevel 4 echo MISMATCHES & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 3 echo OKCOPY + XTRA & goto cleanup
if errorlevel 2 echo XTRA & goto nascopyalert
if errorlevel 1 echo OKCOPY & goto cleanup
if errorlevel 0 echo No Change & goto nascopyalert
Echo Congrats - All files were backed up properly. Cleaning up
REM cd e:\gh\temp
REM del /Q *.*
cd e:\gh\temp
del /Q *.*
cd e:\gh\backups
del /Q *.*
IF "%errorlevel%"=="0" (goto EOF) ELSE (goto cleanupalert)
echo Backup files did not zip properly - Check Backups!!
echo Backup files did not pass integrity chec - Check Backups!!
echo Backup files did not move to archive directory - Check Backups!!
echo Backup files did not extract to test directory properly - Check Backups!!
echo Backup files did not pass comparison check in FC - Check Backups!!
echo Backup files did not copy to the NAS - Check Backups!!
echo Backup files did not clean up - Check Backups!!
Echo Proccess Complete - Check Logs and emails.
But this could actually work after some tuning. Better would be if such options could be in 7zip.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 209
Latest alpha versions of 7-Zip support new switch "-sdel" to delete files after including to archive.
Upvotes: 7