Reputation: 597
I have the following problem:
I have written a simple unzipper, which unzippes .gz files which are, per line (/n), processed by another process. So, in shell, I can type:
unzipper file | program
Both programs are C/C++ coded.
Does anybody know if and how I can implement this 'pipe' (|) within one C/C++ program, so that I can make something like this multi-threaded for instance...
In my particular case, it is important to keep the new-line structure intact, that's why I'm using a pipe. The gz files are too big to keep in memory as a whole.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 850
Reputation: 300409
In programming in general, there is something called generators; in C++ we tend to think of them as input iterators however the concern remains identical: much like a pipe, it's about pull-driven production.
As such, you can restructure your program around the idea of a Producer (preferably with the interface of an input iterator) and a Consumer, and the Consumer will ask for input one line at the time, that the Producer will lazily come up with.
For a good guide on the necessary interface I recommend the venerable SGI STL website: here it is for the InputIterator concept.
For a simpler example, let's suppose we don't have to deal with unzipping and just read a file on a line-per-line basis:
class LineIterator: public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag,
std::string const>
// Default Constructible
LineIterator(): stream(nullptr) {}
explicit LineIterator(std::istream& is): stream(&is) { this->advance(); }
// Equality Comparable
friend bool operator==(LineIterator const& left, LineIterator const& right) {
return ==
and left.buffer == right.buffer
and left.currentLine == right.currentLine;
friend bool operator!=(LineIterator const& left, LineIterator const& right) {
return not (left == right);
// Trivial Iterator (non mutable)
pointer operator->() const { return ¤tLine; }
reference operator*() const { return currentLine; }
// Input Iterator
LineIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
} // operator++
LineIterator operator++(int) {
LineIterator tmp(*this);
return tmp;
} // operator++
void advance() {
// Advance a valid iterator to fetch the next line from the source stream.
static LineIterator const SingularValue;
assert(*this != SingularValue and "Cannot advance singular iterator");
// Note: in real life, I would use std::getline...
// ... but it would not showcase the double-buffering model
// required to solve the OP problem (because of decoding)
// We use double-buffering, so clear current and swap buffers
swap(buffer, currentLine);
// Check if we found some new line or not
size_t const nl = currentLine.find('\n');
// If we found one already, preserve what's after in the buffer
// as we only want to expose one line worth of material.
if (nl != std::string::npos) {
if (nl == currentLine.size()) { return; } // nothing to preserve
buffer.assign(currentLine.begin() + nl + 1, currentLine.end());
currentLine.erase(currentLine.begin() + nl + 1, currentLine.end());
// If we did not, then we need to pump more data into the buffer.
if (not stream) { return; } // Nothing to pump...
static size_t const ReadBufferSize = 256;
char input[ReadBufferSize];
while (stream->read(input, ReadBufferSize)) {
if (this->splitBuffer(input, ReadBufferSize)) { break; }
// We end up here either if we found a new line or if some read failed.
// If the stream is still good, we successfully found a new line!
if (*stream) { return; }
// Otherwise, the stream is no good any longer (it dried up!)
// but we may still have read some little things from it.
this->splitBuffer(input, stream->gcount());
stream =; // stream dried up,
// so reset it to match singular value.
} // advance
bool splitBuffer(char const* input, size_t const size) {
// Split input at the newline character, the first chunk ends
// up in currentLine, the second chunk in buffer.
// Returns true if a newline character was found, false otherwise.
// Check if we finally found a new line
char const* const newLine = std::find(input, input + size, '\n');
// If we did not, copy everything into currentLine and signal it.
if (newLine == input + size) {
currentLine.append(input, size);
return false;
// If we did, copy everything up to it (including it) into currentLine
// and then bufferize the rest for the next iteration.
currentLine.append(input, newLine + 1);
buffer.assign(newLine + 1, input + size);
return true;
} // splitBuffer
std::istream* stream;
std::string buffer;
std::string currentLine;
}; // class LineIterator
It's a bit of a mouthful (and is probably buggy...) still, it has the interface we need to compose it with STL algorithms, such as:
std::ifstream file("someFile.txt");
std::copy(LineIterator(file), LineIterator(), std::ostream_iterator(std::cout));
which will echo the file on the terminal one line at a time (demo here).
Now, all you have to do is replace the fetch portion (
) to a block by block read & unzip :)
Upvotes: 1