Reputation: 18148
Edit: I found my mistake - there was an error in the quasiquotes for my recursive case that was causing it to return a malformed sequence
I am trying to create a macro that will turn a case class T
into an updateMap: Map[String, (play.api.libs.json.JsValue) => Try[(T) => T]]
(How to use scala macros to create a function object (to create a Map[String, (T) => T])), where the map's keys are the case class's field names - the idea being that given a JsObject("key" -> JsValue)
we can retrieve the appropriate update method from updateMap
using the key
and then apply the update using the JsValue
. I have this working in the non-recursive case, i.e. given a case class that does not have any other case classes as fields. However, I would like to expand this macro so that it can generate an updateMap
for case classes that contain other case classes, for example
case class Inner(innerStr: String)
case class Outer(outerStr: String, inner: Inner)
updateMap[Outer] = {
// updateMap[Inner]
val innerMap = Map("innerStr" -> (str: String) =>
Try { (i: Inner) => i.copy(innerStr = str) } )
// updateMap[Outer]
Map("outerStr" -> (str: String) =>
Try { (o: Outer) => o.copy(outerStr = str) },
"inner.innerStr" -> (str: String) =>
Try { (o: Outer) => innerMap.get("innerStr").get(str).flatMap(lens => o.copy(inner = lens(o.inner))) })}
In other words, given updateMap[Outer]
, I would be able to directly update the object's outerStr
field, or else I would be able to update the object's inner.innerStr
field, in either case getting back a Try[Outer]
The code works correctly for the non-recursive case (copyMapRec[Inner]()
), but the recursive case (copyMapRec[Outer]()
) is giving me a "error: missing parameter type" error - I'm assuming that I either need to provide an implicit parameter somewhere or else that I have a fundamental misunderstanding about splicing.
The code below uses a (String) => Try[(T) => T]
instead of a (JsValue) => Try[(T) => T]
so that I don't need to import the play framework into my REPL. I use implicit conversions to convert the JsValue
(or String
) into the appropriate type (this occurs in the val x: $fieldType = str
line in the base case quasi quotes; if an appropriate implicit conversion isn't available then I get a compiler error).
import scala.language.experimental.macros
def copyMapImplRec[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: scala.reflect.macros.Context)(blacklist: c.Expr[String]*): c.Expr[Map[String, (String) => scala.util.Try[(T) => T]]] = {
import c.universe._
// Fields that should be omitted from the map
val blacklistList: Seq[String] = => c.eval(c.Expr[String](c.resetAllAttrs(e.tree))))
def rec(tpe: Type): c.Expr[Map[String, (String) => scala.util.Try[(T) => T]]] = {
val typeName =
// All fields in the case class's primary constructor, minus the blacklisted fields
val fields = tpe.declarations.collectFirst {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor => m
}.get.paramss.head.filterNot(field => blacklistList.contains(typeName + "." +
// Split the fields into case classes and non case classes
val recursive = fields.filter(f => f.typeSignature.typeSymbol.isClass && f.typeSignature.typeSymbol.asClass.isCaseClass)
val nonRecursive = fields.filterNot(f => f.typeSignature.typeSymbol.isClass && f.typeSignature.typeSymbol.asClass.isCaseClass)
val recursiveMethods = {
field => {
val fieldName =
val fieldNameDecoded = fieldName.decoded
// Get the c.Expr[Map] for this case class
val map = rec(field.typeSignature)
// Construct an "inner.innerStr -> " seq of tuples from the "innerStr -> " seq of tuples
val innerMap = $map => ($fieldNameDecoded + "." + tuple._1) -> {
(str: String) => {
val innerUpdate = tuple._2(str) => (outer: $tpe) => outer.copy($fieldName = innerUpdate(outer.$fieldName)))
val nonRecursiveMethods = {
field => {
val fieldName =
val fieldNameDecoded = fieldName.decoded
val fieldType = field.typeSignature
val fieldTypeName = fieldType.toString
$fieldNameDecoded -> {
(str: String) => scala.util.Try {
val x: $fieldType = str
(t: $tpe) => t.copy($fieldName = x)
}.recoverWith {
case e: Exception => scala.util.Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse " + str + " as " + $typeName + "." + $fieldNameDecoded + ": " + $fieldTypeName))
// Splice in all of the sequences of tuples, flatten the sequence, and construct a map
c.Expr[Map[String, (String) => scala.util.Try[(T) => T]]] {
q"""{ Map((List(..$recursiveMethods).flatten ++ List(..$nonRecursiveMethods)):_*) }"""
def copyMapRec[T](blacklist: String*) = macro copyMapImplRec[T]
Upvotes: 1
Views: 299
Reputation: 18148
I fixed the problem - originally in my recursiveMethods
quasiquotes had innerMap.toSeq(...)
instead of
- I had neglected to test the code in the REPL first
Upvotes: 0