Reputation: 377
we have a few coldfusion queries that run and compare data from two databases, one MS SQL and one MYSQL to perform the task of updating the prices on our webshop from our instore database.
The problem is that this query is taking upwards of four minutes to complete.Can we streamline this query at all to speed it up or are we faced with a restriction from our host?
The query -:
<cfsetting requestTimeOut = "1440">
<cfset request.timing = structNew()>
<cfset getOffline = getTickCount()>
<cfquery datasource="MSSQLDATABSE" name="get_offlineproduct2" timeout="240">
SELECT, p.code, pl.salesPrice3
FROM products p with(nolock)
INNER JOIN productposlocations pl with(nolock)
ON pl.ProductID = p.ID
WHERE pl.posLocationID = 1
<cfset request.timing.getOffline = (getTickCount() - getOffline)/1000>
<cfquery datasource="MYSQLDATABASE" name="get_onlineproducts" timeout="240">
SELECT s.SKU_ID, s.SKU_MerchSKUID, s.SKU_Price, s.SKU_ShowWeb, b.brand_Name
FROM tbl_skus AS s
INNER JOIN tbl_prdtbrand_rel r
ON s.SKU_ProductID = r.prdt_brand_rel_Product_ID
INNER JOIN tbl_prdtbrands b
ON r.prdt_brand_rel_Brand_ID = b.brand_ID
ORDER BY b.brand_Name
<cfquery name="qPriceCheck" dbtype="query">
FROM get_onlineproducts, get_offlineproduct2
AND SKU_Price <> salesPrice3
<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<th>SKU ID</th>
<th>SKU Merchant ID</th>
<th>SKU Price</th>
<th>Stock Price</th>
<th>Price Updated?</th>
<cfoutput query="get_onlineproducts">
<cfquery name="qPC" dbtype="query">
FROM get_offlineproduct2
WHERE code = '#get_onlineproducts.SKU_MerchSKUID#'
<cfif qPC.recordCount>
<cfif qPC.salesPrice3 neq get_onlineproducts.SKU_Price>
<cfquery datasource="MYSQLDATABASE" name="UpdateonlineproductsPrices">
UPDATE tbl_skus
SET SKU_Price = '#qPC.SalesPrice3#'
WHERE SKU_MerchSKUID = '#get_onlineproducts.SKU_MerchSKUID#'
<cfset request.timing.totalTime = (getTickCount() - getOffline)/1000>
<cfdump var="#request.timing#">
<cfcatch type="Any" >
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#" label="cfcatch">
Upvotes: 0
Views: 438
Reputation: 20804
Regarding comment, "How would you suggest removing the query from the cfoutput? I'm not sure of the best way to do this", I suggest this:
<cfquery name="qPC" dbtype="query">
SELECT field1, field2, etc
FROM get_offlineproduct2
WHERE code in ( <cfqueryparam
value = #ValueList(get_onlineproducts.SKU_MerchSKUID)# list="yes" )
You can then loop through these results and do what you need to do. It's only 1 trip to the database.
Upvotes: 2