Reputation: 5977
I have created a stored proc that takes a UNC path, appends a sub-folder string based on the date, then executes xp_cmdshell 'Dir '
to check how many files are in the directory.
Unfortunately it doesn't seemt o be returning a value to my called sql.
here is the stored procedure:
create procedure getDirFileCount (
@sUNCPath Varchar(500),
@countFiles int OUTPUT
declare @files table (ID int IDENTITY, FileName varchar(100))
declare @saveDir varchar(250), @Cmd varchar(500)
declare @Count int
-- get the correct path for today's generated files in format \Year\Month\
set @saveDir =@sUNCPath
+ cast(YEAR(GETDATE()) as varchar(4))
+ '\' + datename(month, GETDATE())
+ '\'+SUBSTRING(CONVERT(CHAR(20), GETDATE(), 101),4, 2)
+ '.' + LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(20), GETDATE(), 101), 2)
+ '.' + SUBSTRING(CONVERT(CHAR(20), GETDATE(), 101),7, 4)
-- using quoted identifier for the long string UNC path
set @Cmd= 'dir "' + @saveDir + '" /b'
insert into @files execute xp_cmdshell @cmd
select @Count= COUNT(*) from @files
SET @countFiles=@Count
RETURN @countFiles
--print @countFiles
Here is the code I am using to call the stored proc:
declare @DaysOffset int=0, @I int =0
DECLARE @tmpLetterTbl TABLE (
[docID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[docRef] [varchar](50) NULL,
[saveDir] [varchar](4000) NULL,
[totalLettersExpected] [int] NULL,
[actualLetters] [int] NULL,
[EQRecordCount] [int] NULL
insert @tmpLetterTbl SELECT distinct docRef,
COUNT(*) as 'Total Letters', null, null
FROM [alpsMaster].[dbo].[uExtractMonitor]
where YPTMPID<>0
group by docRef
order by 1,2
-- Get the number of rows in the looping table
DECLARE @RowCount INT,@Date varchar(20)
set @Date=rtrim(CONVERT( CHAR(12), getDate()-@DaysOffset, 106)) --'29 Oct 2013'
SET @RowCount = (SELECT COUNT(docID) FROM @tmpLetterTbl)
WHILE (@I <= @RowCount)
DECLARE @letterCount int
-- Get the data from table and set to variables
SELECT @docRef = docref FROM @tmpLetterTbl WHERE docID = @I
SELECT @saveDir = saveDir FROM @tmpLetterTbl WHERE docID = @I
update @tmpLetterTbl set actualLetters = 0 where docRef=@docRef
exec getDirFileCount @SaveDir, @letterCount
print cast(@letterCount as varchar(3)) + ' letters in directory: ' + @saveDir
update @tmpLetterTbl set actualLetters = @letterCount where docID = @I
set @I=@I+1
I want the table variable @tmpLetterTbl to be updated with the number of files in the directory returned by the stroed proc getDirFileCount
I get no errors, but @letterCount is not being populated.
What am I doing wrong here please?
thanks Philip
Upvotes: 1
Views: 146
Reputation: 175986
You must also decorate the param with OUTPUT
in the call to the procedure:
exec getDirFileCount @SaveDir, @letterCount OUTPUT
Upvotes: 4