Reputation: 7070
How do I pause and resume the setInterval() function using Javascript?
For example, maybe I have a stopwatch to tell you the number of seconds that you have been looking at the webpage. There is a 'Pause' and 'Resume' button. The reason why clearInterval() would not work here is because if the user clicks on the 'Pause' button at the 40th second and 800th millisecond, when he clicks on the 'Resume' button, the number of seconds elapsed must increase by 1 after 200 milliseconds. If I use the clearInterval() function on the timer variable (when the pause button is clicked) and then using the setInterval() function on the timer variable again (when the resume button is clicked), the number of seconds elapsed will increase by 1 only after 1000 milliseconds, which destroys the accuracy of the stopwatch.
So how do I do that?
Upvotes: 97
Views: 183925
Reputation: 13
For those interested in an alternative (my edgecase for instance was the temporary pausing of an auto carousel function).
You can put the creation of the interval into a function and call onto it after sometime to restart it using setTimeout.
var carouselindex = 0,
function changeoffset(dir) {
// HTML Elements
var container = document.getElementsByClassName("container")[0],
indicator = document.getElementsByClassName("indicator")[0],
width = container.offsetWidth,
items = container.childElementCount;
// Setting up index
if (dir === '-' && carouselindex > 0) {
} else if (dir === '-' && carouselindex === 0) {
carouselindex = (items - 1);
} else if (dir === '+' && carouselindex < (items - 1)) {
} else if (dir === '+' && carouselindex === (items - 1)) {
carouselindex = 0;
// Calculating offset
var newoffset = Math.round(carouselindex * width),
indicatoroffset = Math.round(carouselindex * 22);
container.scrollTo(newoffset, 0); = indicatoroffset + "px";
function startcarousel() {
carouselinterval = setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
function pausecarousel(dir) {
setTimeout(startcarousel, 5000);
Some important notes to clear up any confusion. I use '+' or '-' to indicate the direction the carousel should move in and they are usually defined in the variable dir.
The only important part for people wondering about starting and pausing javascript Intervals is the code outside of the changeoffset function.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
let time = document.getElementById("time");
let stopButton = document.getElementById("stop");
let timeCount = 0,
function play() {
stopButton.hidden = false;
currentTimeout = setInterval(() => {
const min = String(Math.trunc(timeCount / 60)).padStart(2, 0);
const sec = String(Math.trunc(timeCount % 60)).padStart(2, 0);
time.innerHTML = `${min} : ${sec}`;
}, 1000);
function pause() {
function stop() {
stopButton.hidden = true;
timeCount = 0;
time.innerHTML = `00 : 00`;
<h1 id="time">00 : 00</h1>
<br />
<button onclick="play()">play</button>
<button onclick="pause()">pause</button>
<button onclick="stop()" id="stop" hidden>Reset</button>
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2621
i wrote a simple ES6 class that may come handy. inspired by answer
export class IntervalTimer {
remaining = 0;
paused = false;
timerId = null;
constructor(callback, delay) {
this._callback = callback;
this._delay = delay;
pause() {
if (!this.paused) {
this.remaining = new Date().getTime() - this.callbackStartTime;
this.paused = true;
resume() {
if (this.paused) {
if (this.remaining) {
setTimeout(() => {;
this.paused = false;
}, this.remaining);
} else {
this.paused = false;
clear() {
start() {
this.timerId = setInterval(() => {;
}, this._delay);
run() {
this.callbackStartTime = new Date().getTime();
usage is pretty straightforward,
const interval = new IntervalTimer(console.log('aaa'), 3000);
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 8108
My simple way:
function Timer (callback, delay) {
let callbackStartTime
let remaining = 0
this.timerId = null
this.paused = false
this.pause = () => {
remaining -= - callbackStartTime
this.paused = true
this.resume = () => {
window.setTimeout(this.setTimeout.bind(this), remaining)
this.paused = false
this.setTimeout = () => {
this.timerId = window.setInterval(() => {
callbackStartTime =
}, delay)
this.clear = () => {
How to use:
let seconds = 0
const timer = new Timer(() => {
console.log('seconds', seconds)
if (seconds === 8) {
alert('Game over!')
}, 1000)
console.log('isPaused: ', timer.paused)
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('isPaused: ', timer.paused)
}, 2500)
function Timer (callback, delay) {
let callbackStartTime
let remaining = 0
this.timerId = null
this.paused = false
this.pause = () => {
remaining -= - callbackStartTime
this.paused = true
this.resume = () => {
window.setTimeout(this.setTimeout.bind(this), remaining)
this.paused = false
this.setTimeout = () => {
this.timerId = window.setInterval(() => {
callbackStartTime =
}, delay)
this.clear = () => {
The code is written quickly and did not refactored, raise the rating of my answer if you want me to improve the code and give ES2015 version (classes).
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 8730
The following code, provides a precision way to pause resume a timer.
How it works:
When the timer is resumed after a pause, it generates a correction cycle using a single timeout
, that will consider the pause offset (exact time when the timer was paused between cycles). After the correction cycle finishes, it schedules the following cycles with a regular setInteval
, and continues normally the cycle execution.
This allows to pause/resume the timer, without losing the sync.
Code :
function Timer(_fn_callback_ , _timer_freq_){
let _timer_statusCode_;
let _timer_clockRef_;
let _time_ellapsed_; // will store the total time ellapsed
let _time_pause_; // stores the time when timer is paused
let _time_lastCycle_; // stores the time of the last cycle
let _isCorrectionCycle_;
* execute in each clock cycle
const nextCycle = function(){
// calculate deltaTime
let _time_delta_ = new Date() - _time_lastCycle_;
_time_lastCycle_ = new Date();
_time_ellapsed_ += _time_delta_;
// if its a correction cicle (caused by a pause,
// destroy the temporary timeout and generate a definitive interval
if( _isCorrectionCycle_ ){
clearTimeout( _timer_clockRef_ );
clearInterval( _timer_clockRef_ );
_timer_clockRef_ = setInterval( nextCycle , _timer_freq_ );
_isCorrectionCycle_ = false;
// execute callback
_fn_callback_.apply( timer, [ timer ] );
// initialize timer
_time_ellapsed_ = 0;
_time_lastCycle_ = new Date();
_timer_statusCode_ = 1;
_timer_clockRef_ = setInterval( nextCycle , _timer_freq_ );
// timer public API
const timer = {
get statusCode(){ return _timer_statusCode_ },
get timestamp(){
let abstime;
if( _timer_statusCode_=== 1 ) abstime = _time_ellapsed_ + ( new Date() - _time_lastCycle_ );
else if( _timer_statusCode_=== 2 ) abstime = _time_ellapsed_ + ( _time_pause_ - _time_lastCycle_ );
return abstime || 0;
pause : function(){
if( _timer_statusCode_ !== 1 ) return this;
// stop timers
clearTimeout( _timer_clockRef_ );
clearInterval( _timer_clockRef_ );
// set new status and store current time, it will be used on
// resume to calculate how much time is left for next cycle
// to be triggered
_timer_statusCode_ = 2;
_time_pause_ = new Date();
return this;
resume: function(){
if( _timer_statusCode_ !== 2 ) return this;
_timer_statusCode_ = 1;
_isCorrectionCycle_ = true;
const delayEllapsedTime = _time_pause_ - _time_lastCycle_;
_time_lastCycle_ = new Date( new Date() - (_time_pause_ - _time_lastCycle_) );
_timer_clockRef_ = setTimeout( nextCycle , _timer_freq_ - delayEllapsedTime - RESUME_CORRECTION_RATE);
return this;
return timer;
let myTimer = Timer( x=> console.log(x.timestamp), 1000);
<input type="button" onclick="myTimer.pause()" value="pause">
<input type="button" onclick="myTimer.resume()" value="resume">
Code source :
This Timer is a modified and simplified version of advanced-timer
, a js library created by myself, with many more functionalities.
The full library and documentation is available in NPM and GITHUB
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 259
I know this thread is old, but this could be another solution:
var do_this = null;
function y(){
// what you wanna do
do_this = setInterval(y, 1000);
function y_start(){
do_this = setInterval(y, 1000);
function y_stop(){
do_this = clearInterval(do_this);
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 3541
While @Jonas Giuro is right when saying that:
You cannot PAUSE the setInterval function, you can either STOP it (clearInterval), or let it run
On the other hand this behavior can be simulated with approach @VitaliyG suggested:
You shouldn't measure time in interval function. Instead just save time when timer was started and measure difference when timer was stopped/paused. Use setInterval only to update displayed value.
var output = $('h1');
var isPaused = false;
var time = new Date();
var offset = 0;
var t = window.setInterval(function() {
if(!isPaused) {
var milisec = offset + (new Date()).getTime() - time.getTime();
output.text(parseInt(milisec / 1000) + "s " + (milisec % 1000));
}, 10);
//with jquery
$('.toggle').on('click', function(e) {
isPaused = !isPaused;
if (isPaused) {
offset += (new Date()).getTime() - time.getTime();
} else {
time = new Date();
h1 {
font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
<script src=""></script>
<h1>Seconds: 0</h1>
<button class="toggle">Toggle</button>
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 10786
You could use a flag to keep track of the status:
var output = $('h1');
var isPaused = false;
var time = 0;
var t = window.setInterval(function() {
if(!isPaused) {
output.text("Seconds: " + time);
}, 1000);
//with jquery
$('.pause').on('click', function(e) {
isPaused = true;
$('.play').on('click', function(e) {
isPaused = false;
h1 {
font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
<script src=""></script>
<h1>Seconds: 0</h1>
<button class="play">Play</button>
<button class="pause">Pause</button>
This is just what I would do, I'm not sure if you can actually pause the setInterval.
Note: This system is easy and works pretty well for applications that don't require a high level of precision, but it won't consider the time elapsed in between ticks: if you click pause after half a second and later click play your time will be off by half a second.
Upvotes: 155
Reputation: 862
Simply add a class that tells the interval not to do anything. For example: on hover.
var i = 0;
this.setInterval(function() {
if(!$('#counter').hasClass('pauseInterval')) { //only run if it hasn't got this class 'pauseInterval'
$('#counter').html(i++); //just for explaining and showing
} else {
console.log('Stopped counting');
}, 500);
/* In this example, I'm adding a class on mouseover and remove it again on mouseleave. You can of course do pretty much whatever you like */
$('#counter').hover(function() { //mouse enter
},function() { //mouse leave
/* Other example */
$('#pauseInterval').click(function() {
body {
background-color: #eee;
font-family: Calibri, Arial, sans-serif;
#counter {
width: 50%;
background: #ddd;
border: 2px solid #009afd;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
transition: .3s;
margin: 0 auto;
#counter.pauseInterval {
border-color: red;
<!-- you'll need jQuery for this. If you really want a vanilla version, ask -->
<script src=""></script>
<p id="counter"> </p>
<button id="pauseInterval">Pause</button></p>
I've been looking for this fast and easy approach for ages, so I'm posting several versions to introduce as many people to it as possible.
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 1857
You shouldn't measure time in interval function. Instead just save time when timer was started and measure difference when timer was stopped/paused. Use setInterval only to update displayed value. So there is no need to pause timer and you will get best possible accuracy in this way.
Upvotes: 19