Reputation: 45
I have the following errors when I run the code below in sql developer. I can't find what the problem is with this code. Concept: The sql inside cursor Base1 returs around 100 rows. I would like to use each of these rows as an input to the sql inside target cusor, which further returns several rows. The errors i get are :
Encountered the symbol "(" when expecting one of the following: . into bulk
Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following: . ( , % from
Encountered the symbol "CLOSE" when expecting one of the following: end not pragma final instantiable order overriding static member constructor map
set serveroutput ON
Type Beg_Ser_Tab1 Is Table Of DUMMY%Rowtype Index By Pls_Integer;
Type Beg_Ser_Tab2 Is Table Of DUMMY%Rowtype INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
L_Beg_Ser_Tab Beg_Ser_Tab1;
L_Beg_Ser_Tab_Fin Beg_Ser_Tab2;
result number;
select * from DUMMY c1
where status=976 and for_class_loc_project=1
and not exists
(select * from DUMMY c2
where c2.status=976 and c2.for_class_loc_project=1
and c2.end_series=c1.COLOUMN_X and c2.end_station=c1.beg_station)
and not exists
(select * from mv_station_Series t
where t.status in (SELECT ID FROM list_domain
WHERE LOWER (domainvalue) IN ('active', 'preliminary as-built', 'idle', 'construction'))
and and c1.beg_station=t.beg_station
order by;
CURSOR target(v_id NUMBER) IS
Select *
From DUMMY Where COLOUMN_X in (
Select ID From Station_Series Where
Status = 976
And Discharge_Subsys = (Select Discharge_Subsys From Station_Series Where Id = v_id )
And Line_Loop = (Select Line_Loop From Station_Series Where Id = v_id)) And Status In
(Select Id From List_Domain
Where Lower (Domainvalue) In ('active', 'preliminary as-built', 'idle', 'construction'))
Order By Beg_Station Asc;
OPEN Base1;
FETCH Base1 BULK COLLECT INTO l_beg_ser_tab1;
EXIT WHEN l_beg_ser_tab1.count = 0;
FOR index1 IN 1..l_beg_ser_tab1.count
Dbms_Output.Put_Line('For Beg Series '|| L_Beg_Ser_Tab1(Index1));
Open Target(L_Beg_Ser_Tab1.COLOUMN_X);
FETCH target(l_beg_ser_tab1.COLOUMN_X) BULK COLLECT INTO l_beg_ser_tab_fin;
FOR index2 IN 1..l_beg_ser_tab_fin.count
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' '||l_beg_ser_tab_fin(index2));
CLOSE target;
CLOSE Base1;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 490
Reputation: 52396
I would think that once you have:
Open Target(L_Beg_Ser_Tab1.COLOUMN_X);
You would not need to specify the parameter again in:
FETCH target(l_beg_ser_tab1.COLOUMN_X) B
Also, implicit cursors are generally faster, and easier to code. Why not use them? In fact, why not use a single implicit cursor for the entire logic?
Upvotes: 2