Ok here is How i instantiate my Defclass and related Defmethod and Defparameter
(defvar *account-numbers* 0)
(defclass bank-account ()
:initarg :customer-name
:initform (error "Must supply a customer name.")
:accessor customer-name
:documentation "Customer's name")
:initarg :balance
:initform 0
:reader balance
:documentation "Current account balance")
:initform (incf *account-numbers*)
:reader account-number
:documentation "Account number, unique within a bank.")
:reader account-type
:documentation "Type of account, one of :gold, :silver, or :bronze.")))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((account bank-account)
&key opening-bonus-percentage)
(when opening-bonus-percentage
(incf (slot-value account 'balance)
(* (slot-value account 'balance) (/ opening-bonus-percentage 100)))))
(defparameter *account* (make-instance
:customer-name "Ed Monney"
:balance 1000000000
:opening-bonus-percentage 5))
I'm trying to access the :documentation slot-value of any said slot but have not been able to find info in the book i'm reading nor google....
My attempts include
(documentation *account* 'balance)
got this error
WARNING: unsupported DOCUMENTATION: type BALANCE for object of type BANK-ACCOUNT
I tried
(slot-value bank-account ('balance :documentation))
I got
The variable BANK-ACCOUNT is unbound.
[Condition of type UNBOUND-VARIABLE]
I tried every other variation I could think of slot-value 'balance :documentation 'documentation bank-account and *account*
I can think of but just got a lot of different errors any help on learning how to access the :documentation of a defclass slot
is much appreciated
Edit: @Rainer Joswig that seems to work only right after i entered the defclass at the repl...I was hoping for a way that , if I had a set defclass in a library or something I could just run a command and access the doc. . They way you posted though if i run something else at the repl after the defclass ....I get an error when i run those 4 lines of code....I tried something like (documentation (slot-value account 'balance) t) after i've run my initialize-instance and my defparam account as in my post but get error....could you suggest a way to make the documentation easier to access.
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This is not defined in the Common Lisp standard. Unfortunately this is also not beginners territory.
Implementations may provide a way to access the documentation string of a slot.
LispWorks example:
CL-USER 23 > (defclass foo ()
((bar :documentation "this is slot bar in class foo")))
CL-USER 24 > (class-slots *)
CL-USER 25 > (first *)
CL-USER 26 > (documentation * 'slot-definition)
"this is slot bar in class foo"
It also works in Clozure CL.
For SBCL it works slightly different.
* (defclass foo ()
((bar :documentation "this is slot bar in class foo")))
* (sb-mop:finalize-inheritance *)
* (sb-mop::class-slots **)
* (first *)
* (documentation * t)
"this is slot bar in class foo"
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