Reputation: 366
I'm trying to query Yelp from within R by HTTP request. I'm having trouble getting the oauth_signature
parameter to match what Yelp is expecting.
Here's my code so far.
YWSID <- "..."
TOKEN <- "..."
yelp_bus <- function(rest, ywsid, cons_key, cons_sec, tok, tok_sec) {
require(package = "digest")
require(package = "rjson")
require(package = "RCurl")
require(package = "stringr")
rest1 <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "%2520", x = rest)
rest2 <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "+", x = rest)
nonce <- paste(sample(x = c(0:9, letters, LETTERS, "_"), size = 32, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
tm <- format(x = Sys.time(), "%s")
api_url <- paste("GET\\u0026",
"oauth_consumer_key%3D", cons_key, "%26",
"oauth_nonce%3D", nonce, "%26",
"oauth_timestamp%3D", tm, "%26",
"oauth_token%3D", tok, "%26",
"term%3D", rest1,
sep = "")
signature <- hmac(key = tok_sec, object = api_url, algo = "sha1")
api_url <- paste("",
"oauth_consumer_key=", cons_key, "&",
"oauth_nonce=", nonce, "&",
"oauth_signature=", signature, "&",
"oauth_timestamp=", tm, "&",
"oauth_token=", tok, "&",
"term=", rest2,
sep = "")
yelp_bus(rest = "chez moi",
ywsid = YWSID,
cons_key = CONSUMER_KEY,
tok = TOKEN,
tok_sec = TOKEN_SECRET)
I get an this error back every time.
{"error": {"text": "Signature was invalid", "id": "INVALID_SIGNATURE", "description": "Invalid signature. Expected signature base string: ..."}}
Upvotes: 3
Views: 764
Reputation: 743
Create the signature as follows:
signature <- as.character(curlPercentEncode(base64(hmac(key=paste(cons_sec, tok_sec, sep="&"), object=api_url, algo="sha1", serialize=FALSE, raw=TRUE))))
Upvotes: 3