
Reputation: 3606

Android Gradle: Dynamically change versionName at build time

I'm trying to emulate Maven release plugin in Android by using a customized version of gradle-release plugin:

The interesting steps are:

However the generated APK always has the previous versions (i.e. 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT instead of 1.0.0).

Version numbers are stored and correctly updated in, so I'm assuming that I need to update the versions in the data model as well for the changes to take effect.

My android plugin config:

defaultConfig {
    versionCode versionCode as int  // taken from
    versionName versionName // taken from
    minSdkVersion 10
    targetSdkVersion 19

Things I tried:

preBuild << {
    android.applicationVariants.each { variant ->
        variant.versionName = versionName

But there's no versionName in a variant.

preBuild << {
    android.buildTypes.each { type ->
        type.versionName = versionName

But there's no versionName in a type.

preBuild << {
    android.productFlavors.each { flavor ->
        flavor.versionName = versionName

But there are no flavors in my app (plain debug and release build types only).

My alternative is to write a bash/bat script to step the versions before invoking Gradle, which pretty much defeats the purpose of using Groovy to improve build customization.

How can I update versions dynamically in the Android Gradle plugin in the execution phase?

Upvotes: 38

Views: 46153

Answers (9)


Reputation: 2742

The last versions of Gradle 8.7.5 and AndroidStudio Ladybug don't permit the old "running external process" way, you need update these implementations for run your versionName or versionCode scripts, for instance like this:

apply plugin: ''

def getVersionNameFromGit= providers.exec {

def getVersionCodeFromGit = providers.exec {

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 28
        targetSdkVersion 35

        versionName getVersionNameFromGit
        versionCode getVersionCodeFromGit.toInteger()

More info here: Running external process

Upvotes: 0

I have done following:

val applicationName = "CoolApp"
android {
    applicationVariants.all {
        outputs.forEach {
            if (it is ApkVariantOutputImpl) {
                it.outputFileName = "$applicationName ${it.versionNameOverride}.apk"

Gradle Wrapper: gradle-8.0
Android Gradle Plugin: 8.1.0

Hope this helps

Upvotes: 0

Sandeep Dixit
Sandeep Dixit

Reputation: 1036

Both version name and version code can be generated dynamically as follows. Comments in code.

 * computedVersionCode()
 * do not name this to getVersionCode. getVersionCode conflicts with the automatic getter of versionCode
 * version code is an int a value between 0 and max int value 2147483647 is expected.
 * This function returns at int in yyyMMddHH format
 * For example, 2022061121 for 11 June 2022 between 21:00 to 21:59
 * This gives a new versioncode for every different hour of day and same code within same hour of hour of day
 * Max int value is 2147483647. So after year 2147 it will overflow to -ve values.
 * max value in year 2147 will be 2147121223 so Lot of scope of manually incrementing up-to 2147483647  will be there.
 * @return an int corresponding to current hour in yyyyMMddHH format
static def computedVersionCode() {

    def date = new Date()
    def formattedDate = date.format('yyyyMMddHH')
    int versionCodeInt = (int) Long.parseLong(formattedDate)
    return versionCodeInt

 * computedVersionCode2()
 * do not name this to getVersionCode. getVersionCode conflicts with automatic getter of versionCode
 * version code is an int a value between 0 and Max int value 2147483647 is expected.
 * This function returns total hours since epoch
 * For example, it returns 459711 for 11 June 2022 at 21:21 IST
 * This gives a new versioncode for every different hour
 * Max int value is 2147483647. This format is good till 09-Oct-246953 12:30:00 PM
 * @return hours since epoch which can be used as version code
static def computedVersionCode2() {

    long millisSinceEpoch = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long hoursSinceEpoch = millisSinceEpoch/(3600*1000);
    int hoursSinceEpochInt = (int)hoursSinceEpoch;

    //Hours since epoch changes every hour automatically.
    //If data type int remains of same size forever this value will be good till year 4419.

    return hoursSinceEpochInt;

static def computedVersionSuffix() {
    def date = new Date()
    def formattedDate = date.format('')
    return formattedDate

android {
    compileSdkVersion 32
    defaultConfig {
        versionCode computedVersionCode()
        versionName "1.0.8.".concat(computedVersionSuffix())

Upvotes: 1

Suraj Bahadur
Suraj Bahadur

Reputation: 3928

Late to this question but you can try the below way to attach the dynamic build suffix to the versionName in build.gradle .

def buildCode = (int)(((new Date().getTime()/1000) - 1451606400) / 10)
android {
    compileSdkVersion 30
    buildToolsVersion "30.0.2"
    defaultConfig {
        versionName "0.1.${buildCode}"

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 179

I was facing similar need of having separate build logic for release and non-release builds. Apart from different versioning, I had to use a different set of dependencies, even different repositories.

None of the available plugins had all of the features that I needed, so I developed my own solution, based on simple approach - command line argument.

You can pass a command line parameter when invoking gradle build script like this:

gradle build -PmyParameter=myValue

or in my case

gradle build -PisRelease=true

Gradle will parse it, and it would automagically be available as a property of the project object. You could then use it like this:

if (project.hasProperty('isRelease') && project.isRelease) {
        // Here be the logic!

I extracted this logic into a separate plugin, and I've been successfully using it across different projects.

Although this doesn't answer your question directly, I hope I gave you another angle to think about the problem and another possible solution.

Upvotes: 3

Neil B
Neil B

Reputation: 126

I just used Javanator's answer and modified it a bit so that commit count not only helps in changing the name but also makes sure that version code also remains unique. Here is a sample of what I did (Maybe a couple of things can be optimized, but nevertheless does the job for me) :

android {
    compileSdkVersion 25
    buildToolsVersion "25.0.2"
    def gitCommitCount = "git rev-list HEAD --count".execute().text.trim().toBigInteger()
    project.ext.set("versionCode", gitCommitCount)
    project.ext.set("versionNameSuffix", "(${gitCommitCount})")

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 15
        targetSdkVersion 25
        versionCode  project.versionCode
        versionName "1.0"
        versionNameSuffix project.versionNameSuffix
        setProperty("archivesBaseName", "MyProject-$versionName")

    signingConfigs {
        config {

    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
            signingConfig signingConfigs.config

    packagingOptions {

    applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        variant.outputs.each { output ->
            output.outputFile = new File(
          ".apk", "-${variant.versionName}.apk"))

Edit : The last bit could also be like

    applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    if ('release')) {
        variant.outputs.each { output ->
            variant.outputs.all {
                outputFileName = "MyProject-${variant.versionName}${variant.versionCode}.apk"

Upvotes: 5

Rohit Sharma
Rohit Sharma

Reputation: 13815

I needed to append current git commit count of code revision to the version name. Its real handy in many situation. I ended up with below simple gradle file

apply plugin: ''

android {
    compileSdkVersion 21
    buildToolsVersion "21.1.2"

    def gitCommitCount = "git rev-list HEAD --count".execute().text.trim()

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 16
        targetSdkVersion 21
        versionCode 6
        versionName "0.8"

    buildTypes {

        debug {
            versionNameSuffix ".${gitCommitCount}"

        release {
            versionNameSuffix ".${gitCommitCount}"
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''


Similar to gitCommitCount, You can generate variables of your own to customise version name. As i am just executing a terminal command to store its result in a variable.

Upvotes: 19


Reputation: 46460

That's what buildTypes are for. What you're describing is a release build, IMO.

Here's an example: when executing assembleDebug it will give you a snapshot build, and executing assembleRelease will give you a clean build without any suffix and incremented version number. The next debug build will also use the incremented number.

The following is a fully functional build when the files are created in a folder. It should also work with flavors, but that's just a side product :). Gradle 2.2.1, Android plugin 1.1.3


apply plugin: ''
apply from: 'auto-version.gradle'

buildscript {
    repositories { jcenter() }
    dependencies { classpath '' }

android {
    buildToolsVersion = "21.1.2"
    compileSdkVersion = "android-21"

    buildTypes {
        debug {
            versionNameSuffix "-SNAPSHOT"

println "config code: ${calculateVersionCode()}, name: ${calculateVersionName()}"


<manifest package="com.example" />


ext {
    versionFile = new File(project.rootDir, '')
    calculateVersionName = {
        def version = readVersion()
        return "${version['major']}.${version['minor']}.${version['build']}"
    calculateVersionCode = {
        def version = readVersion()
        def major = version['major'] as int // 1..∞
        def minor = version['minor'] as int // 0..99
        def build = version['build'] as int // 0..999
        return (major * 100 + minor) * 1000 + build

Properties readVersion() {
    def version = new Properties()
    def stream
    try {
        stream = new FileInputStream(versionFile)
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ignore) {
    } finally {
        if (stream != null) stream.close()
    // safety defaults in case file is missing
    if(!version['major']) version['major'] = "1"
    if(!version['minor']) version['minor'] = "0"
    if(!version['build']) version['build'] = "0"
    return version

void incrementVersionNumber() {
    def version = readVersion()

    // careful with the types, culprits: "9"++ = ":", "9" + 1 = "91"
    def build = version['build'] as int
    version['build'] = build.toString()

    def stream = new FileOutputStream(versionFile)
    try {, null)
    } finally {

task incrementVersion {
    description "Increments build counter in ${versionFile}"
    doFirst {

if (plugins.hasPlugin('android') || plugins.hasPlugin('android-library')) {
    android {
        defaultConfig {
            versionName = calculateVersionName()
            versionCode = calculateVersionCode()

        afterEvaluate {
            def autoIncrementVariant = { variant ->
                if ( == { // don't increment on debug builds
                    variant.preBuild.dependsOn incrementVersion
                    incrementVersion.doLast {
                        variant.mergedFlavor.versionName = calculateVersionName()
                        variant.mergedFlavor.versionCode = calculateVersionCode()
            if (plugins.hasPlugin('android')) {
                applicationVariants.all { variant -> autoIncrementVariant(variant) }
            if (plugins.hasPlugin('android-library')) {
                libraryVariants.all { variant -> autoIncrementVariant(variant) }

Execute gradle assembleDebug to build normally, gradle assembleRelease to increment and build, and gradle incrementVersion to just increment. Note: be careful with gradle assemble because the order of assembleDebug and assembleRelease will yield different results.

Check the generated files in the build directory to see if the values are to your liking.

Manual execution (from comments)

It is possible you have multiple flavors in which case the version is incremented multiple times because multiple variants match the release build type. The original quesion was for no flavors. If you want to have more control when the version number is incremented just remove the afterEvaluate block and call the incrementVersion task whenever you want:

gradle incrementVersion assembleFreeRelease assemblePaidRelease

(The above manual execution is an untested idea.)

Check uncommitted changes

The "Check uncommitted changes" are not covered in this answer, that's another game. You could hook on to tasks.preBuild.doFirst { /*fail here if uncommited changes*/ } if I understand correctly. But that highly depends on your version control. Ask another question for more!

Upvotes: 59

Bryan Herbst
Bryan Herbst

Reputation: 67189

This doesn't directly address your question of how to completely change the versionName, but this is what I use to append a suffix for my buildTypes:

defaultConfig {
    versionName "1.0"

buildTypes {
    debug {
        versionNameSuffix "-SNAPSHOT"

Upvotes: 12

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