Reputation: 874
I have been having lots of difficulty automating the setup of a Web application and configuring IIS appropriately with the Application Pool Identity. I am doing this in a Web application deployment script written in PowerShell. My requirement is that I need my PowerShell script to set the application pool identity user to a specific service account mydomain\svcuser and password. Here is the sample code:
$pool = New-Item "IIS:\AppPools\MyAppPool" -Force
$svcuser = "mydomain\svcuser"
$pool.processModel.userName = $svcuser
$password = "somepassword"
$pool.processModel.password = $password
$pool.processModel.identityType = 3
$pool | Set-Item -ErrorAction Stop
When I run this, everything appears to work correctly--no errors are thrown and the application identity user name appears in IIS--but for some reason the password does not get set correctly, if at all. Since it is a password I cannot verify whether it has been set, but I can conclude that it if it is, it is not set correctly. It will not authenticate the resulting application pool user until I manually go in and enter the password in IIS. As a result the application fails after being deployed to the Web server and requires manual intervention.
Am I missing something here?
Upvotes: 45
Views: 86775
Reputation: 136
seems you can do this a little more directly now
appcmd set apppool junkapp /processmodel.password:junkpassword
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 2992
I'm on powershell v4 which doesn't have 'ConvertFrom-SecureString', in the end I got the following to work for me:
Import-Module WebAdministration
$cred = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter username and new password to reset IIS app pool password (for app pools running as username)"
$bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($cred.Password)
$plaintext = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($bstr)
$applicationPools = Get-ChildItem IIS:\AppPools | where { $_.processModel.userName -eq
$cred.UserName }
foreach($pool in $applicationPools)
$apppool = "IIS:\AppPools\" + $pool.Name
Set-ItemProperty $apppool -name processModel.password -Value $plaintext
Write-Host "Application pool passwords updated..." -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-Host ""
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 931
You would do this as follows:
Import-Module WebAdministration
Set-ItemProperty IIS:\AppPools\app-pool-name -name processModel -value @{userName="user_name";password="password";identitytype=3}
See this document here for an explanation, and a reference of the indentity type numeric for the user type you will run the app pool under:
Upvotes: 81
Reputation: 169
After few experiments
Here is my Answer, I hope this will helps , I've worked on IIS 8.5
$credentials = (Get-Credential -Message "Please enter the Login credentials including Domain Name").GetNetworkCredential()
$userName = $credentials.Domain + '\' + $credentials.UserName
Set-ItemProperty IIS:\AppPools\$app_pool_name -name processModel.identityType -Value SpecificUser
Set-ItemProperty IIS:\AppPools\$app_pool_name -name processModel.userName -Value $username
Set-ItemProperty IIS:\AppPools\$app_pool_name -name processModel.password -Value $credentials.Password
Upvotes: 11