Reputation: 1017
I am trying to make a tool that would login to multiple remote windows servers and get their drive details and display them under one window.
Possible command that I am looking forward to execute in the remote server is wmic logicaldisk get size,freespace,caption
. I intend to get the output of this command and display it.
I have remote server hostname and IP, username and password.
How do I connect to these remote servers and execute the command?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 22736
Reputation: 3986
So, PowerShell is not enabled, which means you need to use a batch file. I would suggest you to try this script. I have found this script and it is working fine.
IF "%~1"=="" goto help
IF "%~2"=="" goto help
@FOR /F "tokens=1-3" %%n IN ('"WMIC /node:"%1" LOGICALDISK GET Name,Size,FreeSpace | find /i "%2""') DO @SET FreeBytes=%%n & @SET TotalBytes=%%p
@SET /A TotalSpace=!TotalBytes:~0,-9!
@SET /A FreeSpace=!FreeBytes:~0,-10!
@SET /A TotalUsed=%TotalSpace% - %FreeSpace%
@SET /A PercentUsed=(!TotalUsed!*100)/!TotalSpace!
@SET /A PercentFree=100-!PercentUsed!
IF %TotalSpace% LSS 0 goto error
@ECHO Total space: %TotalSpace%GB
@ECHO Free space: %FreeSpace%GB
@ECHO Used space: %TotalUsed%GB
@ECHO Percent Used: %PercentUsed%%%
@ECHO Percent Free: %PercentFree%%%
@SET TotalSpace=
@SET FreeSpace=
@SET TotalUsed=
@SET PercentUsed=
@SET PercentFree=
goto end
echo *** Invalid server or drive specified ***
goto help
echo diskfree.cmd
echo Queries remote server for free disk space.
echo Specify a MACHINENAME and a drive letter to be queried
echo Example: diskfree.cmd MACHINENAME c:
goto end
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 8009
You should be able to issue remote commends with PowerShell but you have to enable PowerShell Remoting. Here is a tutorial that looks ok.
Upvotes: 0