Reputation: 1725
I am new to django web app,
my project structure looks like: x ->x ->
in I have following entry:
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
join (BASE_DIR, 'locale'),
('en', _('English')),
#('en-us', ugettext('English US')),
('es', _('Spanish')),
('en-Gb', _('English UK')),
USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = True
USE_TZ = True
I have installed get text on my MAC OSX 10.7.5
in my template:
{% load i18n %}
{% trans "Login To UI Mirror" %}
Using the below command makemessages -a
seems its able to generate django.po
but it is missing with
message id defined in template.
here is what it has:
msgid "English"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr ""
msgid "English UK"
msgstr ""
Any help will be appreciated.
Template Codes:
{% load compress %}
{% load i18n %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
{# Mobile meta tag #}
<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="True">
<meta name="MobileOptimized" content="320">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">
<meta http-equiv="cleartype" content="on">
{# Favicons #}
<link rel="icon" href="{{static}}images/uimirror.ico" type="image/x-icon">
{% block title %}
{% include "core/_title.html" with location='lgn_reg' %}
{% endblock title %}
{# Tile icon for Win8 (144x144 + tile color) #}
{% block css_media %}
{% include "core/_media.html" with location='lgn_reg' %}
{% endblock css_media %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock content %}
<script src="//"></script>
{% block script_media %}
{% include "core/_script_media.html" with location='lgn' %}
{% endblock script_media %}
1st extend:
{% extends 'core/_base.html' %}
{% block css_media %}
{% include "core/_media.html" with location=location %}
{% endblock css_media %}
{% block content %}
<div class="uimmaincontainer" id="uimmaincontainer">
{% include "core/login_register/_login_register_theme.html" with location=location %}
{% include "core/login_register/_login.html" with location=location%}
{% include "core/login_register/_register.html" with location=location%}
{% endblock content %}
Trans block :
{% load i18n %}
<div class="pt15 {% if location == 'lgn' %} active {% else %} hidden {% endif %}" id="_ui_lgn_them">
<h4 aria-hidden="true" class="">
<img width="15" height="15" alt=""
class="uiHeaderImage img">{% trans "Login To UI Mirror" %}
<div class="clearfix">
<div class="mb5 uiHeaderSubTitle f-left fsm tc-3">Enter to the most existing virtual world.</div>
Upvotes: 0
Views: 135
Reputation: 3242
I think there is a problem with your template directory structure. Django template loader is looking for a directory called "templates" within your app.
Your templates are located under core/login_register/
, so django can't find them.
You can use the following structure for your templates :
└── yourapp
└── templates
└── yourapp
├── base.html
└── index.html
This way, django will find your templates, and you'll even be able to override these templates in other apps :
└── yourapp
└── templates
└── yourapp
├── base.html
└── index.html
└── anotherapp
└── templates
└── yourapp
├── base.html # it will override the template yourapp/templates/yourapp/base.html
It's a common structure for django projects.
Upvotes: 1