Reputation: 19
i have the right codes for this. when i press yes the command will execute but when i press the NO the sub doesnt exit it still executes the command.. can someone help me?? im a newbee in vb programing.. (sorry for the english)
heres the code
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim payed As Integer
Dim balance As Integer
Dim paying As Integer
Dim d As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dim ans As Integer
If TextBox7.Text = "" Or 0 Then
MsgBox("please enter amount", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
If TextBox6.Text = 0 Then
MsgBox("the student is fully payed", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
ans = MsgBox(" are you want to upadate the students payment? ", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "confirm ")
If MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
payed = Val(TextBox5.Text)
balance = Val(TextBox6.Text)
paying = Val(TextBox7.Text)
d = payed + paying
c = balance - paying
TextBox5.Text = d
TextBox6.Text = c
Dim SqlQuery = "UPDATE sample SET [Payed Amount] ='" & TextBox5.Text & "',Balance ='" & TextBox6.Text & "' WHERE ID = " & a & " ; "
Dim sqlcommand As New OleDbCommand
With sqlcommand
.CommandText = SqlQuery
.Connection = conn
End With
MsgBox("student payment succesfully updated")
My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.CASHREG, AudioPlayMode.Background)
If TextBox6.Text = 0 Then
MsgBox("the student is now fully paid", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
TextBox7.Text = ""
MsgBox("students current balance is " & Convert.ToString(TextBox6.Text))
TextBox7.Text = ""
End If
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Upvotes: 1
Views: 6440
Reputation: 63340
This is part of your code:
ans = MsgBox(" are you want to upadate the students payment? ", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "confirm ")
If MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
You are assigning the result of the message box call to ans
, but then you aren't actually testing the value of ans
. When you say
If MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
this will always be true, because MsgBoxResult.Yes
is a constant value which will always come out as True
. You actually want this test to be
If ans = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
I'm slightly surprised that what you have compiles, although VB.NET isn't my strong point. I would suggest you always use Option Strict
in your code, which I believe would show this up as a problem at compile time.
Upvotes: 2