Reputation: 67

Call method with parameters

I am working through learning C# on my own - this is not a homework assignment. I am only on chapter 7 so I am hoping for a simple/basic answer.

I am having troubles calling the TalentListing method from Main that gets its parameters from another method. Do I have to duplicate them in the Main method?

I realize the methods are void - I don't need them to return anything, I just need them to run.

Sorry the code is long, I thought it would be best to show it all.

Thank you!

class Program
    static void Main()
        int pastContestants;
        int currentContestants;

        // Call Methods:
        Console.Write("LAST YEAR'S TALENT:  ");
        pastContestants = Contestants();

        Console.Write("THIS YEAR'S TALENT:  ");
        currentContestants = Contestants();
        Overview(pastContestants, currentContestants);

        // need to call the TalentListing Method...

        TalentListing(CompetitorTalents(contestantNames), CompetitorTalents(validTalentCodes), CompetitorTalents(contestantTalentCodes);


    public static int Contestants()
    { // Get & returns valid # of contestants.  Called twice - last year & this year

        int contestants = 0; // holds return value
        const int MIN = 0;  // will allow 0 as an answer
        const int MAX = 30;  // will allow 30 as an answer          

        Console.Write("Please enter the number of contestants:  ");
        contestants = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        while (contestants < MIN || contestants > MAX)
            Console.Write("Invalid number.  Please enter a number between 0 and 30, inclusive:  ");
            contestants = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        return contestants;

    public static void Overview(int past, int current)
    { // Accepts contestant - past & current.  Displays 1 of 3 messages.
        double entranceFee = 25.00;

        Console.WriteLine("\nWe had {0} contestants last year and have {1} contestants this year.", past,

        //if more than double
        if (current > (past * 2))
            Console.WriteLine("The competition is more than twice as big this year!");

        //if bigger but no more than double
        if (current > past && current < (past * 2))
            Console.WriteLine("The competition is bigger than ever!");

        //if smaller than last year
        if (current < past)
            Console.WriteLine("A tighter race this year.  Come out and cast your vote!");

        Console.WriteLine("\nThe revenue expected for this year is {0:C}.", current * entranceFee);

    public static void CompetitorTalents(int current)
    { // Fill array of competitors and their talent codes.

        string[] contestantNames;
        string contestantNameEntered;// user entry
        char[] contestantTalentCodes;
        char talentCodeEntered; // user entry
        string[] talents = { "Dancing", "Musical", "Other" };
        char[] validTalentCodes = { 'D', 'M', 'O' };
        int[] total = new int[talents.Length];
        bool validCode = false;
        int counter = 0;

        contestantNames = new string[current]; // set array size
        contestantTalentCodes = new char[current]; // set array size

        // put contestants in array
        while (counter < current)// loop for all contestants
            // get contenstants name and put in array
            Console.Write("Please enter the name of contestant:   ");
            contestantNameEntered = Console.ReadLine();
            counter += 1; // contestant number
            validCode = false;

            //place in correct array element
            contestantNames[counter - 1] = contestantNameEntered;

            // get contestants talent code, verify and place in array
            while (validCode == false) // reset per contestant
                Console.Write("Please enter the contestant's talent code (D=Dancing, M=Musical, O=Other):  ");
                talentCodeEntered = Char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper());  // convert to uppercase
                for (int x = 0; x < validTalentCodes.Length && !validCode; ++x)

                    if (talentCodeEntered == validTalentCodes[x]) // talent code valid?
                        validCode = true; // true if match found
                        contestantTalentCodes[counter - 1] = talentCodeEntered; //put talent code in array
                        x = validTalentCodes.Length;  // breaks out of loop
                if (validCode == false)  // false if no match found = invalid code.
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid code talent Code.");

        // search all elements of validTalentCodes array (D, M, O), count instances in contestantTalentCodes array
        for (int z = 0; z < validTalentCodes.Length; z++) // validTalentCodes
            for (int x = 0; x < contestantTalentCodes.Length; x++) // contestantTalentCodes
                if (contestantTalentCodes[x] == validTalentCodes[z])
        for (int x = 0; x < talents.Length; ++x)
            Console.WriteLine("Total contenstants for {0} is {1}.", talents[x], total[x]);

    public static void TalentListing(string contestantNames, char [] validTalentCodes, char [] contestantTalentCodes)
    { // Continuously prompt for talent codes and display contestants with the corresponding talent until quit.
        // What talent code would you like to see (or QUIT)?

        const char QUIT = 'Q';// must be upper as char are converted!!
        char userOption = ' ';
        bool validCode = false;

        while (userOption != QUIT)
            Console.Write("\nWhat talent code would you like to view? (D, M, O or Q to quit):  ");
            validCode = false;  // reset from previous section
            userOption = Char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper());

            for (int x = 0; x < contestantNames.Length && !validCode; ++x)
                if (userOption == validTalentCodes[x]) // valid talent code?
                    validCode = true;
                    Console.Write("The contestants in {0} talent are: ", validTalentCodes[x]);

                    // display list of contestants with that code
                    for (int z = 0; z < contestantTalentCodes.Length; z++) // validTalentCodes
                        if (contestantTalentCodes[z] == userOption)
                            Console.Write("\n{0}", contestantNames[z]);
            if (validCode == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid talent code!");

        Console.WriteLine();  // when QUIT is selected

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1373

Answers (4)

Vojtěch Dohnal
Vojtěch Dohnal

Reputation: 8104

For this simple app use static global variables. Just copy this code and take a look.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication1

    class Program
        public static string[] talents = { "Dancing", "Musical", "Other" };
        public static char[] validTalentCodes = { 'D', 'M', 'O' };
        public static string[] contestantNames;
        public static char[] contestantTalentCodes;

        static void Main()
        int pastContestants;
        int currentContestants;

        // Call Methods:
        Console.Write("LAST YEAR'S TALENT:  ");
        pastContestants = Contestants();

        Console.Write("THIS YEAR'S TALENT:  ");
        currentContestants = Contestants();
        Overview(pastContestants, currentContestants);

        // need to call the TalentListing Method...

        public static int Contestants()
        { // Get & returns valid # of contestants.  Called twice - last year & this year

            int contestants = 0; // holds return value
            const int MIN = 0;  // will allow 0 as an answer
            const int MAX = 30;  // will allow 30 as an answer          

            Console.Write("Please enter the number of contestants:  ");
            contestants = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            while (contestants < MIN || contestants > MAX)
                Console.Write("Invalid number.  Please enter a number between 0 and 30, inclusive:  ");
                contestants = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            return contestants;

        public static void Overview(int past, int current)
        { // Accepts contestant - past & current.  Displays 1 of 3 messages.
            double entranceFee = 25.00;

            Console.WriteLine("\nWe had {0} contestants last year and have {1} contestants this year.", past,

            //if more than double
            if (current > (past * 2))
                Console.WriteLine("The competition is more than twice as big this year!");

            //if bigger but no more than double
            if (current > past && current < (past * 2))
                Console.WriteLine("The competition is bigger than ever!");

            //if smaller than last year
            if (current < past)
                Console.WriteLine("A tighter race this year.  Come out and cast your vote!");

            Console.WriteLine("\nThe revenue expected for this year is {0:C}.", current * entranceFee);

        public static void CompetitorTalents(int current)
        { // Fill array of competitors and their talent codes.

            string contestantNameEntered;// user entry
            char talentCodeEntered; // user entry
            int[] total = new int[talents.Length];
            bool validCode = false;
            int counter = 0;

            contestantNames = new string[current]; // set array size
            contestantTalentCodes = new char[current]; // set array size

            // put contestants in array
            while (counter < current)// loop for all contestants
                // get contenstants name and put in array
                Console.Write("Please enter the name of contestant:   ");
                contestantNameEntered = Console.ReadLine();
                counter += 1; // contestant number
                validCode = false;

                //place in correct array element
                contestantNames[counter - 1] = contestantNameEntered;

                // get contestants talent code, verify and place in array
                while (validCode == false) // reset per contestant
                    Console.Write("Please enter the contestant's talent code (D=Dancing, M=Musical, O=Other):  ");
                    talentCodeEntered = Char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper());  // convert to uppercase
                    for (int x = 0; x < validTalentCodes.Length && !validCode; ++x)

                        if (talentCodeEntered == validTalentCodes[x]) // talent code valid?
                            validCode = true; // true if match found
                            contestantTalentCodes[counter - 1] = talentCodeEntered; //put talent code in array
                            x = validTalentCodes.Length;  // breaks out of loop
                    if (validCode == false)  // false if no match found = invalid code.
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid code talent Code.");

            // search all elements of validTalentCodes array (D, M, O), count instances in contestantTalentCodes array
            for (int z = 0; z < validTalentCodes.Length; z++) // validTalentCodes
                for (int x = 0; x < contestantTalentCodes.Length; x++) // contestantTalentCodes
                    if (contestantTalentCodes[x] == validTalentCodes[z])
            for (int x = 0; x < talents.Length; ++x)
                Console.WriteLine("Total contenstants for {0} is {1}.", talents[x], total[x]);

            return ;

        /// Continuously prompt for talent codes and display contestants with the corresponding talent until quit.
        /// What talent code would you like to see (or QUIT)?
        public static void TalentListing()
            const char QUIT = 'Q';// must be upper as char are converted!!
            char userOption = ' ';
            bool validCode = false;

            while (userOption != QUIT)
                Console.Write("\nWhat talent code would you like to view? (D, M, O or Q to quit):  ");
                validCode = false;  // reset from previous section
                userOption = Char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper());

                for (int x = 0; x < contestantNames.Length && !validCode; ++x)
                    if (userOption == validTalentCodes[x]) // valid talent code?
                        validCode = true;
                        Console.Write("The contestants in {0} talent are: ", validTalentCodes[x]);

                        // display list of contestants with that code
                        for (int z = 0; z < contestantTalentCodes.Length; z++) // validTalentCodes
                            if (contestantTalentCodes[z] == userOption)
                                Console.Write("\n{0}", contestantNames[z]);
                if (validCode == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid talent code!");

            Console.WriteLine();  // when QUIT is selected


Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 3702

Well, looking at your method signatures we can see the following:

void TalentListing(string, char[], char[])

void CompetitorTalents(int)

Your CompetitorTalents method returns a void, but you are trying to pass the result of that method as parameters for your TalentListing method. So you are essentially trying to call TalentListing(void, void, void), when really it wants a string, a char[], and then another char[]

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 50573

You need to close the method call (So you were missing a ) at the end) :

TalentListing(CompetitorTalents(contestantNames), CompetitorTalents(validTalentCodes), CompetitorTalents(contestantTalentCodes));

The methods you are calling are void meaning they dont return anything:

public static string CompetitorTalents(int current)

Then in the method call for the CompetitorTalents you should pass in what is the method needs. I would advise doing this on separate lines:

string contestantNames = CompetitorTalents(currentContestants);

And so on, then in the TalentListing you could just reference the individual variables:

TalentListing(contestantNames, validTalentCodes, contestantTalentCodes);

Upvotes: 0

Damian Schenkelman
Damian Schenkelman

Reputation: 3535

The CompetitorTalents(int current) method has no return value, you are using void. The TalentListing receives two strings. So you need to get those two from somewhere. If you want them to come from the CompetitorTalens method, you have to change it so it returns string and actually return something from it.

Upvotes: 2

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