i'm got an error:
spray.json.ProductFormats$class.productElement2Field NullPointerException
Here is my code for json deserialisation:
object DomainJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val loginInfoFormat = jsonFormat(LoginInfo, "userid", "email", "password", "rememberme")
implicit val requestStatusFormat = jsonFormat(RequestStatus, "status", "message")
implicit val requestHolderFormat = jsonFormat(RequestHolder, "requestStatus", "loginInfo")
case class RequestHolder(requestStatus : RequestStatus, loginInfo: LoginInfo) {
def this(requestStatus : RequestStatus) = this(requestStatus, null)
case class LoginInfo(userid: Int, email: String, password: String, rememberme: Boolean)
case class RequestStatus(status : Int, message: String)
val requestHolder = content.asJson.convertTo[RequestHolder] //The error is hereHere is
I guess it could be because of the overloaded constructors in the class RequestHolder.
upd: The json content is:
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Sorry for being late to the show. In my case the order of declarations mattered (and fixed the NPE issue):
trait ValuesProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val valRangeFormat: JsonFormat[ValRange] = jsonFormat2(ValRange)
implicit val specificValFormat: JsonFormat[SpecificVal] = jsonFormat1(SpecificVal)
implicit val baseValFormat: JsonFormat[BaseVal] = BaseValFormat
implicit val totalFormat: JsonFormat[Total] = jsonFormat4(Total)
This is what the JSON code was supposed to look like:
val json1 = """
|"title": "json1",
|"values": [{
|"minValue": 100,
|"maxValue": 100.5},
|"value": 300.7
The entire JSON is called Total - a case class, BaseVal is an empty class inherited by case classes ValRange and SpecificVal
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I had a similar issue and my problem was due to the order I defined the jsonreaders. I had an example like this:
implicit val multipleThings: RootJsonFormat[Things] = jsonFormat1(Things)
implicit val singleThing: RootJsonFormat[Thing] = jsonFormat1(Thing)
Here the Things
case class had a list of Thing
That didn't work because the first one implicitly needs the second one. Reordering them like this:
implicit val singleThing: RootJsonFormat[Thing] = jsonFormat1(Thing)
implicit val multipleThings: RootJsonFormat[Things] = jsonFormat1(Things)
Made it work.
All credit to:
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I had a similar issue and for me it was lazyFormat that fixed it:
implicit val requestStatusFormat: JsonFormat[RequestStatus] = lazyFormat(jsonFormat2(RequestStatus))
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I'm found solution in the official spray mailing list, the solution is use Option[MyClass] = None in the constructor, instead the override constructors with nulls, for instance, my class definition look like:
case class RequestHolder(requestStatus : RequestStatus, loginInfo: Option[LoginInfo] = None)
and now parsing works fine!
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