Reputation: 6132
Following Replicate T-SQL DecryptByPassPhrase in C#, I am unable to get a simple encryption with MSSQL to descrypt in C#. The encrypted values in certain columns is necessary because the table is exported into Excel and Access on a regular basis so simple encryption is more than enough to "block" values without having to involve developers to (re)do views, etc.
In SQL Server 2012:
select EncryptByPassPhrase( N'hello' , N'world' )
-- returns 0x01000000AA959FFB3A8E4B06B734051437E198C8B72000A058ACE91D617123DA102287EB
In C#:
byte[] buf = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "0x010000003A95FA870ED699A5F90D33C2BF01491D9132F61BA162998E96F37117AF5DA0905D51EB6FB298EC88" );
// bytes emitted from the database
var cp = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
var m = new MemoryStream(buf);
cp.Key = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "hello" ); // throws
cp.IV = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "hello" ); // throws
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream( m , cp.CreateDecryptor( cp.Key , cp.IV ) , CryptoStreamMode.Read );
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( cs );
string plainText = reader.ReadToEnd();
What should working C# code look like?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 11408
Reputation: 1065
Following is the perfect C# solution that has the same outputs as EncryptByPassPhrase and DecryptByPassPhrase in SQL functions.
using SQLServerCrypto;
static void Main()
// EncryptByPassPhrase
var passphrase = "test1234";
var encrypted = SQLServerCryptoMethod.EncryptByPassPhrase(@passphrase, "Hello world.");
// DecryptByPassPhrase
var ciphertext = "0x0100000038C94F7223E0BA2F772B611857F9D45DAF781607CC77F4A856CF08CC2DB9DF14A0593259CB3A4A2BFEDB485C002CA04B6A98BEB1B47EB107";
var password = "test1234";
var decrypted = SQLServerCryptoMethod.DecryptByPassPhraseWithoutVerification(password, ciphertext);
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace SQLServerCrypto
public static class SQLServerCryptoMethod
// SQL Server:
public static HexString EncryptByPassPhrase(string passphrase, string cleartext, int add_authenticator, string authenticator)
=> EncryptByPassPhrase(passphrase, cleartext, add_authenticator, authenticator, SQLServerCryptoVersion.V1);
public static HexString EncryptByPassPhrase(string passphrase, string cleartext, SQLServerCryptoVersion sqlServerCryptoVersion)
=> EncryptByPassPhrase(passphrase, cleartext, 0, string.Empty, sqlServerCryptoVersion);
public static HexString EncryptByPassPhrase(string passphrase, string cleartext)
=> EncryptByPassPhrase(passphrase, cleartext, 0, string.Empty, SQLServerCryptoVersion.V1);
public static HexString EncryptByPassPhrase(string passphrase, string cleartext, int add_authenticator, string authenticator, SQLServerCryptoVersion sqlServerCryptoVersion)
var sqlServerCryptoAlgorithm = new SQLServerCryptoAlgorithm(sqlServerCryptoVersion);
byte[] header = new SQLServerCryptoHeader() {
Version = sqlServerCryptoVersion,
InitializationVector = sqlServerCryptoAlgorithm.Symmetric.IV
var sqlServerCryptoMessage = new SQLServerCryptoMessage()
AddAuthenticator = add_authenticator > 0,
Authenticator = authenticator
byte[] message = sqlServerCryptoMessage;
var encryptedMessage = sqlServerCryptoAlgorithm.Symmetric
.TransformFinalBlock(message, 0, message.Length);
return new HexString(header.Concat(encryptedMessage).ToArray());
// SQL Server:
public static string DecryptByPassPhrase(string passphrase, string ciphertext)
=> DecryptByPassPhrase(passphrase, new HexString(ciphertext), 0, string.Empty, true);
public static string DecryptByPassPhrase(string passphrase, string ciphertext, int add_authenticator, string authenticator)
=> DecryptByPassPhrase(passphrase, new HexString(ciphertext), add_authenticator, authenticator, true);
public static string DecryptByPassPhraseWithoutVerification(string passphrase, string ciphertext)
=> DecryptByPassPhrase(passphrase, new HexString(ciphertext), 0, string.Empty, false);
public static string DecryptByPassPhrase(string passphrase, HexString ciphertext, int add_authenticator, string authenticator, bool verify)
byte[] ciphertextBytes = ciphertext.ToByteArray();
var version = (SQLServerCryptoVersion)ciphertextBytes[0];
var sqlServerCryptoAlgorithm = new SQLServerCryptoAlgorithm(version);
var versionAndReservedSize = 4;
var ivSize = sqlServerCryptoAlgorithm.KeySize / 2;
var header = new SQLServerCryptoHeader
Version = version,
InitializationVector = ciphertextBytes.Skip(versionAndReservedSize).Take(ivSize).ToArray()
sqlServerCryptoAlgorithm.Symmetric.IV = header.InitializationVector;
var encryptedMessage = ciphertextBytes.Skip(versionAndReservedSize+ivSize).ToArray();
var decryptedMessage = sqlServerCryptoAlgorithm.Symmetric
.TransformFinalBlock(encryptedMessage, 0, encryptedMessage.Length);
// Message
var sqlServerCryptoMessage = new SQLServerCryptoMessage()
AddAuthenticator = add_authenticator > 0,
Authenticator = authenticator
sqlServerCryptoMessage.CreateFromDecryptedMessage(decryptedMessage, verify);
return ByteArray2String(sqlServerCryptoMessage.MessageBytes);
private static string ByteArray2String(byte[] array)
=> array.Aggregate(string.Empty, (a, b) => a + Convert.ToChar(b));
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace SQLServerCrypto
public class SQLServerCryptoMessage
private const uint MAGIC_NUMBER = 0xbaad_f00d;
public uint MagicNumber { get; private set; }
public ushort IntegrityBytesLength { get; private set; }
public ushort PlainTextLength { get; private set; }
public byte[] IntegrityBytes;
public byte[] MessageBytes;
public bool AddAuthenticator = false;
private string _authenticator;
public string Authenticator
get => _authenticator;
set =>
_authenticator = value.Length > 128 ?
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The size of the authenticator string should not exceed 128 bytes.")
: value;
public SQLServerCryptoMessage() => MagicNumber = MAGIC_NUMBER;
public void CreateFromClearText(string cleartext)
MessageBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cleartext);
if (MessageBytes.Length > 8000)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The size of the cleartext string should not exceed 8000 bytes.");
MagicNumber = MAGIC_NUMBER;
IntegrityBytesLength = 0;
PlainTextLength = (ushort)MessageBytes.Length;
if (AddAuthenticator)
var integrityMessage = MessageBytes.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Authenticator)).ToArray();
IntegrityBytes = SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(integrityMessage);
IntegrityBytesLength = (ushort)IntegrityBytes.Length;
public void CreateFromDecryptedMessage(byte[] decryptedMessage, bool verify = true)
MagicNumber = BitConverter.ToUInt32(decryptedMessage, 0);
IntegrityBytesLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(decryptedMessage, 4);
PlainTextLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(decryptedMessage, 6);
var messageWithoutHeader = decryptedMessage.Skip(8);
if (IntegrityBytesLength > 0 || IntegrityBytesLength < 0xffff)
IntegrityBytes = messageWithoutHeader.Take(IntegrityBytesLength).ToArray();
if (IntegrityBytesLength != 0xffff)
MessageBytes = messageWithoutHeader.Skip(IntegrityBytesLength).ToArray();
MessageBytes = messageWithoutHeader.ToArray();
if (verify)
private void VerifyMessage()
if (MagicNumber != MAGIC_NUMBER)
throw new Exception("Message integrity error. Magic numbers are different.");
var integrityMessage = MessageBytes.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Authenticator)).ToArray();
var hash = SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(integrityMessage);
if (IntegrityBytes.Length > 0 && !hash.SequenceEqual(IntegrityBytes))
throw new Exception("Message integrity error. Invalid authenticator.");
if (PlainTextLength != MessageBytes.Length)
throw new Exception("Message integrity error. Invalid message length.");
public static implicit operator byte[](SQLServerCryptoMessage sqlServerCryptoMessage) => sqlServerCryptoMessage.ToByteArray();
public byte[] ToByteArray()
byte[] result;
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream))
if (IntegrityBytes != null)
if (MessageBytes != null)
result = memoryStream.ToArray();
return result;
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace SQLServerCrypto
public class SQLServerCryptoAlgorithm
public readonly SQLServerCryptoVersion Version;
public readonly HashAlgorithm Hash;
public readonly SymmetricAlgorithm Symmetric;
public readonly int KeySize;
public SQLServerCryptoAlgorithm(SQLServerCryptoVersion sqlCryptoVersion)
Version = sqlCryptoVersion;
switch (Version)
case SQLServerCryptoVersion.V1:
Hash = SHA1.Create();
Symmetric = TripleDES.Create();
KeySize = 16;
case SQLServerCryptoVersion.V2:
Hash = SHA256.Create();
Symmetric = Aes.Create();
KeySize = 32;
throw new Exception("Unsupported SQLServerCryptoVersion");
Symmetric.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
Symmetric.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
public void SetKeyFromPassPhrase(string passphrase)
=> Symmetric.Key = Hash
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace SQLServerCrypto
public class SQLServerCryptoHeader
public SQLServerCryptoVersion Version = SQLServerCryptoVersion.V1;
public byte[] Reserved = { 0, 0, 0 };
public byte[] InitializationVector = { };
public SQLServerCryptoHeader(SQLServerCryptoVersion sqlServerCryptoVersion = SQLServerCryptoVersion.V1)
=> Version = sqlServerCryptoVersion;
public static implicit operator byte[] (SQLServerCryptoHeader sqlServerCryptoHeader) => sqlServerCryptoHeader.ToByteArray();
public byte[] ToByteArray()
var result = new List<byte>();
return result.ToArray();
namespace SQLServerCrypto
public enum SQLServerCryptoVersion
/// TripleDES/SHA1
/// </summary>
V1 = 0x01,
/// <summary>
/// AES256/SHA256
/// </summary>
V2 = 0x02
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace SQLServerCrypto
public sealed class HexString
private readonly byte[] _byteArray;
private readonly Regex RegExValidation = new Regex("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private const string PREFIX = "0x";
public HexString(string hexString)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hexString))
throw new ArgumentException("Input string is null or empty.");
hexString = RemovePrefix(hexString);
if (hexString.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of hexcharacters.");
if (!RegExValidation.IsMatch(hexString))
throw new ArgumentException("Input string does not contain hexadecimal characters.");
_byteArray = HexStringToByteArray(hexString);
public HexString(byte[] byteArray)
if (byteArray == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Input array is null.");
if (byteArray.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Input array is empty.");
_byteArray = byteArray;
public string ValueWithoutPrefix => ByteArrayToHexString(_byteArray);
public string ValueWithPrefix => PREFIX + ValueWithoutPrefix;
public override string ToString() => ValueWithPrefix;
public byte[] ToByteArray() => _byteArray;
public static implicit operator string(HexString hexString) => hexString.ToString();
public static implicit operator byte[](HexString hexString) => hexString._byteArray;
private static string RemovePrefix(string input) => input.StartsWith(PREFIX) ? input.Remove(0, 2) : input;
// Looks nice but could be faster.
private static byte[] HexStringToByteArray(string hexString) => Enumerable.Range(0, hexString.Length)
.Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
.Select(x => Convert.ToByte(hexString.Substring(x, 2), 16))
private static string ByteArrayToHexString(byte[] byteArray) =>
BitConverter.ToString(byteArray).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower();
Please refer to the following link for the full source project.
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 181
SQL Server 2017 uses SHA256 hashing of password + AES-256 encryption
Older versions use SHA1 hashing of password + 3DES-128 encryption
IV size is the same as block size: AES = 128 bits, 3DES = 64 bits
Padding mode: PKCS #7 Cipher mode: CBC
Data encrypted by server 2017 starts with "0x02", older versions start with "0x01".
// Example decrypt:
// UInt32 - "magic" (0xbaadf00d): 0d f0 ad ba
// UInt16 - unknown (always zero): 00 00
// UInt16 - decrypted data length (16): 10 00
// byte[] - decrypted data: 4c 65 74 54 68 65 53 75 6e 53 68 69 6e 69 6e 67
DecryptCombined("0x02000000266AD4F387FA9474E825B013B0232E73A398A5F72B79BC90D63BD1E45AE3AA5518828D187125BECC285D55FA7CAFED61", "Radames");
DecryptCombined("0x010000007854E155CEE338D5E34808BA95367D506B97C63FB5114DD4CE687FE457C1B5D5", "banana");
void DecryptCombined(string FromSql, string Password)
// Encode password as UTF16-LE
byte[] passwordBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Password);
// Remove leading "0x"
FromSql = FromSql.Substring(2);
int version = BitConverter.ToInt32(StringToByteArray(FromSql.Substring(0, 8)), 0);
byte[] encrypted = null;
HashAlgorithm hashAlgo = null;
SymmetricAlgorithm cryptoAlgo = null;
int keySize = (version == 1 ? 16 : 32);
if (version == 1)
hashAlgo = SHA1.Create();
cryptoAlgo = TripleDES.Create();
cryptoAlgo.IV = StringToByteArray(FromSql.Substring(8, 16));
encrypted = StringToByteArray(FromSql.Substring(24));
else if (version == 2)
hashAlgo = SHA256.Create();
cryptoAlgo = Aes.Create();
cryptoAlgo.IV = StringToByteArray(FromSql.Substring(8, 32));
encrypted = StringToByteArray(FromSql.Substring(40));
throw new Exception("Unsupported encryption");
cryptoAlgo.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
cryptoAlgo.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
hashAlgo.TransformFinalBlock(passwordBytes, 0, passwordBytes.Length);
cryptoAlgo.Key = hashAlgo.Hash.Take(keySize).ToArray();
byte[] decrypted = cryptoAlgo.CreateDecryptor().TransformFinalBlock(encrypted, 0, encrypted.Length);
int decryptLength = BitConverter.ToInt16(decrypted, 6);
UInt32 magic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(decrypted, 0);
if (magic != 0xbaadf00d)
throw new Exception("Decrypt failed");
byte[] decryptedData = decrypted.Skip(8).ToArray();
bool isUtf16 = (Array.IndexOf(decryptedData, (byte)0) != -1);
string decryptText = (isUtf16 ? Encoding.Unicode.GetString(decryptedData) : Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedData));
Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", decryptText);
// Method taken from
public static byte[] StringToByteArray(string hex)
return Enumerable.Range(0, hex.Length)
.Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
.Select(x => Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(x, 2), 16))
Upvotes: 18
Reputation: 335
I believe the link you are following is suggesting a new way to encrypt and decrypt mimicking that of how the SQL EncryptByPassPhrase is made. So, you could only use the decrypt in C#, if you encrypted in C# as well.
Since, you already used EncryptByPassPhrase in SQL then I would suggest just using DecryptByPassPhrase in SQL before passing to C# code.
Example of your hello world encrypt and decrypt:
Declare @lEncryptedText VARBINARY(256) = (select ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('hello','world'))
SELECT @lEncryptedText --Encrypted VALUE for world
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('hello',@lEncryptedText)) --Decrypted Value
Upvotes: -1