Reputation: 324
I want to generate State - District dropdown multi select dropdowns in Wordpress.. According to the selections of States, Districts has to be loaded..
Please suggest me if there is available any plugin..
Upvotes: 1
Views: 15588
Reputation: 11
I want to share a fix for anyone that is trying to use this code. There is a mistake in line:
$file = fopen($uploads_folder.'\states_districts.csv', 'r');
it should be
$file = fopen($uploads_folder.'/states_districts.csv', 'r');
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11939
I've recently written a blog post about this: This example is with cars, but I applied to your case it would look something like this:
You could start with a CSV file containing all the states/districts, like this:
Alabama,"District 1"
Alabame,"District 2"
save it as states_districts.csv and place it somewhere on your server. (In this example I placed it in the wp-content/uploads folder)
Then using the contact form 7 plugin create 2 select fields:
[select states]
[select districts]
Next, create some javascript in your page's footer, that will perform an AJAX call
(function($) {
// create references to the dropdown fields for later use.
var $states_dd = $('[name="states"]');
var $districts_dd = $('[name="districts"]');
// run the populate_fields function, and additionally run it every time a value changes
$('select').change(function() {
function populate_fields() {
var data = {
// action needs to match the action hook part after wp_ajax_nopriv_ and wp_ajax_ in the server side script.
'action' : 'cf7_populate_values',
// pass all the currently selected values to the server side script.
'state' : $states_dd.val(),
'district' : $districts_dd.val(),
// call the server side script, and on completion, update all dropdown lists with the received values.
$.post('<?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ?>', data, function(response) {
all_values = response;
$states_dd.html('').append($('<option>').text(' -- choose state -- '));
$districts_dd.html('').append($('<option>').text(' -- choose district -- '));
$.each(all_values.states, function() {
$option = $("<option>").text(this).val(this);
if (all_values.current_state == this) {
$.each(all_values.districts, function() {
$option = $("<option>").text(this).val(this);
if (all_values.current_district == this) {
})( jQuery );
Finish up by creating your server side function that will read in the CSV file and return the correct values to the javascript:
add this to functions.php:
function ajax_cf7_populate_values() {
// read the CSV file in the $states_districts array
$states_districts = array();
$uploads_folder = wp_upload_dir()['basedir'];
$file = fopen($uploads_folder.'\states_districts.csv', 'r');
$firstline = true;
while (($line = fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE) {
if ($firstline) {
$firstline = false;
$states_districts[$line[0]][$line[1]][] = $line[2];
// setup the initial array that will be returned to the the client side script as a JSON object.
$return_array = array(
'states' => array_keys($states_districts),
'districts' => array(),
'current_state' => false,
'current_district' => false
// collect the posted values from the submitted form
$state= key_exists('state', $_POST) ? $_POST['state'] : false;
$district = key_exists('district', $_POST) ? $_POST['district'] : false;
// populate the $return_array with the necessary values
if ($state) {
$return_array['current_state'] = $state;
$return_array['districts'] = array_keys($states_districts[$state]);
if ($district) {
$return_array['current_district'] = $district;
// encode the $return_array as a JSON object and echo it
echo json_encode($return_array);
// These action hooks are needed to tell WordPress that the cf7_populate_values() function needs to be called
// if a script is POSTing the action : 'cf7_populate_values'
add_action( 'wp_ajax_cf7_populate_values', 'ajax_cf7_populate_values' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_cf7_populate_values', 'ajax_cf7_populate_values' );
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 178
Where do you wish to use the drop downs ? In plugins or in themes or just in page ?
This can be done using Ajax calls. In general, you should register a Ajax call handler in plugin/theme and add your dynamic dropdowns in your page.
jQuery is embedded with Wordpress, check this section on how to create dynamic dropdown
Upvotes: 0