Reputation: 3163
Im using $.cookie to save my current's page form even after a reload:
here is my JS:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".qty, .price").bind("keyup change", calculate);
Im saving my cookies before the page reload: (is it okay for me to this?)
window.onbeforeunload = function(event)
console.log("cookie saved!");
But my main problem is even if I navigate to other pages like:
<--cookie created here
<-- loadCookieData();
will still be triggered?
I want it to stay on 1 url/page only and will not affect other pages? any Idea please?
var storeRowData = function () {
var data = [];
$('#tblItemList tbody>tr:visible').each(function () {
var $this = $(this),
pId = $this.find("#itemId").val();
pname = $this.find('input.itemSearch').attr("value"),
desc = $this.find(".description").val(),
quant = $this.find(".qty").val(),
rowId = $this.find(".rowId").val(),
price = $this.find(".price").val();
var temp = {
productName: pname,
description: desc,
quantity: quant,
price: price,
rowId: rowId };
$.cookie('Table_Rows', JSON.stringify(data), {expires: 7, path: '/'});
function loadCookieData(){
temp = $.cookie('Table_Rows');
var parseData = JSON.parse(temp);
var html ='';
for (i in parseData) {
subTotal = parseData[i].quantity*parseData[i].price;
var st = new Number(subTotal);
var sub = st.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,');
html+="<tr><td><input id='itemName"+parseData[i].rowId+"' value='"+parseData[i].productName+"' required name='product["+parseData[i].rowId+"][name]' class='form-control col-lg-5 itemSearch' type='text' placeholder='select item' />"+
"<input type='hidden' class='rowId' value='"+parseData[i].rowId+"'>"+
"<input type='hidden' name='product[" + parseData[i].rowId + "][itemId]' value='"+parseData[i].itemId+"' id='itemId'></td>"+
"<td><textarea readonly name='product["+parseData[i].rowId+"][description]' class='form-control description' rows='1' >"+parseData[i].description+"</textarea></td>"+
"<td><input type='number' value='"+parseData[i].quantity+"' min='1' max='9999' name='product["+parseData[i].rowId+"][quantity]' class='qty form-control' required />"+
"<input id='poItemId' type='hidden' name='product[" + parseData[i].rowId + "][poContentId]'></td>"+
"<td><input type='number' value='"+parseData[i].price+"' min='1' step='any' max='9999' name='product["+parseData[i].rowId+"][price]' class='price form-control' required /></td>"+
"<td class='subtotal'><center><h3>"+sub+"</h3></center></td>"+
"<input type='hidden' name='product["+parseData[i].rowId+"][delete]' class='hidden-deleted-id'>"+
"<td class='actions'><a href='#' class='btnRemoveRow btn btn-danger'>x</a></td>"+
$("#tblItemList tbody").html(html);
for (i in parseData){
var inputBox = "#itemName"+parseData[i].rowId;
Any suggestions/Comments would really be appreciated! Thank you very much for your time and have a good day ahead!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 578
Reputation: 398
Try storing the page information whenever you save the cookie.
If you are on page , try saving the cookie as
$.cookie('Table_Rows-2', JSON.stringify(data), {expires: 7, path: '/'});
Whenever you try and load a cookie, use the page number and the Table_Rows-2 cookie won't load if you're on page 3.
Upvotes: 1