Reputation: 1
I want to be able to print 10 lines before and 10 lines after I come across a matching pattern in a file. I'm matching the pattern via regex. I would need a TCL specific solution. I basically need the equivalent of the grep -B 10 -A 10 feature.
Thanks in advance!
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Views: 3650
Reputation: 137787
If the data is “relatively small” (which can actually be 100MB or more on modern computers) then you can load it all into Tcl and process it there.
# Read in the data
set f [open "datafile.txt"]
set lines [split [read $f] "\n"]
close $f
# Find which lines match; adjust to taste
set matchLineNumbers [lsearch -all -regexp $lines $YourPatternHere]
# Note that the matches are already in order
# Handle overlapping ranges!
foreach n $matchLineNumbers {
set from [expr {max(0, $n - 10)}]
set to [expr {min($n + 10, [llength $lines] - 1)}]
if {[info exists prev] && $from <= $prev} {
lset ranges end $to
} else {
lappend ranges $from $to
set prev $to
# Print out the ranges
foreach {from to} $ranges {
puts "=== $from - $to ==="
puts [join [lrange $lines $from $to] "\n"]
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2127
The only mechanism that springs to mind is for you to split the input data into a list of lines. You'd then need to sweep through the list and whenever you found a match output a suitable collection of entries from the list.
To the best of my knowledge there's no built-in, easy way of doing this.
There might be something useful in tcllib
I'd use grep
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