Reputation: 470
Rails 3.2.13 with PostgreSQL
We are trying to optimize the below model code, which retrieves a set of e-commerce Orders from the database, based on user defined filtering criteria.
The user can select to filter orders based on Order Status, Payment Status & Shipping Status. They can set these to either be ==
or <>
a particular value for each.
After this we filter out any digital orders then paginate the results.
This all works well, except that the Order has many associations, such as products, addresses, payments etc. This causes N+1 queries and makes the process extremely slow.
belongs_to :shop
has_many :shipping_lines , :dependent => :destroy
has_many :line_items , :dependent => :destroy
has_many :taxlines , :dependent => :destroy
has_many :fulfillments , :dependent => :destroy
has_many :notes , :dependent => :destroy
has_many :discounts , :dependent => :destroy
has_one :billing_address , :dependent => :destroy
has_one :shipping_address , :dependent => :destroy
has_one :payment_detail, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :order_histories, :dependent => :destroy
Any ideas on how we can include the associations eager loaded in the below query?
Example Input: The user could want to see Any (Open or Closed), Paid orders that are not yet Shipped
Order Status == 'open'
Payment Status == 'any'
Shipping Status <> 'shipped'
The shop is identified by the subdomain
def by_filter(subdomain, filter,page)
shop_condition = "shop_id = #{subdomain.shops[0].id}"
if != "All"
if filter.order_status == "any"
status_condition = "status in (?)"
order_status = Filter::ORDER_STATUS.values - ["any"]
status_condition = "status #{Filter::STATUS_OPERATORS_MAPPING[filter.order_status_operator]} ?"
order_status = filter.order_status
if filter.payment_status == "any"
payment_status_condition = "payment_status in (?)"
payment_status = Filter::PAYMENT_STATUS.values - ["any"]
payment_status_condition = "payment_status #{Filter::STATUS_OPERATORS_MAPPING[filter.payment_status_operator]} ?"
payment_status = filter.payment_status
if filter.fulfillment_status == "any"
fulfillment_status_condition = "fulfillment_status in (?)"
fulfillment_status = Filter::FULFILLMENT_STATUS.values - ["any"]
fulfillment_status_condition = "fulfillment_status #{Filter::STATUS_OPERATORS_MAPPING[filter.fulfillment_status_operator]} ?"
fulfillment_status = filter.fulfillment_status
conditions = "#{status_condition} AND #{payment_status_condition} AND #{fulfillment_status_condition} AND #{shop_condition} "
conditions = shop_condition
orders = self.where([conditions, order_status, payment_status, fulfillment_status]).order("order_created_at #{filter.sort_by}")
if filter.digital_orders
orders_arr = ((orders.all.collect(&:shipping_address) - [nil]).collect(&:order)).flatten
orders = Kaminari.paginate_array(orders_arr).page(page).per(
orders =
return orders
The SQL Query Generated looks like this:
SELECT "orders".* FROM "orders" WHERE (status = 'open' AND payment_status in ('authorized', 'pending', 'paid', 'partially_paid', 'partially_refunded', 'refunded', 'voided') AND fulfillment_status <> 'shipped' AND shop_id = 58 ) ORDER BY order_created_at DESC
We have tried to do the regular .includes but this seems to have no effect. For example:
orders = self.includes(:shipping_address).where([conditions, order_status, payment_status, fulfillment_status]).order("order_created_at #{filter.sort_by}")
Upvotes: 1
Views: 429
Reputation: 475
Use named scopes, instead of defining the method for the Order model.
class Order
named_scope :with_address,
:include => :shipping_address
I would do the filtering and ordering with scopes also.
You can read more about :include and :joins from
Upvotes: 1