Reputation: 751
The vbscript works fine in a .vbs file. Of course, when I run the vbscript code in a .vbs file, I uncomment the 'msgbox lines.
When I load the following file, I get an error message on line 42 with no additional explanation.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
If I solve this problem, I'm going to create a menu that will invoke PDF files, .mp3 audio files, and .mp4 video files
Here's the code I've created thus far:
<title>My HTML application</title>
<script language="VBScript">
Sub Window_OnLoad
'This method will be called when the application loads
'Add your code here
' copyright JSWARE
'-- File extension default program Class.
'-- send a file extension to Function and Get path of default program.
Dim CE, txtExt, htmlExt, zipExt, pdfExt, mp4Ext
Set CE = New ClsExt
txtExt = CE.GetDefaultProgram("txt")
'MsgBox "TXT" & vbcrlf & txtExt
htmlExt = CE.GetDefaultProgram("html")
'MsgBox "HTML" & vbcrlf & htmlExt
htmlExt = CE.GetDefaultProgram("zip")
'MsgBox "ZIP" & vbcrlf & htmlExt
pdfExt = CE.GetDefaultProgram("pdf")
'MsgBox "XYZ" & vbcrlf & pdfExt
mp4Ext = CE.GetDefaultProgram("mp4")
'MsgBox "mp4" & vbcrlf & mp4Ext
Set CE = Nothing
'_______________ START ClsExt Class ____________________________
Class ClsExt
Private SH, CK1, CK, s1, s2, sType
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
CK = "\Shell\Open\Command\"
CK1 = "\Shell\Opennew\Command\"
Set SH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set SH = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function GetDefaultProgram(sExt)
If left(sExt, 1) <> "." Then
sExt = "." & sExt
End If
On Error Resume Next
sType = SH.RegRead("HKCR\" & sExt & "\") '--look up ext in HKCR to Get file type (ex.: "txtfile")
If (Err.number <> 0) or (len(sType) = 0) Then
GetDefaultProgram = ""
Exit Function
End If
s1 = SH.RegRead("HKCR\" & sType & CK) '--Shell\open\command or.....
If (Err.number = 0) and (len(s1) <> 0) Then
s2 = Stripit(s1)
GetDefaultProgram = s2
Exit Function
End If
s1 = SH.RegRead("HKCR\" & sType & CK1) '--shell\opennew\command.
If (Err.number = 0) and (len(s1) <> 0) Then
s2 = Stripit(s1)
GetDefaultProgram = s2
Exit Function
End If
s1 = SH.RegRead("HKCR\" & sExt & CK)
If (Err.number = 0) and (len(s1) <> 0) Then
s2 = Stripit(s1)
GetDefaultProgram = s2
Exit Function
End If
GetDefaultProgram = "" '--If none of these checks have found anything return "".
End Function
Private Function Stripit(sp) '--clean up default program string.
Dim ept, sf
On Error Resume Next
ept = instr(1, sp, "exe", 1) '--find End of exe path.
If ept <> 0 Then
sf = left(sp, ept + 2)
ept = instr(1, sp, "com", 1)
If ept <> 0 Then
sf = left(sp, ept + 2)
End If
End If
If left(sf, 1) = chr(34) Then '--take off any quotes or spaces.
sf = right(sf, (len(sf) - 1))
End If
sf = trim(sf)
Stripit = sf
End Function
End Class
'Set wmp = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX")
'wmp.openPlayer("E:\svr1\K\data\Steinberg Nisan\AV\2013-04-15_\VID_20130415_171550_FIXED_.mp4")
End Sub
<body bgcolor="white">
<!--Add your controls here-->
<br /><br />
<font size="7">
<b><u>Table of Contents: Index to Folder </b></u></font>
<br /><br />
<!--{{InsertControlsHere}}-Do not remove this line-->
Upvotes: 2
Views: 855
Reputation: 70943
You can not declare a class inside a sub, and you have Class ClsExt
inside Sub Window_OnLoad
Upvotes: 3