Reputation: 138
I put the cursor declaration in the prepared statement and then executed it, then returns an error #1324 - Undefined CURSOR: getid.
How do I solve this problem?
delimiter ;; drop procedure if exists test2;; create procedure test2(table_id VARCHAR(25)) BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE id INT; DECLARE id_new INT; DECLARE stmt1 VARCHAR(1024); DECLARE stmt2 VARCHAR(1024); DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; SET @sqltext1 := CONCAT('DECLARE getid CURSOR FOR SELECT entryId FROM ',table_id,' ORDER BY entryId'); PREPARE stmt1 FROM @sqltext1; EXECUTE stmt1; SET @id_new = 1; OPEN getid; FETCH getid into id; REPEAT SET @sqltext2 := CONCAT('UPDATE ',table_id,' SET entryId = ? WHERE entryId = ?'); PREPARE stmt2 FROM @sqltext2; EXECUTE stmt2 USING @new_id, id; SET @id_new = @id_new + 1; FETCH getid into id; UNTIL done END REPEAT; CLOSE getid; END ;; CALL test2('Test');
Upvotes: 1
Views: 6414
Reputation: 23992
Some rules:
) as bound parameters for
prepared statements. You can only use session
variables (say @_id
).To overcome such problems, you can adopt following solution.
Following example should work on your tables.
delimiter $$
drop procedure if exists test2$$
create procedure test2( table_id varchar(25) )
set @temp_query = 'drop temporary table if exists temp_cursor_table';
prepare pst from @temp_query;
execute pst;
drop prepare pst; -- or
-- deallocate prepare pst;
set @temp_table_query='create temporary table temp_cursor_table ';
set @temp_table_query=concat( @temp_table_query, ' select entryId from ' );
set @temp_table_query=concat( @temp_table_query, table_id );
set @temp_table_query=concat( @temp_table_query, ' order by entryId' );
prepare pst from @temp_table_query;
execute pst;
drop prepare pst;
-- now write your actual cursor and update statements
-- in a separate block
declare done int default false;
declare id int;
declare id_new int;
declare stmt1 varchar(1024);
declare stmt2 varchar(1024);
declare getid cursor for
select entryId from temp_cursor_table order by entryId;
declare continue handler for not found set done = 1;
set @id_new = 1;
open getid;
fetch getid into id;
set @sqltext2 := concat( 'update ', table_id );
set @sqltext2 := concat( @sqltext2, ' set entryId = ? where entryId = ?' );
set @_id = id;
prepare stmt2 from @sqltext2;
execute stmt2 using @new_id, @_id;
set @id_new = @id_new + 1;
fetch getid into id;
until done end repeat;
close getid;
delimiter ;
Now call the procedure with table_id
call test2( 'Test' );
Upvotes: 4