Reputation: 854
I am working with libsvm in MATLAB and am training and testing a 1-vs-all SVM with a precomputed non-linear kernel. I'm a bit new to SVMs and I am trying to calculate the decision function. I know that for a linear SVM, we can obtain w by (according to libsvm documentation):
w = model.sv_coef'*model.SVs;
We can then calculate the decision values according to:
and subsequently, predict the label accoding to sign(w'*x+b)
where b is some threshold.
I am interested specifically in obtaining the classification score from my non-linear kernel. How do I go about this?
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Views: 4182
Reputation: 12689
I'm trying to understand what do you mean by classification score. Actually you can compare the probability of each model, and select the largest one, as what I did in your previous post.
It is also fine if you are using decision functions. Suppose you are using RBF kernel, and model.Label(1) = 1
, then you have (if model.Label(1) = -1
, then w = -w; b = -b;
[m,n] = size(model.SVs); % m is the number of support vectors,...
and n is the number of features
w = model.sv_coef; % m*1 weight vector
b = -model.rho; % scalar
Now you are given v
under test. And you also have [1,n] = size(v);
Then for each row i
in support vectors, compute the Euclidean distance (you can vectorize the code below):
for i = 1:m
d(i) = norm(model.SVs(i,:) - v);
t(i) = exp(-gamma* d(i) .^2); % RBF model, t is 1*m vector
And the decision function (or score from the decision function) is:
s = t * w + b;
You can obtain the decision function similarly with other non-linear kernels.
With a self-written precomputed kernel, let's take the RBF kernel as example:
% RBF kernel: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2)
rbf = @(X,Y) exp(-gamma .* pdist2(X,Y,'euclidean').^2);
% Kernel matrices with sample serial number as first column as required
K_train = [(1:numTrain)' , rbf(trainData,trainData)];
K_test = [(1:numTest)' , rbf(testData,trainData)];
%# train and test
model = svmtrain(trainLabel, K_train, '-t 4');
[predLabel, ~, ~] = svmpredict(testLabel, K_test, model);
%# confusion matrix
C = confusionmat(testLabel,predLabel);
Upvotes: 2