Reputation: 1805
My goal is simple, I am trying to generate a list of all possible combinations for a product in a database.
So for example; the product options are as follows
I want to be able to auto generate every single combination of all 3:
Small, Red, Mens
Small, Green, Mens
Small, Blue, Mens
I need the function to work whether I pass 2,3,4 or 5 arrays into it.
I've done quite a bit of research and came across the following articles but have been unable to accomplish my goal.
The articles I found are as follows:
Upvotes: 2
Views: 10567
Reputation: 105
(I think) I needed the exact same thing, but I couldn't quite find exactly what I needed amongst the answers (mainly because they were in languages I don't know, I guess).
I came with this (The function itself):
Public Function nChooseK(Of T)(ByVal Values As List(Of T), ByVal k As Integer, Optional ByRef Result As List(Of List(Of T)) = Nothing, Optional ByRef CurCombination As List(Of T) = Nothing, Optional ByVal Offset As Integer = 0) As List(Of List(Of T))
Dim n = Values.Count
If CurCombination Is Nothing Then CurCombination = New List(Of T)
If Result Is Nothing Then Result = New List(Of List(Of T))
If k <= 0 Then
Return Result
For i = Offset To n - k
nChooseK(Values, k - 1, Result, CurCombination, i + 1)
CurCombination.RemoveAt(CurCombination.Count - 1)
Return Result
End If
End Function
All one needs to do is put it in a module (or just above/below the sub/function which calls it I guess) and call it with any kind of variable and a number
How to call it:
nChooseK(List, kInteger)
Small example:
Dim NumbersCombinations As List(Of List(Of Integer)) = nChooseK(lstNumbers, k)
Full example for use with Integers and Strings along with printing the result to the screen:
Dim Numbers() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Dim lstNumbers = New List(Of Integer)
Dim k = 3
Dim NumbersCombinations As List(Of List(Of Integer)) = nChooseK(lstNumbers, k)
Dim sbCombinations1 As New StringBuilder
For i = 0 To NumbersCombinations.Count - 1
For j = 0 To NumbersCombinations(i).Count - 1
sbCombinations1.Append(NumbersCombinations(i)(j) & " ")
sbCombinations1.Length = sbCombinations1.Length - 1
Dim lstNoumera = New List(Of String)
lstNoumera.AddRange({"ena", "dio", "tria", "tessera", "pente"})
Dim Combinations As List(Of List(Of String)) = nChooseK(lstNoumera, k)
Dim sbCombinations2 As New StringBuilder
For i = 0 To Combinations.Count - 1
For j = 0 To Combinations(i).Count - 1
sbCombinations2.Append(Combinations(i)(j) & " ")
sbCombinations2.Length = sbCombinations2.Length - 1
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 152644
Adapting code from Eric Lippert's blog on Cartesian products:
Private Function CartesianProduct(Of T)(ParamArray sequences As T()()) As T()()
' base case:
Dim result As IEnumerable(Of T()) = {New T() {}}
For Each sequence As var In sequences
Dim s = sequence
' don't close over the loop variable
' recursive case: use SelectMany to build the new product out of the old one
result = From seq In result
From item In s
Select seq.Concat({item}).ToArray()
Return result.ToArray()
End Function
Dim s1 As String() = New String() {"small", "med", "large", "XL"}
Dim s2 As String() = New String() {"red", "green", "blue"}
Dim s3 As String() = New String() {"Men", "Women"}
Dim ss As String()() = CartesianProduct(s1, s2, s3)
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 13124
Recursion is sometimes the wrong way to go.
If you don't want to use recursion (afraid of StackOverflow exceptions?), you can do it like this:
List<List<string>> Combine(List<List<string>> lists)
List<List<string>> result = new List<List<string>>();
var arrayIndexes = new int[lists.Count];
result.Add(GetCurrentItem(lists, arrayIndexes));
while (!AllIndexesAreLast(lists, arrayIndexes))
for (int i = arrayIndexes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
arrayIndexes[i] = (arrayIndexes[i] + 1) % lists[i].Count;
if (arrayIndexes[i] != 0)
result.Add(GetCurrentItem(lists, arrayIndexes));
return result;
List<string> GetCurrentItem(List<List<string>> lists, int[] arrayIndexes)
var item = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < lists.Count; i++)
return item;
bool AllIndexesAreLast(List<List<string>> lists, int[] arrayIndexes)
for (int i = 0; i < arrayIndexes.Length; i++)
if (lists[i].Count - 1 != arrayIndexes[i])
return false;
return true;
And you can use it like this:
var shirts = new List<List<string>>()
new List<string>() {"colour", "red", "blue", "green", "yellow"},
new List<string>() {"cloth", "cotton", "poly", "silk"},
new List<string>() {"type", "full", "half"}
var result = Combine(shirts);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 41589
You can achieve this with a bit of recursion.
The following ends up returning an array of arrays of strings.
Public class Permuter
Public Function Permute(ParamArray toPermute As String()()) As String()()
Return DoPermute(Nothing, toPermute)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Permute the first two arrays,then pass that, and the remainder recursively
''' </summary>
Private Function DoPermute(working As String()(), toPermute As String()()) As String()()
Dim nextWorking As String()()
If working Is Nothing Then
'Make a new working list
nextWorking = (From a In toPermute(0)
Select {a}).ToArray
'Combine from the next working list
nextWorking = (From a In working, b In toPermute(0)
Select a.Concat({b}).ToArray).ToArray
End If
If toPermute.Length > 1 Then
'Go Around again
Dim nextPermute = toPermute.Skip(1).ToArray
Return DoPermute(nextWorking, nextPermute)
'We're done
Return nextWorking
End If
End Function
End Class
Call the public method as:
Dim permuter = New Permuter
Dim permutations = permuter.Permute({"a", "b", "c"}, {"1", "2", "3"}, {"x", "y", "z"})
Update: Taking on @DStanley's Eric Lippert blog reference, the following is a conversion of the accumulator method mentioned on that post:
Public Function CartesianProduct(Of T)(ParamArray sequences As T()()) As IEnumerable(Of IEnumerable(Of T))
Dim emptyProduct As IEnumerable(Of IEnumerable(Of T)) = {Enumerable.Empty(Of T)()}
Return sequences.Aggregate(
Function(accumulator, sequence) _
From accseq In accumulator, item In sequence
Select accseq.Concat({item})
End Function
Note that this returns lazy queries, rather than an expanded set of arrays.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2563
Three loops one inside the other should do the trick.
So pseudo code...
For each value in sex array
For each value in size array
For each value in colour array
Output sex, size, colour values
Next colour
Next size
Next sex
Updated Psudo
Sub ouputOptions(array1, array2, array3, array4, array5)
For each value in array1
For each value in array2
If array3 Not Nothing Then
For each value in array3
If array4 Not Nothing Then
For each value in array4
If array5 Not Nothing Then
For each value in array5
output array1, array2, array3, array4, array5 values
next array5
Output array1, array2, array3, array4 values
End if
Next array4
Output array1, array2, array3 values
End if
next array3
Output array1, array2 values
End if
Next array2
Next array1
End Sub
You would need to specify array3 to 5 as Optional
Upvotes: 0