Reputation: 117
I'm attempting to create an Ember application with nested views. I (basically) want three vertical columns. The left-most containing a list of Environments. Clicking an environment will populate the second (centre) column with the Job objects associated with the environment, and then when clicking on a Job in second column it populates the third column with various details based on the Job.
The data is coming from a Rails api via ActiveModel serializers, embedding IDs as required.
So far, I have the following routes defined: ()->
this.resource 'environments', ->
this.resource 'environment', {path: ":environment_id"}, ->
this.resource 'jobs'
Skills.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend
redirect: ->
this.transitionTo 'environments'
Skills.EnvironmentsRoute = Ember.Route.extend
setupController: (controller) ->
My handlebars application template:
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
{{outlet }}
The Environments template
<div id="environments" class="col-sm-4">
{{#each }}
{{view Skills.EnvironmentView }}
<div class="col-sm-8">
Environments View:
Skills.EnvironmentView = Ember.View.extend
templateName: 'environment'
click: ->
# should I be trying to update the Jobs controller here?
Environments controller:
Skills.EnvironmentsController = Ember.ArrayController
Skills.Environment = DS.Model.extend
title: DS.attr('string')
description: DS.attr('string')
jobs: DS.hasMany('job')
Skills.Job = DS.Model.extend
title: DS.attr('string')
environment: DS.belongsTo('environment')
This will lookup and display the Environments in the first column. How do I get the Jobs controller populated with the selected Environments Jobs from the association?
Edit: Binding seems like what I'm after, but I'm unsure as to how to bind the model/content property of one controller to a property from another?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 136
Reputation: 1427
What you should do is populate the list of environments in the environments template (not the environments.index template). When an environment is selected from this list it should transition to the route. In the environment resource route it should show the list of jobs for that environment. This environment template should be rendered into the environments template. Then choosing a job will transition to the route underneath the jobs resource.
The key is that the top level resource route will be retained and the subsequent child routes will be rendered into it, preserving the resource lists while rendering the child details. ()->
this.resource 'environments', ->
this.route 'index'
this.resource 'environment', {path: ":environment_id"}, ->
this.route 'index'
this.route 'show'
this.resource 'jobs'
this.route 'index'
this.resource 'job'
this.route 'show'
Upvotes: 1