Reputation: 4995
How to combine tuple lists in erlang? I have lists:
L1 = [{k1, 10}, {k2, 20}, {k3, 30}, {k4, 20.9}, {k6, "Hello world"}],
L2 = [{k1, 90}, {k2, 210}, {k3, 60}, {k4, 66.9}, {k6, "Hello universe"}],
now I want a combined list as :
L3 = [
{k1, [10, 90]},
{k2, [20, 210]},
{K3, [30, 60]},
{k4, [20.9, 66.9]},
{K6, ["Hello world", "Hello universe"]}
Upvotes: 5
Views: 7708
Reputation: 957
You can use lists comprehensions:
L1 = [{k1, 10}, {k2, 20}, {k3, 30}, {k4, 20.9}, {k6, "Hello world"}],
L2 = [{k1, 90}, {k2, 210}, {k3, 60}, {k4, 66.9}, {k6, "Hello universe"}],
[ {K,[V1,V2]} || {K,V1} <- L1, {K2,V2} <- L2, K == K2].
[{k1,"\nZ"}, % [10,90] shown in console as string..
{k6,["Hello world","Hello universe"]}]
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Reputation: 18849
There is a nice solution to this one by using the sofs
module in the Erlang Standard library. The sofs
module describes a DSL for working with mathematical sets. This is one of those situations, where you can utilize it by transforming your data into the SOFS-world, manipulate them inside that world, and then transform them back again outside afterwards.
Note that I did change your L3 a bit, since sofs
does not preserve the string order.
-compile(export_all). % Don't do this normally :)
x() ->
L1 = [{k1, 10}, {k2, 20}, {k3, 30}, {k4, 20.9}, {k6, "Hello world"}],
L2 = [{k1, 90}, {k2, 210}, {k3, 60}, {k4, 66.9}, {k6, "Hello universe"}],
L3 = [{k1, [10, 90]},{k2, [20, 210]},{k3, [30, 60]},{k4, [20.9, 66.9]},{k6, ["Hello universe", "Hello world"]}],
R = sofs:relation(L1 ++ L2),
F = sofs:relation_to_family(R),
L3 = sofs:to_external(F),
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 4878
What happened to lists:zipwith/2
lists:zipwith(fun({X, Y}, {X, Z}) -> {X, [Y, Z]} end, L1, L2).
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1714
Maybe this is not the best way, but it does what you are trying to achieve.
merge([{A, X}| T1], [{A, Y} | T2], Acc) ->
New_acc = [{A, [X, Y]} | Acc],
merge(T1, T2, New_acc);
merge([{A, X} | T1], [{B, Y} | T2], Acc) ->
New_acc = [{A, [X]}, {B, Y} | Acc],
merge(T1, T2, New_acc);
merge([], [{B, Y} | T], Acc) ->
New_acc = [{B, Y} | Acc],
merge([], T, New_acc);
merge([{A, X} | T], [], Acc) ->
New_acc = [{A, X} | Acc],
merge(T, [], New_acc);
merge([], [], Acc) ->
I'm assuming that the input lists are ordered as in your sample input. If not you can use lists:sort/2
to sort them before merging.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 26121
This technique is called merge join. It is well known in database design.
merge(L1, L2) ->
merge_(lists:sort(L1), lists:sort(L2)).
merge_([{K, V1}|T1], [{K, V2}|T2]) -> [{K, [V1, V2]}|merge_(T1, T2)];
merge_([], []) -> [].
If there can be different sets of keys in both lists and you are willing to drop those values you can use
merge_([{K, V1}|T1], [{K, V2}|T2]) -> [{K, [V1, V2]}|merge_(T1, T2)];
merge_([{K1, _}|T1], [{K2, _}|_]=L2) when K1 < K2 -> merge_(T1, L2);
merge_(L1, [{_, _}|T2]) -> merge_(L1, T2);`
merge_(_, []) -> [].
Or if you would like store those values in lists
merge_([{K, V1}|T1], [{K, V2}|T2]) -> [{K, [V1, V2]}|merge_(T1, T2)];
merge_([{K1, V1}|T1], [{K2, _}|_]=L2) when K1 < K2 -> [{K1, [V1]}|merge_(T1, L2)];
merge_(L1, [{K2, V2}|T2]) -> [{K2, [V2]}|merge_(L1, T2)];
merge_(L1, []) -> [{K, [V]} || {K, V} <- L1].
You can of course use tail recursive version if you don't mind result in reverse order or you can always use lists:reverse/1
merge(L1, L2) ->
merge(lists:sort(L1), lists:sort(L2), []).
merge([{K, V1}|T1], [{K, V2}|T2], Acc) -> merge(T1, T2, [{K, [V1, V2]}|Acc]);
merge([], [], Acc) -> Acc. % or lists:reverse(Acc).
merge([{K, V1}|T1], [{K, V2}|T2], Acc) -> merge(T1, T2, [{K, [V1, V2]}|Acc]);
merge([{K1, _}|T1], [{K2, _}|_]=L2, Acc) when K1 < K2 -> merge(T1, L2, Acc);
merge(L1, [{_, _}|T2], Acc) -> merge(L1, T2, Acc);`
merge(_, [], Acc) -> Acc. % or lists:reverse(Acc).
merge([{K, V1}|T1], [{K, V2}|T2], Acc) -> merge(T1, T2, [{K, [V1, V2]}|Acc]);
merge([{K1, V1}|T1], [{K2, _}|_]=L2, Acc) when K1 < K2 -> merge(T1, L2, [{K1, [V1]}|Acc]);
merge(L1, [{K2, V2}|T2], Acc) -> merge(L1, T2, [{K2, [V2]}|Acc]);`
merge([{K1, V1}|T1], [], Acc) -> merge(T1, [], [{K1, [V1]} | Acc]);
merge([], [], Acc) -> Acc. % or lists:reverse(Acc).
% or merge(L1, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc, [{K, [V]} || {K, V} <- L1]).
% instead of two last clauses.
If there is possibility that one of lists can contain same keys and you are willing collect all values you can consider this
merge(L1, L2) ->
merge(lists:sort(L1), lists:sort(L2), []).
merge([{K1, _}|_]=L1, {K2, _}|_]=L2, Acc) ->
K = min(K1, K2),
{Vs1, T1} = collect(K, L1, []),
{Vs2, T2} = collect(K, L2, Vs1),
merge(T1, T2, [{K, Vs2}|Acc]);
merge([{K, _}|_]=L1, [], Acc) ->
{Vs, T1} = collect(K, L1, []),
merge(T1, [], [{K, Vs}|Acc]);
merge([], [{K, _}|_]=L2, Acc) ->
{Vs, T2} = collect(K, L2, []),
merge([], T2, [{K, Vs}|Acc]);
merge([], [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc).
collect(K, [{K, V}|T], Acc) -> collect(K, T, [V|Acc]);
collect(_, T, Acc) -> {Acc, T}.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 3658
Something shorter, and the lists don't even have to posses the same keys, and can be unordered:
merge(In1,In2) ->
Combined = In1 ++ In2,
Fun = fun(Key) -> {Key,proplists:get_all_values(Key,Combined)} end,
Fun could be written directly in the lists:map/2
function, but this makes it readable.
Output, with data from example:
1> test:merge(L1,L2).
{k6,["Hello world","Hello universe"]}]
is because erlang interprets [10,90] as a string (which are, in fact, lists). Don't bother.
Upvotes: 4