Reputation: 19
I am facing a confusing problem in my program. I need in my program to port map (calling) a component. Also, inside the component, I need to do another port mapping (calling) which is illegal in VHDL. Do you have an alternative solution to this problem. Here is an example of what I meant.
Here I start my program:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity binary1 is
port( N: in std_logic;
d: out integer);
end binary1 ;
Architecture Behavior1 of binary1 is
Here is a component for example:
component binary_integer_1 is
port ( b1: in std_logic;
int1: out integer);
end component;
The command for calling the component: begin s0: binary_integer_1 port map(n,d); end Behavior1 ;
Also, here is the main program:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity binary_integer_1 is
port ( b1: in std_logic;
int1: out integer);
end binary_integer_1;
architecture Behavior4 of binary_integer_1 is
if b1 = '1' then
int1 <= 1;
int1 <= 0;
end if;
end process;
end Behavior4;
For example, if I want to do a port map inside the upper entity. I have got an illegal statement. Please, provide me with another way to do it.
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Views: 2850
I did a small example of a three level design hierarchy. The entity and architecture pairs are listed from bottom to top.
entity comp1 is
port (
x: in integer;
y: out integer
end entity;
architecture foo of comp1 is
y <= x after 2 ns;
end architecture;
entity comp2 is
port (
a: in integer;
b: out integer
end entity;
architecture fum of comp2 is
component comp1 is
port (
x: in integer;
y: out integer
end component;
comp1 port map (X => A, Y => B);
end architecture;
entity top is
end entity;
architecture fum of top is
component comp2 is
port (
a: in integer;
b: out integer
end component;
signal a: integer := 0;
signal b: integer;
comp2 port map (a => a, b => b);
wait for 5 ns;
a <= 1;
wait for 5 ns;
a <= 2;
wait for 5 ns;
a <= 3;
wait for 5 ns;
end process;
end architecture;
ghdl -a component.vhdl
ghdl -e top
ghdl -r top --wave=top.ghw
(open top.ghw with gtkwave, setup waveform display), and:
So we have a top level entity top, which happens to be a test bench (no ports), it instantiates component comp2 which contains an instantiated component comp1, which provides a 2 ns delayed assigned to the output from the input.
The maximum negative value for the integer b is the left value for the integer range, and is the default, just like for std_logic the left value is 'U'; The output shows the default value until simulation time advances to an occurrence of x being assigned to y in comp1 (after 2 ns). The transition to 0 happened because of the default value for x in top.
I used integers to avoid context clauses (a library clause and a use clause). I could have used direct entity instantiation, but you showed a component declaration.
Upvotes: 1